මෙම පිටපතේ පටිගත කිරීම්: The Creation and Fall (adapted for combined script)

අයිතම පෙන්වමින්1වෙත411වල411

Abron [Ghana, Brong-Ahafo] - Words of Life

Aceh [Indonesia, Aceh] - Words of Life

Achode [Ghana, Volta] - Words of Life

Adele: Lower [Ghana, Volta] - Words of Life 2

Ahirani: Dhulia [India, Maharashtra] - Words of Life

Ale: Dobase [Ethiopia] - Words of Life

Alkari [India, Maharashtra] - Words of Life

Amahuaca [Peru, Madre de Dios] - Words of Life

Anii: Bodi [Benin, Donga] - Words of Life

Anii: Giseda [Benin, Donga] - Words of Life

Anii: Nagayili [Benin, Donga] - Words of Life

Animere [Ghana, Volta] - Words of Life

Anufo [Benin, Atakora] - Words of Life

Anyin [Côte d'Ivoire] - Words of Life

Apalai [Brazil, Pará] - Words of Life

Apatani [India, Assam] - Words of Life 2

Arabela [Peru, Loreto] - Words of Life

Aramba [Papua New Guinea, Western] - Creation to Second coming

Asuri: Brijia [India, Jharkhand] - Words of Life

Awadhi [India, Bihar] - Words of Life

Awadhi: Uttari [India, Bihar] - Words of Life - Outreach 1

Badi [Nepal] - Everyone Should Know The Truth

Bagari [India, Punjab] - Words of Life 2

Bago-Kusuntu: Bago [Togo, Centrale, Tchamba] - The Lord Is Wonderful

Bahing: Rumdali [Nepal] - Truth Cannot Be Hidden

Bakpre [Togo, Kara] - Jesus Can Save You

Balai [India, Maharashtra] - Words of Life

Bazigar [India, Haryana] - Words of Life

Beaver [Canada, British Columbia] - Words of Life

Bembi [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun] - Words of Life

Bengali: Manbhuiyan [India, West Bengal] - Words of Life

Bhattiyali [India, Himachal Pradesh] - Christ Our Living Hope

Bhilali [India, Madhya Pradesh] - Teachings of Jesus - Yeasuni Baat

Bhili: Anarya [India, Madhya Pradesh] - Words of Life

Bhili: Banaswara [India, Madhya Pradesh] - Words of Life

Bhili: Dehawali [India, Madhya Pradesh] - Words of Life 1

Bhili: Jhabua [India, Madhya Pradesh] - Words of Life

Bhili: Magra Ki Boli [India, Madhya Pradesh] - Words of Life

Bhili: Ranawat [India, Madhya Pradesh] - Outreach Program

Bhili: Wagdi [India, Madhya Pradesh] - Words of Life

Bhojpuri: Benarasi Boli [India, Uttar Pradesh] - Words of Life 1

Bhojpuri: Madhesi [India, Bihar] - Words of Life

Bhojpuri: Southern Standard [India, Bihar] - Words of Life 2

Bilaspuri [India, Himachal Pradesh] - The Way, the Truth and the Life

Birhor [India, Jharkhand] - Words of Life

Bisa: Barka [Burkina Faso] - God's Grace in Jesus

Bisa: Lebir [Burkina Faso] - Words of Life

Bobo Madare, Southern [Burkina Faso] - Words of Life

Bobo Madare, Southern: Benge [Burkina Faso, Houé] - Words of Life

Bodo Parja [India, Odisha] - Words of Life

Braj Bhasha [India, Arunachal Pradesh] - Words of Life

Bugun [India, Arunachal Pradesh] - Words of Life

Cakchiquel: Xenacoj [Guatemala] - Words of Life

Capanahua [Peru, Loreto] - Words of Life

Cayubaba [Bolivia] - Words of Life 2

Cenka [Nigeria, Kebbi] - Salvation comes from Jesus

Central Aymara [Bolivia] - Words of Life 5

Chakali [Ghana, Upper West] - Words of Life

Chala [Ghana, Northern] - Words of Life

Chambeali [India, Himachal Pradesh] - The Almighty Jesus

Chamling [Nepal] - Truth Cannot be Hidden

Chandrabanshi [Nepal, Koshi] - Words of Life - What is True?

Chatino de Alta Oeste [Mexico, Oaxaca, Juquila, San Miguel Panixtlahuaca] - Genesis

Chatino de Nopala [Mexico, Oaxaca, Juquila, Santos Reyes Nopala] - Words of Life 1

Chatino de Zacatepec [Mexico, Oaxaca, Juquila] - Words of Life

Cherepon [Ghana, Eastern] - Words of Life 2

Chhattisgarhi [India, Chhattisgarh] - Words of Life

Chhattisgarhi: Upparraj [India, Chhattisgarh] - Words of Life

Chinanteco de Palantla [Mexico, Oaxaca, Tuxtepec] - Words of Life w/ SPANISH songs

Chiquitano: Lomerio [Bolivia] - Words of Life 2

Chiquitano: San Miguel [Bolivia] - Words of Life

Chol [Mexico, Chiapas] - Words of Life 1

Chuj: San Sebastian Coatan [Guatemala, Huehuetenango] - Words of Life 1

Chumuru [Ghana, Brong-Ahafo] - Words of Life

Chumuru: Yeji [Ghana, Brong-Ahafo] - Words of Life

Churahi [India, Himachal Pradesh] - Jesus Is The Way

Cochimia [Mexico, Baja California Norte] - Words of Life

Cora de El Nayar [Mexico, Nayarit] - Words of Life

Cuicateco de Tepeuxila [Mexico, Oaxaca, Cuicatlan] - Words of Life

Culina (Peru) [Peru, Ucayali] - Words of Life 1

Danuwar [Nepal] - Truth Cannot Be Hidden

Darai [Nepal] - Truth Cannot be Hidden

Daurukhi [Nepal] - Our Creator God is Living God

Dawro [Ethiopia] - Words of Life

Deori [India, Assam] - Words of Life

Dewas [Nepal, Province 3, Bagmati, Makwanpur] - Truth Cannot Be Hidden

Dhanuk [Nepal] - Words of Life - Good News

Dhimal [Nepal, Mechi, Jhapa] - Words of Life 3

Digaro-Mishmi [India, Arunachal Pradesh] - Words of Life - Jesus is the Only Way

Doghosie [Burkina Faso, Komoé] - Words of Life

Dokpa [Nepal, Rapti, Pokhara] - Words of Life

Dolakha [Nepal, Province 3, Dolakha] - The Truth Cannot Be Hidden

Dolpo [Nepal] - Words of Life

Dumi: Kharbari [Nepal] - The Truth Cannot Be Hidden

Dungmali [Nepal] - The Truth Cannot Be Hidden

Dwang [Ghana, Brong-Ahafo] - Words of Life

Dwang: Wiase [Ghana, Brong-Ahafo] - Words of Life

Dzongkha [Bhutan] - Words of Life 2

Dzùùngoo [Burkina Faso, Kénédougou] - Words of Life

Efe [Congo, Democratic Republic of] - Words of Life 1

Epera Pedea-Catio [Colombia, Córdoba] - Words of Life

Fulfulde, Fulbe Ladde [Cameroon, Adamaoua] - Words of Life 1

Fulfulde, Northeastern Burkina Faso: Liptaakoore [Burkina Faso, Sèno] - Words of Life

Fulfulde, Western Niger: Barani [Burkina Faso, Houé] - Words of Life w/ FULFULDE: Gourmantche

Fulfulde, Western Niger: Gourmantche [Burkina Faso, Gourma] - Words of Life

Gaddi [India, Himachal Pradesh] - A Clean Heart

Gahri [India, Himachal Pradesh] - A Clean Heart

Gaikundi [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun, East Sepik] - Words of Life

Gamognia [Ethiopia] - Words of Life 2

Gan [Burkina Faso, Poni] - Words of Life 2

Garasia [India, Rajasthan] - Words of Life 1

Garasia [India, Rajasthan] - Words of Life 2

Garhwali: Gangaari [India, Uttarakhand] - Words of Life

Garhwali: Ranwain [India, Uttarakhand] - Words of Life and songs

Garhwali: Taknauri [India, Uttarakhand] - Words of Life and Songs 1

Garhwali: Taknauri [India, Uttarakhand] - Words of Life 2

Godwadi: Marwari [India, Gujarat] - Words of Life

Guan: Boso [Ghana, Eastern] - Words of Life

Guarani, Eastern Bolivian: Ava [Bolivia] - Words of Life 3

Guarani, Eastern Bolivian: Izoceno [Bolivia, Santa Cruz] - Words of Life

Guarijio: Bajo [Mexico, Sonora] - Words of Life

Gujara [India, Maharashtra] - Words of Life

Gujari [India, Jammu and Kashmir] - Jesus the Messiah

Gurage: Soddo [Ethiopia] - Words of Life

Gurung: Kaski [Nepal] - The Truth Cannot be Hidden

Gurung: Lamjung [Nepal] - Words of Life

Gurung: Lamjung [Nepal] - Words of Life

Gwich'in: Fort Yukon [Canada, Northwest Territories] - Words of Life 1

Hadiyya: Leemo [Ethiopia] - Words of Life

Halaban [Ethiopia] - Words of Life 2

Hanga [Ghana, Northern] - Words of Life 2

Hani: Aza [China, Yunnan] - Words of Life 1

Hayu [Nepal, Janakpur] - Important Information!

Hazong [India, Assam] - Words of Life 2

Hills Miri [India, Assam] - Words of Life

Hindi: Dehati [India, Uttar Pradesh] - Words of Life

Huastec: San Luis Potosi [Mexico, San Luis Potosi] - Words of Life

Humla: Eastern [Nepal, Karnali] - Everyone Should Know This Truth

Hyolmo [Nepal, Province 3, Bagmati] - Words of Life 1

Ichen [Nigeria, Taraba] - Words of Life

Ik [Uganda] - Becoming a Friend of God

Inabu [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun, East Sepik] - Words of Life

Inor: Endegegny [Ethiopia] - Words of Life

Jamamadi [Brazil, Amazonas, Sao Francisco] - Words of Life

Jibu [Nigeria, Taraba] - Words of Life 1

Jirel [Nepal] - Words of Life

Jirim [Nigeria, Taraba] - Words of Life

Jukun: Dampar [Nigeria, Taraba] - Words of Life w/ JUKUN: Wukari

Jukun Kona [Nigeria, Taraba] - Words of Life

Jumleli [Nepal] - Everyone Should Know The Truth

Kadazan, Tangaa [Malaysia, Sabah] - Words of Life 2

Kaike [Nepal] - Words of Life - Only One True Way

Kakchikel: Chimaltenango [Guatemala] - Words of Life

Kalamse: Loroni [Burkina Faso, Sourou] - Words of Life

Kam [Nigeria, Taraba] - Words of Life

Kambaata: Timbaro [Ethiopia] - Words of Life

Kamnam [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun, East Sepik] - Words of Life

Kanauri [India, Himachal Pradesh] - The Grace of God

Kanjari [India, Andhra Pradesh] - Words of Life - Outreach

Kanjari: Kuchbandhi [India, Andhra Pradesh] - Words of Life - A Loving God

Karaboro, Eastern [Burkina Faso, Komoé] - Words of Life 2

Karen, S'gaw [Myanmar] - Following Jesus

Kham: Char Hajar [Nepal, Rapti] - Words of Life w/ NEPALI songs

Kibila: Kibanza [Congo, Democratic Republic of, Haut-Zaire] - Words of Life

Kikamba: Kitui [Kenya, Kajiado] - Words of Life

Kimbundu [Angola] - Words of Life

Kinyali: Kilo [Congo, Democratic Republic of, Haut-Zaire] - Words of Life 1

Kiowa [United States of America, Oklahoma] - Words of Life

Kokan [India, Maharashtra] - Words of Life

Kolami, Northwestern [India, Maharashtra, Chandrapur] - Words of Life

Kolami, Southeastern: Metla-Kinwat [India, Andhra Pradesh] - Words of Life Messages and Songs

Koma: Damti & Beya [Nigeria, Adamawa] - Words of Life

Komo [Sudan] [South Sudan] - Words of Life

Konkomba [Ghana, Northern] - Words of Life

Koro [India, Arunachal Pradesh] - Words of Life

Krachi [Ghana, Volta, Kete-Krachi] - Words of Life 2

Kui (India) [India, Odisha] - Words of Life - God's Love

Kului [India, Himachal Pradesh] - Preparation of God's Redemption

Kulunge [Nepal] - Words of Life 2 w/ some NEPALI songs

Kumauni: Central [India, Uttarakhand] - Words of Life

Kumauni: Pashchimi [India, Uttarakhand] - Words of Life

Kunchi Korva [India, Karnataka] - Words of Life

Kurumba, Jennu [India, Tamil Nadu] - Words of Life 1

Kurumba, Jennu [India, Tamil Nadu] - Words of Life 2

Kurumba: Wooraly [India, Tamil Nadu] - Words of Life

Kuvi [India, Odisha] - Words of Life 2

Kwakwala [Canada, British Columbia] - Words of Life 1

Lahouli Pattani [India, Himachal Pradesh] - Jesus is Almighty

Lahuli Harijan [India, Himachal Pradesh] - The Wonderful Jesus

Larteh [Ghana, Eastern] - Words of Life

Lepcha [India, Sikkim] - Words of Life 3

Lhowa [Nepal] - There Is Only One True God

Lhowa: Upper Mustang [Nepal] - Words of Life w/ LHASA

Libido [Ethiopia] - Words of Life

Likpe [Ghana, Volta] - Words of Life

Limbu: Chhatthare [Nepal] - The Truth Cannot be Hidden

Limbu: Panthare [Nepal] - Truth Cannot be Hidden

Lodha: Narayangarh [India, Odisha] - Words of Life

Lodha: Solapur [India, Odisha] - Words of Life

Lohar, Lahul [India, Himachal Pradesh] - Knowing The Truth and The Way

Magahi: Central [India, Bihar] - Words of Life 1

Magahi: Central [India, Bihar] - Words of Life 2

Magahi: Northern [India, Bihar] - Words of Life

Magar, Western [Nepal] - Words of Life

Maithili [India, Bihar] - Words of Life 2

Maithili: Bantar [Nepal] - Words of Life - What is True?

Maithili: Kisan [India, Bihar] - Words of Life

Maithili: Musahar [Nepal] - Words of Life

Maithili: Thetiya [India, Bihar] - Don't Hide The Truth

Maithili: Western Maithili [India, Bihar] - Words of Life

Mam de Tacaneco [Guatemala, Huehuetenango] - Words of Life

Maria: Abujmaria [India, Maharashtra] - Words of Life

Maropa [Bolivia, El Beni] - Words of Life

Marwari: Jaipuri [India, Rajasthan] - Outreach - Messages and Songs

Marwari: Standard [India, Rajasthan] - Outreach - Messages and Songs

Mazateco de Huautla [Mexico, Oaxaca] - Words of Life

Mbembe, Tigon: Nzare [Cameroon, Nord-Ouest] - Words of Life w/ JUKUN: Ashuku

Mbembe, Tigon: Nzare [Cameroon, Nord-Ouest] - Words of Life w/ NZARE and JUKUN:Wukari

Me'phaa de Malinaltepec [Mexico, Guerrero, Malinaltepec] - Words of Life

Me'phaa de Zilacayotitlan [Mexico, Guerrero] - Words of Life

Mewahang, Western [Nepal] - Truth Cannot Be Hidden

Miju [India, Assam] - Words of Life 4

Mixe de Juquila [Mexico, Oaxaca, Mixe] - Words of Life w/ TEPANTLALI, PUXMETECON

Mixe de Quetzaltepec [Mexico, Oaxaca, Mixe] - Words of Life w/ MIXE: Alta

Mixtec, Alacatlatzala: Guerrero Alto [Mexico, Guerrero] - Words of Life w/ SPANISH songs

Mixtec, Apasco-Apoala: Apoala [Mexico, Oaxaca, Nochixtlan] - Words of Life

Mixtec, Mixtepec: Yucunicoco [Mexico, Oaxaca, Juxtlahuaca, Santa Maria Yucunicoco] - Words of Life w/ SPANISH songs

Mixteco de Alocozauca [Mexico, Guerrero] - Words of Life w/ SPANISH

Mixteco de Atatlahuca [Mexico, Oaxaca, Tlaxiaco] - Words of Life

Mixteco de Juxtlahuaca [Mexico, Oaxaca, Juxtlahuaca] - Words of Life

Mixteco de Nicananduta [Mexico, Oaxaca] - Words of Life

Mixteco de San Cristobal Amoltepec [Mexico, Oaxaca, Sola de Vega] - Words of Life

Mixteco de San Juan Colorado [Mexico, Oaxaca, Jamiltepec] - Words of Life

Mixteco: San Martín Peras [Mexico, Oaxaca] - Words of Life

Mixtec, Tezoatlan: Yucunuti [Mexico, Oaxaca] - Words of Life

Mixtec, Yosondua: Yolotepec [Mexico, Oaxaca] - Words of Life

Monpa: Dirang [India, Arunachal Pradesh] - Words of Life

Monpa, Tawang [India, Arunachal Pradesh] - Words of Life 1

Monpa, Tawang [India, Arunachal Pradesh] - Words of Life 2

Moore: Yana [Burkina Faso, Gourma] - Words of Life

Moore: Zaore [Burkina Faso] - Words of Life

Mu Bomu [Mali, Mopti] - Words of Life 2

Mugali: Karmarong [Nepal, Province 7, Darchula] - The Truth Cannot Be Hidden

Muinane [Colombia, Amazonas] - Words of Life

Mumuye: Mang [Nigeria, Taraba] - Words of Life

Mumuye: Yoro & Sagwe & Daffe [Nigeria, Taraba] - Words of Life

Mumuye: Zing [Nigeria, Taraba] - Words of Life

Mumuye: Zing [Nigeria, Taraba] - Words of Life w/ YORO songs

Muthuvan: Western [India, Kerala] - Words of Life

Muthuvan: Western [India, Kerala] - Words of Life

Nafaanra [Ghana, Brong-Ahafo] - Words of Life

Naga, Khoibu [India, Manipur] - Words of Life

Naga, Khoibu [India, Manipur] - Messages & Songs

Nagamese [India, Nagaland] - The Way to Heaven

Naga, Nocte: Laju [India, Arunachal Pradesh] - Words of Life and Songs

Naga, Phom [India, Nagaland] - Words of Life 2

Naga, Tangsa: Moklum [India, Arunachal Pradesh] - Words of Life

Naga, Tangshang: Chamchang [Myanmar] - Words of Life

Naga, Tangshang: Hakhun [Myanmar] - Words of Life 1 The Gospel of Hope

Naga, Tangshang: Khemsing [Myanmar] - Words of Life- Message of Hope

Náhuat del Este de Durango [Mexico, Durango] - Words of Life

Náhuatl de Guerrero [Mexico, Guerrero] - Words of Life

Náhuatl del Centro [Mexico, Tlaxcala] - Stories That Challenge

Náhuatl del Sureste de Puebla [Mexico, Puebla] - Words of Life

Náhuatl de Pajapan [Mexico, Veracruz] - Words of Life

Náhuatl de Pajapan [Mexico, Veracruz] - Good News

Náhuatl de Santa María la Alta [Mexico, Puebla] - Historias Que Retan

Nandeva: Paraguay [Bolivia] - Words of Life 2

Nanti [Peru, Cusco] - Words of Life

Natuoro [Burkina Faso, Komoé] - Words of Life

Nawuri [Ghana, Northern] - Words of Life

Nepali: Achhami [Nepal] - Truth Cannot Be Hidden

Nepali: Bajhangi [Nepal] - The Way of Life

Nepali: Bajurali [Nepal] - Words of Life

Nepali: Kalikot [Nepal] - Everyone Should Know The Truth

Nepali: Kathmandu [Nepal] - Words of Life 3

Nepali: Kathmandu [Nepal] - Student

Newari: Balami [Nepal] - Words of Life

Newari: Banepali [Nepal, Province 3, Bagmati] - Don't Hide The Facts

Newari: Bhaktapur [Nepal] - Truth Cannot be Hidden

Newari: Dolkhali [Nepal] - Words of Life

Newari: Gopali [Nepal] - Words of Life

Newari: Pahari [Nepal] - Words of Life

Newari: Tauthali [Nepal] - The Plain Facts

Ngangam: Bgangam [Togo, Savanes, Oti] - Jesus Is The True Life

Nicobarese, Car [India, Andaman and Nicobar Islands] - Words of Life

Nimadi: Bhuani [India, Madhya Pradesh] - Outreach Messages and Songs

Noumou [Burkina Faso, Komoé] - Words of Life

Ntrubo [Ghana, Volta] - Words of Life 2

Nyangbo [Ghana, Volta] - Words of Life

Nyishi [India, Arunachal Pradesh] - Amazing Grace

Orau: Northern [India, Bihar] - Words of Life (The Way of Life)

Oriya, Tribal [India, Andhra Pradesh] - Words of Life

Oriya: Western Oriya [India, Odisha] - Words of Life

Oromo: Arusi [Ethiopia] - Words of Life 2

Otomí del Valle del Mezquital [Mexico, Hidalgo] - Words of Life

Otuho [South Sudan, East Equatorial State] - Words of Life 2

Ozha: Monghia [India, Madhya Pradesh] - Words of Life

Pahari: Chohara [India, Himachal Pradesh] - Words of Life

Pahari, Mahasu: Upper [India, Himachal Pradesh] - Turning from the Old Path

Pahari: Rohru [India, Himachal Pradesh] - Words of Life

Pame del Centro [Mexico, San Luis Potosi] - Words of Life

Pangwali: Kilari [India, Himachal Pradesh] - How Was the World Created?

Pardhan [India, Andhra Pradesh] - Words of Life

Paumari [Brazil, Ituxi] - Words of Life

Pilaga: Toba-Pilaga [Argentina, Chaco] - Words of Life

Poliya [India, Bihar] - Words of Life

Pougouli [Burkina Faso, Bougouriba] - Words of Life 2

Powri: Barela [India, Madhya Pradesh] - Words of Life

Powri: Noiri [India, Madhya Pradesh] - Words of Life

Puma [Nepal] - Words of Life

Quechua, Ancash, Corongo [Peru, Ancash] - Words of Life

Quechua, Arequipa-La Union [Peru, Arequipa] - Who is Man?

Quechua, Puno [Peru, Arequipa] - Words of Life

Quechua, S. Bolivian: Cochabamba [Bolivia, Cochabamba] - Words of Life

Quechua, S. Bolivian: Sucre [Bolivia] - Words of Life

Quechua, South Bolivian: Chuquisaca [Bolivia] - Words of Life

Rai: Bantawa Panchthar [Nepal] - The Way of Life

Rai, Thulung [Nepal] - Words of Life 2 w/ NEPALI songs

Rai, Thulung [Nepal] - The Hidden Truth

Rajkoya [India, Andhra Pradesh] - Words of Life

Rung, Byansi [India, Uttarakhand, Pithoragarh] - Words of Life - Only a True Way

Rung, Byansi [India, Uttarakhand, Pithoragarh] - Jesus Will Take Us to Heaven

Rung, Darmiya [India, Uttarakhand, Pithoragarh] - Words of Life

Rung, Kutiyal [India, Uttarakhand, Pithoragarh] - Why Jesus Died on the Cross

Sabaria [India, Chhattisgarh] - Words of Life

Safaliba [Ghana, Northern] - Words of Life

Santali: Nepal [Nepal] - Words of Life

Santali: Nepal [Nepal] - Words of Life - The True Way

Sartang [India, Arunachal Pradesh] - Salvation For Mankind

Satalaliya [Nepal, Province 3, Narayani] - Words of Life - Meaning of Life

Sauka: Tinkari [Nepal] - Words of Life - Children of God

Seke [Nepal] - Truth Cannot Be Hidden

Senoufo, Nanerige [Burkina Faso, Kénédougou] - Good News

Senoufo, Sicite [Burkina Faso, Kossi] - Words of Life

Seraji: Inner [India, Himachal Pradesh] - A Clean Heart

Sharanahua [Peru, Madre de Dios] - Words of Life

Sherdukpen [India, Assam] - Words of Life

Sikkimese [India, Sikkim] - Words of Life 2

Singpho [India, Assam] - Words of Life

Singpho [India, Assam] - Jesus, the Light of the world

Sininkere [Burkina Faso, Sanmatenga] - Words of Life

Sipakapense [Guatemala, San Marcos] - Words of Life

Sonaaha [Nepal] - Words of Life

Spanish: Mexico [Mexico] - Words of Life

Spiti Bhoti [India, Himachal Pradesh] - God's Grace

Subiya [Botswana] - Words of Life

Sunam [India, Himachal Pradesh] - Beautiful Creation

Sunuwar [India, Sikkim] - Words of Life 2 (awaiting title)

Sunwar: Surel [Nepal] - Words of Life

Sylheti [Bangladesh, Sylhet] - Words of Life (M)

Syuba [Nepal] - Truth Cannot Be Hidden

Tagin [India, Assam] - Words of Life

Tamang, Eastern [Nepal] - Words of Life 2

Tamang, Eastern [Nepal] - Truth Cannot Be Hidden

Tamang: Western [Nepal] - Words of Life 2 w/ NEPALI

Tanimuca [Colombia, Amazonas] - Words of Life

Tepehuan del Norte [Mexico, Chihuahua] - Words of Life

Teressa [India, Andaman and Nicobar Islands] - Words of Life

Thai, Northern [Thailand] - Words of Life

Tharu: Dangali [Nepal, Province 5, Dang] - Truth Cannot be Hidden

Tharu: Dasauria [Nepal, Province 5, Banke (Bake)] - Truth Cannot be Hidden

Tharu: Deokhar [Nepal] - Everyone Should Know

Tharu, Kathariya [Nepal] - Truth Cannot be Hidden

Tharu: Khawas [Nepal, Koshi] - The Truth Cannot be Hidden

Tharu: Mahottari [Nepal] - Everyone Should Know The Truth

Tharu: Mari [Nepal, Province 3, Narayani] - The Truth Cannot be Hidden

Tharu: Morangia [Nepal] - Words of Life - New Life

Tharu, Rana [Nepal, Province 7, Kanchanpur] - Everyone Should Know The Truth

Thudam [Nepal] - Jesus Is Only One True Way

Tibetan, Amdo: Rongba [China, Xizang (Tibet)] - Words of Life

Tichurong [Nepal, Karnali] - Everyone Should Know The Truth

Timeini [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun, East Sepik] - Words of Life

Tinani [India, Himachal Pradesh] - Merciful Jesus

Tiwa [India, Assam] - Words of Life 1

Turka [Burkina Faso, Komoé] - Words of Life

Tuyuca [Colombia, Vaupés] - Words of Life

Tzeltal, Bachajon: Amatenango [Mexico, Chiapas] - Words of Life

Tzotzil de Zinacanteco [Mexico, Chiapas] - Words of Life

Urarina [Peru, Loreto] - Words of Life

Vadari [India, Andhra Pradesh] - Words of Life

Vigue [Burkina Faso, Houé] - Words of Life

Wadar [India, Andhra Pradesh] - Words of Life

Wakien [Papua New Guinea, Sandaun] - Words of Life

Wannu [Nigeria, Benue] - Words of Life

Wayuunaiki [Colombia, La Guajira] - Words of Life 2

Western Parbate Kham [Nepal] - The Truth Cannot be Hidden

Yache [Nigeria, Cross River] - Words of Life

Yaitepec Chatino [Mexico, Oaxaca, Juquila] - Messages w/ CHATINO: Panixtla

Yakha [Nepal, Koshi] - Words of Life w/ NEPALI

Yakha [Nepal, Koshi] - The Truth Cannot Be Hidden

Yamphu Rai [Nepal] - The Truth Cannot be Hidden

Yawanawa [Brazil, Acre] - Words of Life

Yerukula [India, Andhra Pradesh] - Words of Life 2

YI: Dahei, Wushan [China, Yunnan] - Words of Life

Yucuna [Colombia, Amazonas] - Words of Life

Yuqui [Bolivia] - Words of Life

Yuracare Beni [Bolivia] - Words of Life 2

Yuruti [Colombia, Vaupés] - Words of Life 2

Zapotec, Guelavia: Valle [Mexico, Quintana Roo] - Words of Life

Zapotec, Ocotlan: Santa Lucia [Mexico, Oaxaca] - Words of Life

Zapoteco de Chichicapan [Mexico, Oaxaca, Ocotlan, San Baltazar Chichicapan] - Words of Life

Zapoteco de Coatecas Altas [Mexico, Oaxaca, Ejutla, Coatecas Altas] - Words of Life 1

Zapoteco de Lachixío [Mexico, Oaxaca, Zimatlan] - Words of Life

Zapoteco de Mixtepec de Miahuatlán [Mexico, Oaxaca, Miahuatlan] - Words of Life

Zapoteco de Santo Domingo Albarradas [Mexico, Oaxaca] - Words of Life 1

Zapoteco de Santo Domingo Albarradas [Mexico, Oaxaca] - Words of Life 2

Zapoteco de Tlacolulita [Mexico, Oaxaca, Yautepec] - Words of Life

Zapoteco de Xanica [Mexico, Oaxaca, Miahuatlan] - Words of Life

Zhili: Xianrenhe [China, Yunnan] - Words of Life

Zuni [United States of America, New Mexico] - Words of Life

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