
Contur: Seeking a physical cure by resorting to magic that uses witchdoctors, sorcerers, talking to spirits, etc. is forbidden by God. Illustration of Ahaziah. Explains that there are good medicines and doctors, which are okay, as well as prayer. A Christian calling a witchdoctor, shaman, or medicine man, brings shame to God's name.
Numărul scriptului: 249
Limba: English
Temă: Belief System (Witchcraft, paganism, Syncretism); Lifestyle (Medical); Character of God (Power of God / Jesus); Living as a Christian (No other gods, idols, Honor God, Faith, trust, believe in Jesus); Bible timeline (People of God); Problems (Evil Spirits, demons, Sickness); Sin and Satan (Shame)
Public: Animist
Scop: Teaching
Features: Monolog; Bible Stories; Paraphrase Scripture
Stare: Approved
Scripturile sunt linii directoare de bază pentru traducerea și înregistrarea în alte limbi. Acestea ar trebui adaptate după cum este necesar pentru a le face ușor de înțeles și relevante pentru fiecare cultură și limbă diferită. Unii termeni și concepte utilizate pot necesita mai multe explicații sau chiar pot fi înlocuite sau omise complet.
Textul scenariului

Animistic (pagan, unbelieving) people have many different ways of trying to heal sick people. Some village doctors (witch doctors) will talk to the spirits about what they should do for the sick person. Sometimes they will use different kinds of tree leaves from the bush. At other times they will get tree vines (rope) and squeeze the juice from them and mix it with water to give it to the sick person. Sometimes the witch doctor says that the sick man has a bone, stone, or arrow inside of him. This he will pretend to take out by magic, blowing, sucking, or by rubbing and stroking (massaging) his hands on the man's body. (Apply local situation when possible.)
This type of healing by magic or talking to the spirits is not right for Christians. God forbids this. Listen to God's words in the Bible:
There was a king of Judea who became very sick. His name was Ahaziah (Ahasaia). Therefore he sent some men to go to an unbelieving town called Ekron and asked Balsibab (Baalzebub), a false god, about his sickness. He wanted to know if he would get well or if he would die. Now, God was displeased with Ahaziah (Ahasaia) because he belonged to God's people. For this reason the angel of the Lord told Elijah to go speak to the men who went to Ekron for the king. Elaidsa (Elijah) went and spoke to the men and said, "Turn back to the king and ask him, 'Is there no God in Israel? Is this why you go to Balsibab (Baalzebub)? You will not leave your bed, but will die!'" After Elijah told them God's words, he left. Later, Ahaziah died.
Although this king belonged to God's people, he did not pray to God when he got sick and ask Him to help him. No! He sent men to a false god. Because he did this, God did not help him and he died. Elijah was not afraid to tell this king about his sin. We, Christians, too, must tell others that this sort of healing is not straight in God's sight.
Now we know that there are good medicines. There are also good doctors, nurses, and medical assistants. When Christians become sick, it is true that they need medicine. Some medicines from leaves and tree vines that dry up sores are all right. One time a king in Judea became sick. He had a very big boil on his leg. One man of God named Isaiah took medicine and put it on his sore and the king became well. When we take the medicine, we can pray to God and ask Him to heal our sickness. When we do this, God can make the medicine help us.
But it is wrong for a Christian to call the witch-doctor. This brings shame to God's name. Any medicine mixed with magic or talking to the spirits is wrong. We who are Christians must hold firmly to God's ways when we are sick as well as when we are well and strong. We must always bring honor to His great Name and make Satan's ways become small amongst our people.