The Perfect Sacrifice

Obrys: Contains a strong message on the meaning of Christ's death. Very good for tribes who make sacrifices.
Číslo skriptu: 244
Jazyk: English
Téma: Sin and Satan (Satan (the devil)); Christ (Sacrifice / Atonement); Living as a Christian (Peace with God, Faith, trust, believe in Jesus)
publikum: Animist
Účel: Evangelism
Features: Monolog; Bible Stories; Extensive Scripture
Postavenie: Approved
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Text skriptu

In the beginning there were no people, no animals, trees, earth or sky. There was nothing but God. He alone existed. God created the sun and the stars, the earth and all things on the earth. Last of all He made one man and one woman. The first man and woman were named Adam and Eve. They were good. They loved God and He loved them. God told them they must be careful to obey Him or they would die. One day Satan came to them. He is the chief of all evil. He lied to them. He wanted them to disobey God because He hates God.
Adam and Eve believed Satan, turned from God and disobeyed Him. They were no longer friends of God. God called them, but they were afraid. Sickness and sorrow came to them.
God hates evil. He said death is the punishment for sin. When Adam and Eve sinned God said that their sin must be paid for. God loved them and wanted to be their friend but there was only one way to make peace with Him. Payment must be made for sin. That payment was the punishment of death. But God loved them so much He made a way so they would not have to bear their own punishment. He said that He, Himself, would take their punishment. He would send His Son to the earth, and He would suffer death for the sins of all the people.
Adam and Eve knew Satan had deceived them, and that they had sinned. Because of their disobedience sin was brought into the world. Their children and all people to come would also sin. God knew that He would not send His Son to them for many years. He told the people that they could have peace right away if they would do what He told them to do. God said, "You may make a sacrifice of a lamb." He told them the lamb's blood would have no power, but it was to teach them and remind them that God would send His Son. When God saw the blood of the lamb, He thought of His promise, and He forgave their sins. Those who believed God did what He told them to do, and their hearts were filled with peace.
Many years later God sent His Son. He was born a baby and grew to be a man. He was truly man; and He was truly God. He did no sin. His name was Jesus Christ. Although He did no wrong, wicked people killed Him. In this way He gave His life for the sins of all people. *(1) Because He was God, His life returned to Him, and He went back to God in heaven.
Then there was no need for any more sacrifices. Jesus had made the perfect sacrifice. *(2) All other sacrifices were ended. Now all who put their trust in Jesus have peace with God. Their sins are forgiven. Many people do not know this good news. They still try to pay for their sins. Some pay money; some shed blood; some do good deeds. But God will not accept any of it. Your sins cannot be paid for that way. God says, "All have sinned" *(3) - but those who believe and trust in Jesus and His blood are freely justified (forgiven). *(4)
This is the only way to have peace with God. You may have that peace today. Talk to God from your heart. Ask Him to forgive and cleanse you of your sins. He tells us, "Him that comes to Me I will in no wise cast out."*(5)
* References: (1) II Cor. 5:5 (2) Heb. 10:10, 14, 18 (3) Rom. 3:23 (4) Rom. 3:24-26 (5) John 6:37.
/ Where time permits, other references can be quoted as needed: I Pet. 1:18, 19, Heb. 9:22, Rom. 5:1, Eph. 2:14, Rom. 5:9, Rom. 6:23, Heb. 9:28, Col. 1:20, Eph. 1:7, I John 4:9,10