Good News (Long #1)

Good News (Long #1)

Oris: Bible stories from Genesis through the ascension. How to become a follower of Jesus. 40 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording.

Številka scenarija: 407

Jezik: English

Tema: Sin and Satan (Temptation, Deliverance, Light/Darkness, Sin, disobedience, Satan (the devil)); Christ (Jesus, Our Substitute, Resurrection of Jesus, Son of God, Saviour of Sinful Men, Birth of Christ, Ascension, Sacrifice / Atonement, Death of Christ, Life of Christ); Eternal life (Salvation, Eternal / everlasting life, Broad & Narrow Ways); Character of God (Love of God, Holy Spirit, Grace and Mercy, Nature, character of God, Word of God (the Bible), Power of God / Jesus); Living as a Christian (Fruit of the Spirit, Prayer, petition, New Nature, Worship, Witnessing, Church, Christianity, Second Birth, Obedience, No other gods, idols, Peace with God, Leaving old way, begin new way, Forgiveness, Faith, trust, believe in Jesus, Peace (between men), Children of God, Family, relationships, Spiritual Life, Christian values); Life event (Death); Bible timeline (Creation, Law of God, End Time, Second Coming, Gospel, Good News, People of God); Problems (Materialism, Evil Spirits, demons, Fear, Problems, troubles, worries)

Občinstvo: General

Slog: Monolog

Žanr: Bible Stories & Teac

Namen: Evangelism

Stanje: Obsolete

Besedilo scenarija



(1) Take the Good News Picture.
(2) Look at the picture and listen to the recording.
(3) When you hear this sound - (BEEP) - stop the recording and turn to the next picture.



Before this earth was made everything was mixed up together.
Water, ground, light and darkness were mixed up together.
There was no dry land, no water, no living thing.
Only the one true God lived in the Heavens.
His Son lived with Him and His Spirit. All three were together before this ground was made.

(When you see the light in the picture in the corner, you think about God, His Son and His Spirit.)
God is not the sun or the moon.
Now God gave an order "Light you come" and light came.
Now God said 'water and dry land you come' and they obeyed.
He is the only true living God.

Picture 2: GOD SPEAKS

Picture 2: GOD SPEAKS

This is a book. This book is called the Bible. In it are the words God wants men to hear. God tells men about Himself in this book. God says He is holy; He lives in the heavens; He loves all men. God gives orders to men in the book. Now listen and you learn what God wants men to know.

Picture 3: CREATION

Picture 3: CREATION

God made the trees, the grass and fruit. After that, God made the birds and fish. Then He made all the animals. Everything in God's garden was very good. Then God made a man and called him Adam. He made a woman and called her Eve and gave her to Adam to be his wife. God wanted them to be His friends. God loved Adam and Eve. God talked to them and they talked to God. God wanted all these good things to be like that all the time. God made Adam master over all living things.

Picture 4: ADAM & EVE

Picture 4: ADAM & EVE

God said to Adam and Eve "You can eat any kind of fruit in the garden One tree only you must not eat. Suppose you eat that fruit, I will punish you." There is one strong bad spirit called Satan. He is God's enemy and wants to spoil all good things. Satan talked to Eve, He told Eve a lie. He said 'If you eat that fruit God will not punish you. You will have all wisdom and be like God.' Eve disobeyed God, took the fruit and ate it and gave it to Adam. They both disobeyed God. God punished them and sent them out of the garden. God still loved them. Now they could not be God's friends. They were separated from God. God was sorry for them. God said 'I will have to make a way for them to come back to Me again.'

Picture 5: CAIN AND ABEL

Picture 5: CAIN AND ABEL

Now Adam and Eve had to work hard to get their food. This was God's punishment for their disobedience. They were separated from God. Every child born to them now was like their parents. When their children grew up they did many bad things, stealing, killing, lying, fighting. One boy called Cain hated his brother Abel. One day Cain was very angry. He killed Abel. The badness (or bad things) in Adam and Eve's lives now had come into their children. All children born after this had badness in their lives.

Picture 6: Noah’s Ark

Picture 6: Noah’s Ark

After this there were many children born. There were many people; they did not want to obey God. God said, 'I will punish them and finish with them.' Only one man called Noah loved God. God told Noah 'I am going to send a big rain and flood and punish all men.' God told Noah to build a big ship. Noah's sons helped him build the ship. Now Noah told all people 'Anyone who gets inside this ship with me can be saved.' They laughed at Noah. Noah and his family went inside the ship and God closed the door. The sun was shining. The rain had not come.

The Flood

The Flood

Now the rain came. The water covered up every tree and mountain. People died, men, women and children drowned. Some people called out 'Noah, let us in.' It was too late. They did not believe what God had told Noah. By and by everyone outside the ship died. For a long time water covered the ground. By and by the water finished. Noah and his family came out of the ship. God put a rainbow in the sky. It is God's promise He will not punish men like this again.

Abraham and Sarah and Isaac

Abraham and Sarah and Isaac

A long time passed. Many more people were born. People spread out to other places. They spoke many languages. God saw Abraham was a good man and said; 'Your children will be as many as the stars.' Abraham's wife, Sarah, did not give Abraham any children. Now they were very old. Sarah was too old to have a baby. You see Sarah's white hair. Sarah laughed at God and did not believe God's words. Abraham kept on believing God's promise. It did not matter that Sarah was too old. Now when Sarah was too old she had a baby. They called him Isaac. Through Abraham's son, Isaac, the nation who are called Jews, came. Abraham had another son by another woman called Hagar, whose name was Ishmael. God promised it was through Isaac's line God's own son would be born. His name would be called Jesus. This would come a long time afterwards.

Moses and the Law

Moses and the Law

Moses was another man who obeyed and loved God. God told Moses 'Go up into a special mountain.' God said 'Put a fence around the mountain. The people must not come up the mountain near me. I am a Holy God.' Moses went up to the top of the mountain. The mountain was covered in thick cloud, thunder and lightning. God spoke to Moses. He gave Moses some laws for the people. Now Moses brought these laws to the people. God said, 'All the people must keep my laws.'

God's Commandments

God's Commandments

God gave many laws. Here are some of them. You must not make any likeness of any living thing. You must not bow down to it. I am the only true Spirit. You obey Me and do what I say. One day in seven you must not work. It is My day; think about Me. Children obey and look after your mother and father. You must not kill any man. You must not make trouble with another man's wife. You must not look at another man's things and say 'that is good, I will steal it.'

Sacrifice for Sin

Sacrifice for Sin

When people break God's laws it is wrong. All people have broken God's laws. God sees and knows all the things men do. He sees the good things and the bad things. God loves all people. God cannot say 'It doesn't matter when men do wrong.' God gave an order 'Take a good young sheep and kill it.' The sheep dies in the place of a man. Its blood runs out .Its blood covers up that man's wrong doing. And so God says 'I will not punish that man. That sheep has been punished in the place of that man.'

The Angel and Mary

The Angel and Mary

We told you before that Adam and Eve disobeyed God. He sent them out of the garden. God promised a that time He would make a way for man to come back to God. A long time afterwards God made a way. There was a single girl promised to marry a man called Joseph Her name was Mary. Before she married Joseph, she did not sleep with Joseph. God sent a messenger from Heaven to Mary. The messenger said to Mary, 'God's Holy Spirit will cause you to have a son.' That son will make a way for men to come back to God. God said, 'Do not kill any animal for Me any more. My Son will make a perfect (No. 1) sacrifice. I will be satisfied if my Son dies for men.'

The Birth of Jesus

The Birth of Jesus

Now the time came for Mary to have this baby. The government told all people to come together to one place to pay tax. There was no good place for Mary to give birth to the baby. The only place was in a cow shed. When the baby was born, God said 'Call the baby's name Jesus. I have sent Him to save people from all their wrong doing. Jesus means save. The night the baby was born, some men were out minding the sheep. It was dark and cold. Suddenly the sky was full of God's messengers. The messengers said, "Don't be frightened. Go into the city. You will find the baby in a cow shed. He is God's Son. He will save people from their wrong doing."

The Boy Jesus

The Boy Jesus

By and by the boy Jesus grew up. He had great wisdom. He knew all things. He was God's Son. When He was a small boy, He talked to old wise men about God. The old men were surprised at His great wisdom. We told you before, Jesus was with His Father in Heaven when this ground was made. When Jesus had grown to be a man, He went out to do God's work. God said, "This is My Son, you must listen to Him." God said, "If you obey the words of Jesus, you will obey My words."

Jesus’ Miracles

Jesus’ Miracles

Jesus did many things to show His power. Crowds of people followed Him. They brought sick people to Him. Blind people, lame people. He healed them all. One man had been dead for four days. His body was stinking. Jesus brought back his breath again. Another time Jesus' friends were in a boat. The wind was strong. The boat was sinking down. The men were frightened. Jesus came walking on the water. Jesus did not sink down. Jesus gave an order and said, "Water be quiet. Wind finish." Straight away the wind and sea obeyed Jesus.

Jesus Beaten

Jesus Beaten

Thousands and thousands of people followed Jesus. They wanted to make Jesus their king. Jesus always told the people to obey the law of God and the government too. Jesus said He did not come to be a king of this world. The leaders took Him to court. The soldiers hit Jesus. They spat on Him. The soldiers laughed at Him. They put a ring of thorns on His head. Jesus did not fight back or run away. He came to take the punishment for other men's wrong doing. Jesus was not angry with those men who beat Him. Jesus told His friends many times that He would be beaten and killed. He said, "I will be dead for three days and come alive again." His friends did not believe Him. Jesus' friends ran away when they saw that the soldiers were killing Jesus

Jesus on the Cross

Jesus on the Cross

The government killed bad men by nailing them to a cross. They nailed Jesus through His hands and feet. This way men did not die quickly. His blood ran out and He died. God said, "Blood must run out if I am to forgive man's sin." Jesus died in the middle of the day. Now darkness like middle night came. A big earthquake frightened all the people. One soldier said, "This man truly was God's Son." After He died, the friends of Jesus took His body. They wrapped it up and put it in a big cave. They rolled a big stone in front of the cave. The government put soldiers to guard the cave. The government did not want His body to be stolen and then people to say that Jesus came alive again.

The Resurrection

The Resurrection

Three days after Jesus was buried, friends came to the cave. They saw the big stone had been rolled away. The cave was empty. The wrappings of His body were there. The body of Jesus had gone. Messengers from Heaven said to these people, "Jesus is not here. He is alive again. He told you many times." Now these women ran and told Jesus' friends. They too came running to the cave. They looked in. Now they remembered what Jesus said before. "I will be dead for three days. I will come alive again." He was seen by many people.



Thomas was a friend of Jesus. He did not come to the cave. He did not believe Jesus was alive again. Thomas said, "I must see the nail holes. I must put my finger in the nail holes in Jesus' hands." Thomas and some of Jesus' friends were gathered together in a house. Jesus came into that house. He did not come through the door. His new body was a spirit body. When Thomas saw Jesus, he saw the marks of the nails in Jesus' hands. Thomas knew it was Jesus. He did not want to put his finger in the holes. Thomas believed.

The Ascension

The Ascension

For forty days Jesus walked around. Many, many people saw Him and talked to Him. One time five hundred people saw Him. Now Jesus said, "I am going back to my Father. I will make ready many, many houses in my Father's place. They are for men who will obey and follow Me." Jesus said, "I will not leave you on your own. I will send My Spirit to live in you." Now Jesus is with His Father in Heaven. And His spirit is now with men who love and obey Him. Before Jesus went to Heaven He spoke and said, "Go out into all the world and tell all men this good news." Now Jesus' friends watched Him go back to Heaven. At the same time two messengers came from Heaven. They said to the men who were looking up "One day He will come back again to this ground Just like you have seen Jesus go back into Heaven."

The Empty Cross

The Empty Cross

Now we want to talk more about Jesus. He always obeyed His Father. Wicked men nailed Him to a cross like in the picture. Men should be punished for disobeying God. The death that Jesus died is the death that you and I should die for our sin. But Jesus took man's place of punishment. It is the only sacrifice that satisfied God. There is no other sacrifice that can take away men's sins. Jesus' blood has made a way for us to go to God's good place. Has Jesus' blood washed away your wrong doing? God's book says no dirty thing can enter God's good place.

The Two Roads

The Two Roads

Jesus talked about two roads. One is a wide road. Everyone is born and starts to walk that road. It is an easy road. Men like to do wrong things on that road. Men find many bad friends on that road. It is Satan's road. It finishes up with Satan in the place of fire and punishment. The narrow road starts when a man chooses to follow Jesus. It is a good road. Jesus walks that road with men. It finishes up in God's good place. There is no punishment there because Jesus has taken the punishment. Everyone must choose for himself. If he wants the wide road or the narrow road.

God’s Family

God’s Family

When Jesus died, God finished the killing and sacrificing of animals for man's sin. God opened a new door for men to go into God. God wants us all to join His family. God loves all people He has created - red, yellow, black and white - poor people, rich people, wicked people and good people - bush and coast people. God says men and women, boys and girls can all join His family. Do you want to join God's family? God's word says we can talk to Him like this. "I know I am a bad man (or woman). I know I should die for all my wrong doing. I want your Spirit to come into my life. Make me one of your family."

God’s Spirit

God’s Spirit

Now we want to speak more about God's Spirit. You see the man in the picture. His name is Nicodemus. He came to Jesus to talk to Him. Jesus said to him "You must be born twice if you want to belong to God's family, if you want to go to God's good place." Nicodemus said, "How can an old man go back into his mother's womb and be born again?" Jesus said "The life you have is the life of your parents. It belongs to this ground only. You need to have a new life from Heaven. You must be born again." (twice) Jesus said "My life I give to you if you follow Me and obey My words. The kind of life I give you i God's life. It never finishes." Jesus spoke these words to Nicodemus and he obeyed Jesus. Jesus wants you to say "Jesus, you be my Master. I will follow You and obey You."

The Coming of the Holy Spirit

The Coming of the Holy Spirit

These men in the picture are Jesus' friends. Jesus has gone back to Heaven. Jesus told them "I will send My Spirit to live in you. He will make you strong to live clean straight lives." In the picture these men hear the noise of a big wind. Fire comes down from Heaven. They all get new power (strength) to follow and obey God. God's Spirit called the Holy Spirit now lives in them. His Spirit will live in all men who follow and obey Him.

Walking in the Light

Walking in the Light

A man walking in the darkness cannot see the rocks and the holes in the road. He stumbles and falls. In the same way the man who follows Satan walks in darkness. He will fall with no one to help him. Satan is a bad master. The other man follows Jesus. This man is a happy man when he walks in light. He knows he will not be punished for his wrong doing. He knows when he dies he will go to God's good place.

Love Not the World

Love Not the World

God's book says that the Christian must finish with all his old ways. The Christian must not eat food offered to demons or idols. He does not make trouble with women. He does not fight any more. He does not steal. He does not worship idols or his ancestors. Those things belong to Satan's way. You see the man in the picture has finished with his old ways.

Husbands Love Your Wives

Husbands Love Your Wives

The home of a Christian man and woman is a happy home. God says the man must love his wife. God says the woman must love her husband. The Christian man must help his wife. God says the woman is not strong like the man. If the woman is pregnant the Christian man must help her more. The Christian wife wants to obey her husband and not talk back. If a man says he is a Christian his living must show this. He must think of his children. He must try to be like Jesus and be kind to his family. The home of the Christian man should show that Jesus is master there. People will look at the Christian home and say, "That man is different."

Love Your Enemies

Love Your Enemies

God says we should love our enemies. God loved us when we were His enemy. These two men were enemies. Now they do not fight - they are friends. In the other picture the stranger stops to care for another man. He does not know him - he is not his line. Christian men must love other men, be kind to them. Show them by our way of life that we are God's family. Try to get other men to follow God's way.

Jesus the Only Master

Jesus the Only Master

These two men are throwing idols and charms in the fire. They have finished with their old way. They know that Jesus has more power than charms and fetishes. Jesus said, "You cannot have two masters." You must not trust in Satan or charms to keep sickness and demons away. You pray in My name when you are sick or frightened. The power of Jesus' name is very great. Jesus says "I will never leave you."

Casting Out Devils

Casting Out Devils

Jesus told about a man who had many devils. Many times people tied him up. He broke all the ropes and chains. He was very strong. Jesus saw this man. Jesus ordered the demons out of that man. They obeyed Jesus because Satan and all his evil spirits must obey Jesus. The man went back to his house and joined his family again. After a man becomes a Christian Satan tempts him to go back to his old ways. The man must say to Satan "Go away in the name of Jesus." Satan runs away at the name of Jesus. Satan cannot harm us when Jesus protects us. Do not be afraid of the darkness, or bird calls or omens. God is strong to beat down Satan's power against us.

Following Jesus Only

Following Jesus Only

God talks about a fight that comes to all Christians. This fight is not against people. It is a fight against Satan and his works. Christians want to follow and obey Jesus. Satan comes to the Christian and Satan wants the Christian to listen to his talk and follow him. The Christian is like the man in the middle of the picture. Jesus is pulling the man one way, Satan pulling the man the other way. Sometimes Satan's pull is very strong. Satan makes himself look good. Satan deceives the Christian with sweet talk. Sometimes the Christian obeys Satan and does a wrong thing. Does God punish the Christian when he makes a mistake? Does God cast the Christian away? No. I will tell you. There is a way for the Christian who falls down to come back to God.

If We Sin

If We Sin

God's book talks about a boy who went away from his father. His father had a good house. He was a rich man. The boy spent all the money his father gave him when he went to a distant place. He had many friends when he had money. The money finished - his friends left him - he was hungry and naked. Now he talked to himself. "I am a foolish man. I have made a big mistake. I will go back to my father." His father was very pleased to see his boy come back. God is like that when a Christian comes back to Him. God is willing to forgive our mistakes.



Sickness comes to all men. It comes to Christians and to those who are not Christians. There is much sickness because people do not take proper care of their bodies. They do not have enough good food to eat. Dirty water and bad food can bring sickness. Sometimes sickness comes from following Satan's way. Sometimes sickness comes from sorcery and witchcraft. What can a Christian do about sickness? You ask Jesus to make you better because Jesus is strong to heal today. Do not go to a witchdoctor for help. Clinics and mission hospitals make many people better. Learn to look after your body and the bodies of your children.



One day you will die. When a Christian dies his spirit goes to God's good place. The Christian family will see that man in Heaven again. Christians are not sorry like the unbelievers who have no hope. The man who does not follow and obey God goes to the place of fire. People who are not Christians do not know where a man's spirit goes. At the burying ground it is a good time to tell everyone. They must be ready to die.

The Body of Jesus

The Body of Jesus

Man's body has many different parts like the ear, the mouth, the hand, the arm, the foot and the leg. Each part has a different job, some big and some small. All the different parts belong to the one body. If one part gets hurt or is sick the whole body feels it. God speaks about all the people who belong to him. They are like the parts of a body. Every Christian has a job to do for Jesus. If one Christian gets hurt, the other Christians must try to help him. Christians must love one another and work together like the different parts of a man's body work together.

Meeting Together

Meeting Together

Seven days make one week. God says, "Give one day for Me each week." Do not work - it is God's day. Gather together, think, pray and sing and be quiet. One good man must be leader to talk about God. Every man and woman must think of Jesus dying on the cross. Everyone (not small children) eat together a small piece of bread (potatoes). That makes us think about Jesus' broken body. Everyone drinks a little bit of juice from fruit. The juice makes us think about Jesus' blood running out for us. Jesus says we must do this so we do not forget Him dying for us. Jesus said, "You must do this till I come back again."

Jesus Coming Back Again

Jesus Coming Back Again

Jesus is coming back again. Men do not know when it will be. We must be ready all the time. Jesus said two people will be cooking food, One will be taken up to meet Jesus The other will be left behind. Two people will be in a bed. One will be taken, the other left. Two will be working in their garden. One will be taken, the other left. All men and women, boys and girls who obey and follow Jesus will go to meet Him. Jesus will take them all to His good place.

Being Fruitful

Being Fruitful

The two men in this picture are burning branches. The branches do not have any fruit - they are dead. Jesus wants us to have fruit in our living. You cannot eat the fruit Jesus talks about. Jesus talks about another kind of fruit. Happiness, not being frightened, helping others, doing kind things, living a straight clean life. When people see this kind of fruit they say - "That man loves and follows Jesus. He has a new kind of life." Do not be like the dead branch that is thrown into the fire and burned. Do not be like a man whose life has not changed.

Telling All Men

Telling All Men

Jesus told all His friends "You go out everywhere. Tell all men about Me. My name has great power. In My name you can cast out demons. In My name sick people can be made well." You see the man in the picture. He is talking to others about Jesus. Jesus says His friends must talk about Him all the time. When men do that, Jesus says, "My Spirit is in you and with you. I am with you all the time." That is all very good news for all men.

Povezane informacije

Free downloads - Here you can find all the main GRN message scripts in several languages, plus pictures and other related materials, available for download.

"Good News" audio-visual - This audio visual set has 40 pictures to present an overview of the Bible from Creation to Christ. It covers the salvation message and basic teaching on the Christian life. It is available in more than 1300 languages.

How to use GRN Audio visual resources - 1: Sharing the Gospel made easy - This article gives an introduction to some of the many different ways the GRN audio visual resources can be used in ministry.

How to use GRN Audio visual resources - 2: Going Deeper - This article gives further explanation of how people learn from the stories, and why the stories do not have a lot of commentary.

The GRN Audio Library - Evangelistic and basic Bible teaching material appropriate to the people's need and culture in a variety of styles and formats.

Choosing the audio or video format to download - What audio and video file formats are available from GRN, and which one is best to use?

Copyright and Licensing - GRN shares it's audio, video and written scripts under Creative Commons

Creating DVDs using the GRN Slide show Videos - How to burn DVDs for specific people groups you are trying to reach