Worship Pesmi (Deliŋa Da KALO) - Heiban
Je ta posnetek koristen?
Kompilacije krščanske glasbe, pesmi ali hvalnic.
Številka programa: 66005
Dolžina programa: 32:40
Ime jezika: Heiban
Prenosi in naročanje
1. The Saviour who came from heaven
2. Christians listen, Jesus (Yecu) is calling
3. Mary went to Bethlehem to gave birth to Jesus
4. Food for strength
5. I know that Jesus loves me
6. Jesus was died
7. The shepherds guarding their sheep/flocks
8. Jesus is calling his people
9. The Christian people
10. Those who listened call God
11. Father of the heaven
12. The night has come
13. Mary gave birth to Jesus the Saviour of the world
14. Who those are the children of God?
Prenosi in naročanje
- Program Set MP3 Audio Zip (35.3MB)
- Program Set Low-MP3 Audio Zip (6.8MB)
- Prenesite seznam predvajanja M3U
- MP4 Slideshow (16.6MB)
- AVI for VCD Slideshow (9.3MB)
- 3GP Slideshow (3.7MB)
Ti posnetki so namenjeni evangelizaciji in osnovnemu biblijskemu poučevanju, da bi evangelijsko sporočilo posredovali ljudem, ki niso pismeni ali so iz ustnih kultur, zlasti nedoseženim skupinam ljudi.
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