Pesmi - Limbu
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Kompilacije krščanske glasbe, pesmi ali hvalnic.
Številka programa: 31001
Dolžina programa: 28:20
Ime jezika: Limbu
Prenosi in naročanje
1. This is the Day
2. Thy Loving Kindness
3. Life for One Time
4. Psalm 100
5. Remember Your Creator...
6. I Will Enter the Gates
7. Let's Go to the Jain
8. Jesus Name Above All Names
9. Sing Halleluya
10. God the Father
11. Thank Be the Name
12. Hossanna, Hossanna
13. Jesus...You are Jesus
14. His Name is Wonderful
15. God is So Good
16. Rejoice in the Lord Always
17. Praise the Name of Jesus
18. Christ Name is Alive
19. Thank You Jesus
Prenosi in naročanje
- Program Set MP3 Audio Zip (22.3MB)
- Program Set Low-MP3 Audio Zip (6.2MB)
- Prenesite seznam predvajanja M3U
- MP4 Slideshow (14.4MB)
- AVI for VCD Slideshow (8.1MB)
- 3GP Slideshow (3.2MB)
Ti posnetki so namenjeni evangelizaciji in osnovnemu biblijskemu poučevanju, da bi evangelijsko sporočilo posredovali ljudem, ki niso pismeni ali so iz ustnih kultur, zlasti nedoseženim skupinam ljudi.
Copyright © 1999 GRN. This recording may be freely copied for personal or local ministry use on condition that it is not modified, and it is not sold or bundled with other products which are sold.
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