Gospel of Mark

Gospel of Mark

Contur: From Mark 1 mainly. Jesus calling Simon and Andrew from their fish nets, healing of Simon's mother-in-law, healing others, going away to pray at night, preaching. Application.

Numărul scriptului: 049

Limba: English

Temă: Christ (Son of God, Life of Christ); Character of God (Power of God / Jesus); Living as a Christian (Faith, trust, believe in Jesus); Eternal life (Salvation); Bible timeline (Gospel, Good News, People of God)

Public: General; New Christian

Stil: Monolog

Gen: Scripture

Scop: Evangelism; Teaching

Citat biblic: Extensive

Stare: Approved

Scripturile sunt linii directoare de bază pentru traducerea și înregistrarea în alte limbi. Acestea ar trebui adaptate după cum este necesar pentru a le face ușor de înțeles și relevante pentru fiecare cultură și limbă diferită. Unii termeni și concepte utilizate pot necesita mai multe explicații sau chiar pot fi înlocuite sau omise complet.

Textul scenariului

Scripture Script

Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came to this world to save sinners: Mark 1:14 - Jesus came into Galilee preaching the good news of God, and saying, "The time has come, and the Kingdom of God is near. Let your hearts be turned from sin and believe (have faith) in the good news." 1:16-20 (*) And going by the sea of Galilee, Jesus saw Simon and Andrew putting a net into the sea, for they were fishermen. (PAUSE 3 Sec.) And He said unto them, "Come after Me, and I will make you to become fishers of men!" And they went straight from their nets, and came after Him. (PAUSE 3 SEC.) And going on a little farther, He saw James, the son of Zebedee, and John his brother, who were in their boats mending their nets. And He said, "Come after Me", and they went away from their father Zebedee who was in the back of the boat with the servants, and they came after Jesus. (PAUSE 5 SEC.)

1:21a & 29b And they came to Capernaum and went into the house of Simon and Andrew with James and John. 1:30, 3l - Now Simon's wife's mother was ill, with a burning fever, and they told Jesus of her: (*) and He came and took her by the hand, lifting her up, and she became well!! (PAUSE 3 SEC.) 32-34 And in the evening, at sundown, the people brought to Jesus all who were diseased, and those who had evil spirits. And all the town had come together at the door. And He healed many that were sick with different diseases, and cast out many evil spirits! (PAUSE 5 SEC. )

35-38 And in the morning, a long time before daylight, Jesus rose up and went out into a quiet place, and there prayed. And Simon and those who were with Him came after Him. And when they found Him, they said unto Him, "Everyone is looking for you." And Jesus said to them, "Let us go to other parts into the nearest towns so that I may teach there, because for this purpose I came." 10:45 For. . the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister and to give His life a ransom for many. 1:39 And He went into every part of Galilee preaching, and driving out evil spirits. .......

Jesus came from God in Heaven to save you also. He gave His life for you, and rose again from the dead. He is the everlasting Saviour-The same yesterday, today, and always. Have you come to Him? Do it now, by saying to God, "I believe Jesus died for my sins and I now accept Him as my Saviour."

Sound effects: Music, lapping water, Background music, crowds.

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