Živi Kristus - Nuni
Je ta posnetek koristen?
Kronološki niz svetopisemskih naukov od stvarjenja do Kristusovega drugega prihoda v 120 slikah. Prinaša razumevanje Jezusovega značaja in nauka.
Številka programa: 31261
Dolžina programa: 1:15:58
Ime jezika: Nuni
Preberi scenarij
Prenosi in naročanje
1. The Living Christ 1-78 - Track 1
2. The Living Christ 1-78 - Track 2
3. Slika 79. Jesus Raises Lazarus from Death ▪ Slika 80. Jesus Heals Ten Lepers ▪ Slika 81. Parable of the Persistent Widow ▪ Slika 82. The Pharisee and the Tax Collector ▪ Slika 83. Jesus Blesses the Children ▪ Slika 84. Jesus and the Rich Young Man ▪ Slika 85. Parable of Workers in the Vineyard ▪ Slika 86. A Blind Beggar Healed at Jericho ▪ Slika 87. Jesus and Zacchaeus ▪ Slika 88. Jesus Enters Jerusalem ▪ Slika 89. Jesus Clears the Temple ▪ Slika 90. Parable of the Wicked Tenants ▪ Slika 91. Paying Taxes to Caesar ▪ Slika 92. The Poor Widow's Offering ▪ Slika 93. Jesus Teaches about the End Times ▪ Slika 94. Parable of the Ten Virgins ▪ Slika 95. Parable of the Talents ▪ Slika 96. Parable of the Sheep and the Goats ▪ Slika 97. Jesus Anointed at Bethany ▪ Slika 98. Judas Iscariot Betrays Jesus ▪ Slika 99. Jesus Washes the Disciples' Feet
Prenosi in naročanje
- Program Set MP3 Audio Zip (70.5MB)
- Program Set Low-MP3 Audio Zip (16.8MB)
- Prenesite seznam predvajanja M3U
- MP4 Slideshow (88.4MB)
- AVI for VCD Slideshow (25.7MB)
- 3GP Slideshow (8.8MB)
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