Summary of Romans 1-8 (Part 2)
Obrys: Jesus the Way. Summarizes Romans 3 & 4.
Číslo skriptu: 313
Jazyk: English
Téma: Sin and Satan (Debt / payment for sin); Christ (Jesus, Our Substitute, Saviour of Sinful Men); Living as a Christian (Forgiveness, Faith, trust, believe in Jesus)
publikum: Animist
Účel: Evangelism; Teaching
Features: Monolog; Bible Stories; Paraphrase Scripture
Postavenie: Approved
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Text skriptu
This is side two. (Pause one second on the tape).
In the third chapter, Paul shows us that not one man in this world has kept God's laws. All have sinned and are crooked. There was only One Who never sinned, and this was the Lord Jesus. Now Paul shows the way back to God. Jesus said, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No man comes to the Father (God), but by Me." Jesus made the way back to God when He died on the cross. Jesus shed all of His blood. He took our punishment. When we have faith in Jesus Who died for us, God forgives us. We can give nothing to God for our sins. God gave us Jesus to die for our sins. When we trust Jesus to take away our sins, God freely does this for us. God is no longer angry with us because Jesus has paid our sin debt... God says we are approved in His sight.
Among one tribe living to the East of us, they have a law that if a man commits adultery, they must kill him. A son of a chief did this evil. This was found out. They killed the woman and they wanted to kill the man, but he ran away. The people said that this situation was not yet squared. So they looked for a close relation and killed him instead of the wicked man. They said the evil deed was now squared. The uncle of the man died instead of him. This is a picture of the way God saves us sinful people (squares our sin debt with Him). Jesus died for sinners to take our punishment. Jesus' blood was shed so that our sins could be forgiven. Now those people who trust Jesus to take away their sins receive forgiveness. God gives them a new life. Jesus Christ comes to live in their heart. Now no man can boast and say, "I am a Christian because I have always been a good man." He can only say, "I am a Christian because I believe Jesus died for my sins."
In chapter four, Paul tells us that many Jewish people were saying, "I belong to God because I am of the same tribe as Abraham!" Abraham was the father of the Jewish people. Abraham believed God and obeyed Him. God was very pleased with him. But Paul told the Jewish people, "You can only belong to God if you have the same faith in God as Abraham." Today many people talk the same as the Jewish people. They say, "I am a Christian because my parents were Christians. We live in a Christian village. We belong to a Mission. We have been baptized, and we've given up our ancestor worship long ago!" But this sort of talk is wrong. Our parents cannot make us Christians; baptism does not make us true Christians either. Each one of us must repent of our sins, and believe in Jesus Who died on the cross for our sins. There is no other way.
(If on records, add: .....find side 3. It will tell you more of this message....)
(Script continued on #314)