Posnetki tega scenarija: The Rich Fool

Prikaz elementov od 1 do 207 od 207

Abau: Upriver [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun] - Words of Life 1w/ TOK PISIN songs

Abu [Papua New Guinea] - Words of Life 2

Agi [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun] - Words of Life w/ TOK PISIN songs

Agob: Ende [Papua New Guinea, Western] - Words of Life

Ak [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun] - Words of Life

Alema [Papua New Guinea, Western Highlands] - Words of Life

Ali: Ali Island [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun] - Words of Life

Alu [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun] - Words of Life

Amanab [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun] - Words of Life 2

Ambulas: Wosera-Kamu [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun, East Sepik] - Words of Life

Amol: Arang Mol [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun] - Words of Life w/ TOK PISIN songs

Amto [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun] - Words of Life

Arabic, Algerian [Algeria] - Words of Life 1

Arabic, Western Sudanic [Chad, Salamat] - Words of Life

Aro [Papua New Guinea] - Words of Life

Aselo Group [Papua New Guinea, Eastern Highlands] - Words of Life

Au [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun] - Words of Life 1

Auyana Group [Papua New Guinea, Eastern Highlands] - Words of Life

Awad Bing: Biliau [Papua New Guinea, Madang] - Words of Life

Awa: Southern [Papua New Guinea] - Words of Life

Azoumeina: Marba [Chad, Tandjilé] - Words of Life 1

Baga [Guinea] - Words of Life

Bahinemo [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun, East Sepik] - Words of Life

Baibai [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun] - Words of Life w/ TOK PISIN songs

Balang of Bonggu [Papua New Guinea, Madang] - Words of Life

Bamanankan [Mali] - Words of Life 1

Bauni [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun] - Words of Life

Benabena [Papua New Guinea, Eastern Highlands] - Words of Life

Berba [Benin, Atakora] - Words of Life

Biksi [Indonesia, Papua] - Words of Life w/ TOK PISIN songs

Bima [Indonesia, Nusa Tenggara Barat (West)] - Words of Life

Bine [Papua New Guinea, Western] - Words of Life

Bine: Kunini [Papua New Guinea] - Words of Life

Bitara [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun, East Sepik] - Words of Life

Biwat [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun, East Sepik] - Words of Life

Blackfoot [Canada, Alberta] - Words of Life

Bogaya [Papua New Guinea] - Words of Life 1

Boiken: Haripmor [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun, East Sepik] - Words of Life

Boiken: Yangoru [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun, East Sepik] - Words of Life

Botin [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun, East Sepik] - Good News & Words of Life

Bo'yei [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun] - Words of Life

Bragat [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun] - Words of Life w/ TOK PISIN songs

Breri Group [Papua New Guinea, Madang] - Words of Life

Bukusu [Kenya, Bungoma] - Words of Life 1

Buna [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun, East Sepik] - Words of Life

Bunama [Papua New Guinea, Milne Bay] - Words of Life

Busan [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun] - Words of Life w/ TOK PISIN songs

But Arapesh [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun, East Sepik] - Words of Life

Carib [Suriname] - Words of Life

Chakhesang: Khuzhale [India, Nagaland] - Words of Life w/ CHAKHESANG: Khuzhale

Chakhesang: Khuzhale [India, Nagaland] - Words of Life

Chambri [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun, East Sepik] - Words of Life w/ TOK PISIN songs

Chrau: Jro [Vietnam] - Words of Life

Daonda [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun] - Words of Life w/ TOK PISIN songs

Dla [Indonesia, Papua] - Words of Life

Dumo Group [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun] - Words of Life w/ TOK PISIN songs

Duna Group [Papua New Guinea] - Words of Life 1

Ebira: Koto [Nigeria, Kwara] - Words of Life

Edolo [Papua New Guinea, Southern Highlands] - Words of Life

Eitiep [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun] - Words of Life w/ TOK PISIN songs

English: USA [United States of America] - Jesus, The Refugee

Erukula [India, Tamil Nadu] - Words of Life

Evenki [Russia, Sakha (Yakutiya)] - Words of Life 2

Ewage [Papua New Guinea, Northern] - Words of Life w/ EWAGE

Farefare [Ghana, Upper East] - Words of Life

Fas [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun] - Words of Life

Fasu [Papua New Guinea, Southern Highlands] - Words of Life

Fore Group [Papua New Guinea, Eastern Highlands] - Words of Life

Fulfulde, Adamawa [Cameroon, Adamaoua] - Words of Life

Fuvura Group [Papua New Guinea, Madang] - Words of Life

Gadsup Group [Papua New Guinea, Eastern Highlands] - Words of Life

Gahuku [Papua New Guinea, Eastern Highlands] - Words of Life 2

Galu [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun] - Words of Life

Georgian [Georgia] - What is Life All About?

Gimi Group [Papua New Guinea, Eastern Highlands] - Words of Life

Girawa [Papua New Guinea, Madang] - Words of Life

Giziga, North: Maroua [Cameroon, Extrème-Nord] - Words of Life

Golin [Papua New Guinea, Chimbu] - Words of Life

Guianese French Creole [French Guiana] - Words of Life

Guraso [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun] - Words of Life w/ TOK PISIN songs

Haisla [Canada, British Columbia] - Words of Life

Hausa: Ghana [Ghana] - Words of Life

Iatmul [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun, East Sepik] - Words of Life

Idoma: Akpa [Nigeria, Benue] - Words of Life

Itawit: Itawis [Philippines, Luzon, Cagayan Valley, Cagayan Province] - Words of Life

Iwal [Papua New Guinea, Morobe] - Words of Life 2

Iwam, Sepik [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun, East Sepik] - Words of Life

Kafa [Ethiopia] - Words of Life

Kaluli [Papua New Guinea, Southern Highlands] - Good News and Words of Life

Kaluli [Papua New Guinea, Southern Highlands] - Words of Life

Kamano-Kafe [Papua New Guinea, Eastern Highlands] - Words of Life 1

Kanuri, Manga [Niger] - Words of Life 1 w/ TOUBBOU

Kaska [Canada, British Columbia] - Words of Life

Kayik [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun] - Gospel Messages (and songs)

Kham: Jelbangi [Nepal, Rapti] - Words of Life

Khehek [Papua New Guinea, Manus] - Words of Life

Khmu: Kharok [Laos] - The New Birth and What Comes After

Kiembu [Kenya, Embu] - Words of Life

Kilmeri [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun] - Words of Life

Kis [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun, East Sepik] - Words of Life

Kissi: Sierra Leone [Sierra Leone, Eastern] - Words of Life

Kpan [Nigeria, Taraba] - Words of Life

Kpelle, Guinea [Guinea] - Words of Life 1

Kraho [Brazil, Maranhão] - Words of Life 1

Krisa [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun] - Words of Life

Kwanga [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun, East Sepik] - Words of Life 1

Kware [Papua New Guinea, Central] - Words of Life

Kwomtari [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun] - Words of Life

Kwomtari [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun] - Words of Life

Laveh [Laos] - Words of Life

Limbu: Phedappe [Nepal] - Words of Life

Lobi [Burkina Faso] - Words of Life

Loven: Paksong [Laos] - Words of Life

Magleri [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun] - Words of Life w/ TOK PISIN songs

Maisin [Papua New Guinea, Northern] - Words of Life

Maivara [Papua New Guinea, Milne Bay] - Words of Life

Maleng: Kha Pakatan [Laos] - Words of Life

Malinke [Senegal] - Words of Life

Mamhoaf [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun] - Words of Life

Mampruli [Ghana, Northern] - Words of Life

Manambu [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun, East Sepik] - Words of Life

Mandarin [China] - Words of Life 2

Maprik: Tamaui [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun, East Sepik] - Words of Life

Mari [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun, East Sepik] - Words of Life w/ BISIS

Markweeta [Kenya, Baringo] - Words of Life w/ GEYO

Mbula [Papua New Guinea, Morobe] - Words of Life

Mendi Group [Papua New Guinea, Southern Highlands] - Words of Life 1

Mian [Papua New Guinea] - Words of Life

Miri: Miching [India, Arunachal Pradesh] - Words of Life

Mouana [Côte d'Ivoire] - Words of Life

Mountain Arapesh [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun, East Sepik] - Words of Life

Muhiang Group [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun, East Sepik] - Words of Life 2

Mum [Papua New Guinea, Madang] - Words of Life

Munga [Papua New Guinea, Madang, Anguna] - Words of Life

Murik [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun, East Sepik] - Words of Life

Nagatiman [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun] - Words of Life w/ TOK PISIN songs

Náhuatl del Norte de Puebla [Mexico, Puebla] - Words of Life

Ngala [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun, East Sepik] - Words of Life

Nghe: Se Kong [Laos] - Words of Life

Nguon [Vietnam, North Central Coast, Quang Binh, Minh Hoa] - Words of Life

Nikyob-Nindem: Zankan [Nigeria, Kaduna] - Words of Life

Ningerum [Papua New Guinea, Western] - Good News & Words of Life

Ningil [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun] - Words of Life w/ TOK PISIN songs

Nuku [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun] - Words of Life w/ TOK PISIN songs

Olo [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun] - Words of Life 1 w/ TOK PISIN songs

One [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun] - Words of Life

Onobasulu [Papua New Guinea] - Words of Life

Orokolo [Papua New Guinea, Gulf] - Words of Life

Owiniga [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun, East Sepik] - Words of Life

Pa [Papua New Guinea, Western] - Words of Life 1

Pahi [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun] - Words of Life w/ TOK PISIN songs

Pokot: West [Kenya, Baringo] - Words of Life 2

Powri [India, Madhya Pradesh] - Words of Life

Quechua, Ayacucho [Peru, Ayacucho] - Words of Life 1

Raua [Papua New Guinea, Madang] - Words of Life

Russian [Russia] - God Has A Plan For You

Ru-unda [Congo, Democratic Republic of, Shaba] - Words of Life

Samanai: Amau [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun] - Words of Life

Samburu [Kenya, Isiolo] - Words of Life 2

Samogho: Dyanka [Burkina Faso] - Words of Life

Sangtam Naga [India, Nagaland] - Words of Life

Sapuan [Laos] - Words of Life

Saramacca [Suriname] - Words of Life

Satere [Brazil, Pará] - Words of Life

Senoufo Pallaka [Côte d'Ivoire] - Words of Life

Senoufo: Tyebara [Côte d'Ivoire] - Words of Life

Sera [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun] - Words of Life

Siane: Kolepa [Papua New Guinea, Chimbu] - Words of Life

Simog [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun] - Words of Life w/ TOK PISIN songs

Sissano Group [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun] - Words of Life

Soimuol [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun, East Sepik] - Words of Life

So: Muong Luang [Laos] - Words of Life

Soninke: Touba [Senegal] - Words of Life

Tachelheit [Morocco] - Words of Life

Tairora Group [Papua New Guinea, Eastern Highlands] - Words of Life

Tamazight, Central Atlas [Algeria] - Words of Life 2

Tami [Papua New Guinea, Morobe] - Words of Life

Ta-oi: Harnol Paleng [Laos] - Words of Life

Temne [Sierra Leone] - Words of Life 1

Thai, Northeastern [Thailand] - Words of Life 2

Tumleo [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun] - Words of Life

Tyap: Attakar [Nigeria, Kaduna] - Words of Life

Tyap: Fantswam [Nigeria, Kaduna] - Words of Life

Tyap: Tyecarat [Nigeria, Kaduna] - Words of Life

Tyap: Tyuku [Nigeria, Kaduna] - Words of Life

Waffa Group [Papua New Guinea, Morobe] - Words of Life

Wahgi Group [Papua New Guinea, Western Highlands] - Words of Life 2

Wantoat Group [Papua New Guinea, Morobe] - Words of Life

Waris [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun] - Words of Life w/ TOK PISIN songs

Washkuk [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun, East Sepik] - Words of Life

Waskia [Papua New Guinea, Madang] - Words of Life

Wipi [Papua New Guinea, Western] - Words of Life

Wiru [Papua New Guinea, Southern Highlands] - Words of Life 2

Wogamusin [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun, East Sepik] - Words of Life

Wom Group [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun, East Sepik] - Words of Life

Wosera: Moi [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun, East Sepik] - Words of Life

Xerente [Brazil, Tocantins] - Words of Life

Yahang [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun] - Words of Life w/ Tok Pisin songs

Yambes [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun, East Sepik] - Words of Life

Yapunda [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun] - Words of Life w/ TOK PISIN songs

Yauo [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun] - Words of Life

Yemeraba [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun] - Words of Life w/ Tok Pisin songs

Yerakai [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun, East Sepik] - Words of Life

Yessan-Mayo: Yawu [Papua New Guinea] - Words of Life

Yigel [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun] - Words of Life w/ TOK PISIN songs

Yil [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun] - Words of Life

Yuri [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun] - Words of Life

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