Bible Piesne with Comments - Warlpiri
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Číslo programu: 75243
Dĺžka programu: 1:17:28
Názov jazyka: Warlpiri
Sťahovanie a objednávanie

1. God Is Eternal

2. God Is Telling Us The Right Way

3. God Made Everything From Nothing

4. Everything God Made Was Good

5. Everything Is For God

6. God Is Boss Of Everything

7. God Made People For Him

8. The First Man God Made Was Adam

9. Adam Followed God's Way

10. I Will Go My Way

11. Adam Broke God's Law

12. God Was Angry With Adam

13. God Sent Adam From His Place

14. God Is Always Angry With Sin

15. We Have Kept On Sinning

16. Sin Keppes Us Away From God

17. God Always Loves People

18. God Wants People Back

19. God Sent His Son To Our Country

20. God's Son Was Named Jesus

21. God's Son Was Born A Real Person

22. Jesus Showed God To Us

23. Jesus Showed God's Power Over Everything

24. Jesus Showed People How To Live

25. Jesus Really Cared For People

26. Jewish Leaders Were Jealous Because Of Jesus

27. People Put Jesus On A Cross

28. Jesus was in our place

29. Jesus died because of our sin

30. Jesus was really dead

31. God made Jesus alive

32. Jesus will not die

33. God is too strong for satan

34. God is too strong for sin

35. God is too strong for death

36. Jesus said "talk about me"

37. Jesus Went Back to the Father

38. Some people choose Jesus

39. God is Baptising people into Jesus

40. Jesus' people are named Christian

41. Christians are one mob

42. The Spirit brings life to us

43. God is strong in us

44. Jesus is boss for all Christians

45. Christians love each other

46. Christians celebrate Jesus with bread and juice

47. Christians praise God for Jesus

48. Christians tell other people about Jesus

49. Christians love other people

50. Christians dying go to be with Jesus

51. God will quickly make all Christians like Jesus

52. Jesus will examine Christians

53. Jesus Will Come Back to This World

54. Everyone will stand face to face with Jesus

55. Jesus will send away those who do not want him

56. God will be boss over everything
Sťahovanie a objednávanie
- Program Set MP3 Audio Zip (98.5MB)
- Program Set Low-MP3 Audio Zip (15.9MB)
- Stiahnite si zoznam skladieb M3U
- MP4 Slideshow (40.3MB)
- AVI for VCD Slideshow (22MB)
- 3GP Slideshow (8.7MB)
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