Prayer Guide for GRN Thailand May 2024

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Dear Prayer Partners,

How good and pleasant it is when God's people live together in unity!

For there the Lord bestows his blessing, even life forevermore. Psalm 133

As I drove to work one morning, I was reminded that the people I work with are important, not just the tasks I must accomplish. Showing interest in the lives of my co-workers promotes unity! And from there God pours out His blessing.

Through your prayers in May we desire to see God's blessing, resulting in people turning to Jesus as their hope.

Jon Rulison

Prayer Guide for GRN Thailand May 2024

1) (Wed) Phu Thai and other groups in Sakon Nakhon and Mukdahan Provinces: Please pray for the following: 1) Strength and wisdom for Pastor Meesak's family as they serve God, 2) God's blessing on training to multiply disciples at Roy Et Church 3-4 May, 3) Evangelism training on 4 May for all of the churches in Mukdahan Province, 4) A church Youth Camp 10-11 May, and 4) Strength and good health for Pastor Wichai as he serves the Lord and follows up new believers.

2) (Thur) So Thavung Group: Please pray for the following: 1) Healing for Net who has infectious gastritis, and for the Holy Spirit to work in her heart for her to trust in Jesus only, 2) Strength, wisdom and fruitfulness for Pastor Lek, Pastor Apisit and Pastor Wirak as they serve the Lord in various ministries, and 3) God to help Grandma Khin and her family and relatives who have believed in Jesus to follow the teaching they have heard via the MP3 players.

3) (Fri) Phu Thai Renu and other groups: Please pray for the following: 1) Healing for sick church members, and for church members who have strayed to return to the Lord, 2) Evangelistic camp 3 May at Nakhon Phanom Church, for the preparation of the facilities, sufficient food for all and that all the church members will attend, and 3) Wisdom and strength for Ajaan Bum as she serves God.

4) (Sat) Isaan and other Groups: Please pray for the following: 1) Strength and good health for Pastor Supote and his wife as they serve God, and God's blessing on their selling of confections, 2) Good health for Pastor Supote's daughter, June and her family, 3) Good health, strength, encouragement and sufficient finances for Pastor Prasit and his family as they serve God, and 4) Safety in travel and sufficient finances for Pastor Prasit's daughter, Bee as she goes to a doctor's appointment in Bangkok, and wisdom as she takes a test for her Bible School studies on 4 May at Chum Phae Church.

5) (Sun) Thai Song Dam Group in Kanchanaburi Province: Please pray for the following: 1) Good health for Song and others who help her as they serve the Lord, 2) The children starting secondary school to come to church, and 3) Sufficient finances for each month.

6) (Mon) "Come aside and rest awhile" said Jesus (Mark 6:31) to his disciples. Pray for refreshment during our GRNT staff retreat 6-8 May. It is the hot season. We're looking forward to the swimming pool, good food, extra rest and learning new things about God and each other.

7) (Tue) Nyah Kur and Isaan Groups: Please pray for the following: 1) Thep to walk closely with the Lord, and for him to help his wife to know Christ, 2) Good health and strength for B and G, and for B's family in Ireland to believe in Jesus, and 3) Strength, good health and wisdom for all of the pastors and leaders as they serve the Lord.

8) (Wed) Boy's family: Praise God that the foundation and roof have been completed on Boy and Aom's house. Please pray for the following: 1) Strength and wisdom for Boy and Aom as they serve the Lord, 2) Boy's daughters as they begin a new school year this month, especially for 3 year old Rada as this is her first time to attend school, that she will adjust well to her teachers and make good friends and 3) The provision of sufficient finances to continue building the house for Boy's family.

9) (Thur) From Dan and Na Tisdale on furlough in the USA: Please pray for my dad's salvation (Dan's father). He lives all alone in Alaska and will be turning 88 years old on May 9th. Thank you!

10) (Fri) GRNT plans to have a booth to share evangelistic messages in people's own languages at a big meeting held in Chiang Mai 10-11 May. Pray that God's Spirit will reveal Jesus Christ to many.

11) (Sat) Thai Song Dam (from Suphanburi Province) and other groups: Please pray for the following: 1) Wisdom and strength for Pastor Chalao and Ploy as they teach the children, care for the church and visit the new believers and interested people 2) Wisdom for Ploy as she teaches new believer's lessons to Nam Phet, Nut and Kwan and for them to grow in the Lord, 3) A good safe trip for Nam Nueng as she flies from USA to Thailand 19-21 May, 4) Ladies revival meeting on 25 May, for those who prepare, and revival for all, and 5) Healing and quick recovery for everyone who has Covid.

12) (Sun) Praise God that GRNT was able to give some money to a group of Karen churches to help them rebuild a building on a mountain to be used as a place for people to pray. Pray that many people will go and pray there.

13) (Mon) Pray that each member of our team will grow in his/her abilities, and learn new things to contribute to our work.

14) (Tue) Please pray for Jaew as she prepares documents for the renewal of a visa and work permit for a volunteer of GRNT. Also pray that the documents for the continuation of board members of SOLF will be approved.

15) (Wed) Ugong Group: Please pray for the following: 1) The Holy Spirit to open the hearts of everyone who has heard about the Lord, both children and adults, via MP3 players or other witness, 2) Good health for everyone in the village, and 3) Rain for the crops and good prices for the produce.

16) (Thur) Lawa in Pae Village: Please pray for the following: 1) Good health for See's family, 2) Strength and good health for Dough and his mother, 3) Unity for the church women as they take on a weaving project to bring income to the church, 4) The youth to be strong in their faith and to encourage and support one another, and 5) Strength for Rod as he cares for his family and for him to stay close to Christ and be a good example to his children.

17) (Fri) Please pray for a mission team from Dan Tisdale's USA sending church as they join a local Chiangmai foundation to go to a mountain Karen Sgaw village 18-31 May to help the villagers put in a water system for the village. Dan and Boy will join the team for a few days at the end to help distribute 45 MP3 players with Gospel recordings for adults and children. They also plan to show the Jesus film. Please pray for God's blessing on this water project and Gospel outreach and for God to speak to hearts and draw the villagers to Christ.

18) (Sat) Lot's family: Please pray for the following: 1) Wisdom for Lot and Muang as they serve the Lord, 2) Good health for their three children and for them to depend on Christ and walk closely with Him, and 3) Provision of school tuition fees for Rappon for her senior year of high school which began this month.

19) (Sun) Phu Thai Nakae and other groups in Nakhon Phanom: Please pray for God's help and blessing for the following: 1) The prison ministry and spiritual revival for the prisoners, 2) Opening of a new church in Wang Yang District, 3) The restaurant ministry, which gives an opportunity to build relationships, while selling food at cheap prices for the benefit of needy people in the communities, 4) The youth ministry, 5) Improving the church facilities so they are adequate for the ministries of the church, 6) "One lead two" Training, and 7) Good health for all God's servants.

20) (Mon) Nyaw Group: Please pray for wisdom and good opportunities for GRNT to partner with the few Nyaw Christians in reaching out to other Nyaw. Pray also for wisdom in making plans what to record in the Nyaw language in the future.

21) (Tue) Yoy and other groups: Thank God that Da's father has recovered well from shingles. Please pray for the following: 1) Strength, wisdom and the provision of all needs for Da and her husband as they serve God, and for their son to obey them, 2) All of the church members to be strong in faith, 3) Healing for Da's father who has shingles, and 4) Good health and God's peace for Fon.

22) (Wed) Nyeu Group: Please pray for wisdom and strength for Paw, the Nyeu language helper, as she continues to work on translating the Good News script in the Nyeu language. GRNT has made some changes to the script in English and Thai and has sent the Thai to her.

23) (Thur) Pray that we will all be a good witness to our neighbors by what we do and what we say in the various neighborhoods we live in.

24) (Fri) The recording team of ministry partners (not GRN staff) in a nearby country: Please pray for the following: 1) Wisdom and God's help to check the translation of the Good News script (Pictures 1-22) and to translate one song in a language, 2) Unity for the team and for God to help all of the families involved in this ministry, and 3) The provision of a motorcycle for S, safety in travel, and wisdom for her to research 3 languages.

25) (Sat) Vietnamese in North and Northeast Thailand: Please pray for the following: 1) Safety and good health for Pastor Tam and his wife as they go to other countries, including their home country, for training, for sharing and to visit relatives, 2) Wisdom for Pastor Tam's son as he studies Thai and English and as he attends a big media mission meeting in Chiangmai, and for safety in travel, 2) Good health, wisdom, and the provision of all needs for all those serving God at the Thai-Vietnamese churches, and 3) The new believers to hunger more for the Lord.

26) (Sun) From Joshua and Gloria: Please pray for the following: 1) To be strengthened physically and spiritually and to not get exhausted, 2) Evangelism via the W3 youth ministry and via the Love Touch healing ministry to be led by the grace of God and the Holy Spirit, so that leaders are established and relationships are formed that build up one another, 3) The construction of Esther Center to be completed and for the center to be used for the glory of God, 4) God to send youth who can be trained at the center, and 5) Wisdom, guidance and grace for Paul to make right decisions regarding his future.

27) (Mon) GRN will have a display table at a big media mission meeting from 27-30 May. Pray as they network with other missions to learn from each other.

28) (Tue) Pray for sufficient finances in partnering with the Urak Lawoi believers to have a Christian camp for Urak Lawoi children in October this year.

29) (Wed) Pray that the children of our team grow in knowledge and wisdom, always valuing their relationship with the Lord.

30) (Thur) From the GRNT IT Team: Please pray for wisdom for GRNT staff as they check the office equipment so that everything runs well with no problems and for wisdom in purchasing one new UPS unit.

31) (Fri) Praise the Lord that one of the GRNT board members has been distributing MP3s with recordings in different languages of Thailand to adults and children. Please pray for the seed that has been sown to bear fruit and that the Holy Spirit will continue to work in the people's hearts for their salvation and for His Glory. Please pray for safety traveling and good health for the board member and all of those who received the MP3 players.

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