LLL7 - YESUA Amaziama Ndha Wodetesiam [Privește, Ascultă și Trăiește 7 ISUS - Domnul și Mântuitorul] - Ik
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Cartea 7 a unei serii audio-vizuală cu povești biblice despre Isus din Luca și Ioan. Pentru evanghelizare, plantare de biserici și învățătură creștină sistematică.
Numărul programului: 67796
Durata programului: 38:13
Numele limbii: Ik
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Descărcări și Comandă
![Intro → Dodetes [Introducere]](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll7-00.jpg)
1. Intro → Dodetes [Introducere]
![Pic 1 → Gwatetesa Yesui [Imagine 1. The Birth of Jesus]](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll7-01.jpg)
2. Pic 1 → Gwatetesa Yesui [Imagine 1. The Birth of Jesus]
![Pic 2 → Mititugoto Yesua Chwa Nyeuini [Imagine 2. Jesus Turns Water into Wine]](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll7-02.jpg)
3. Pic 2 → Mititugoto Yesua Chwa Nyeuini [Imagine 2. Jesus Turns Water into Wine]
![Pic 3 → Todhio Yesua Nee Nekodemasi [Imagine 3. Jesus Speaks to Nicodemus]](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll7-03.jpg)
4. Pic 3 → Todhio Yesua Nee Nekodemasi [Imagine 3. Jesus Speaks to Nicodemus]
![Pic 4 → Kutungetio Ipukesiama Wacho Yesui [Imagine 4. A Ruler Kneels before Jesus]](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll7-04.jpg)
5. Pic 4 → Kutungetio Ipukesiama Wacho Yesui [Imagine 4. A Ruler Kneels before Jesus]
![Pic 5 → Yakwa Noo Maa Nyebweluw [Imagine 5. The Sick Man at the Pool]](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll7-05.jpg)
6. Pic 5 → Yakwa Noo Maa Nyebweluw [Imagine 5. The Sick Man at the Pool]
![Pic 6 → Ingagitetio Yesua Roba Alifika Tudh [Imagine 6. Jesus Feeds 5000 People]](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll7-06.jpg)
7. Pic 6 → Ingagitetio Yesua Roba Alifika Tudh [Imagine 6. Jesus Feeds 5000 People]
![Pic 7 → Yesua Begese Chwegwariaou [Imagine 7. Jesus Walks on the Water]](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll7-07.jpg)
8. Pic 7 → Yesua Begese Chwegwariaou [Imagine 7. Jesus Walks on the Water]
![Pic 8 → Marangitugwotio Yesua Yakwa No Mudukan [Imagine 8. Jesus Heals a Blind Man]](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll7-08.jpg)
9. Pic 8 → Marangitugwotio Yesua Yakwa No Mudukan [Imagine 8. Jesus Heals a Blind Man]
![Pic 9 → Woyio Yesua Lazaroaa Badhonuw [Imagine 9. Jesus Calls Lazarus from Death]](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll7-09.jpg)
10. Pic 9 → Woyio Yesua Lazaroaa Badhonuw [Imagine 9. Jesus Calls Lazarus from Death]
![Pic 10 → Yesua Badhe Nyamusalabaow [Imagine 10. Jesus Dies on the Cross]](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll7-10.jpg)
11. Pic 10 → Yesua Badhe Nyamusalabaow [Imagine 10. Jesus Dies on the Cross]
![Pic 11 → Maria Ndha Yesu Ripaow [Imagine 11. Mary and Jesus at the Tomb]](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll7-11.jpg)
12. Pic 11 → Maria Ndha Yesu Ripaow [Imagine 11. Mary and Jesus at the Tomb]
![Pic 12 → Takanetio Yesua Nee Ebaikwe Ntsii [Imagine 12. Jesus Appears to His Friends]](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll7-12.jpg)
13. Pic 12 → Takanetio Yesua Nee Ebaikwe Ntsii [Imagine 12. Jesus Appears to His Friends]
![Intro → Dodetes [Introducere]](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll7-00.jpg)
14. Intro → Dodetes [Introducere]
![Pic 13 → Itatamo Yesua Ebaikwa Lebets [Imagine 13. Jesus Teaches Two Friends]](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll7-13.jpg)
15. Pic 13 → Itatamo Yesua Ebaikwa Lebets [Imagine 13. Jesus Teaches Two Friends]
![Pic 14 → Soreima Sisiko Inguruwoyii [Imagine 14. The Son Among the Pigs]](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll7-14.jpg)
16. Pic 14 → Soreima Sisiko Inguruwoyii [Imagine 14. The Son Among the Pigs]
![Pic 15 → Soreima Noo Bwana Itetie Awaak [Imagine 15. Fiul Pierdut Comes Home]](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll7-15.jpg)
17. Pic 15 → Soreima Noo Bwana Itetie Awaak [Imagine 15. Fiul Pierdut Comes Home]
![Pic 16 → Baroa Itzaamae [Imagine 16. The Wealth of a Rich Man]](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll7-16.jpg)
18. Pic 16 → Baroa Itzaamae [Imagine 16. The Wealth of a Rich Man]
![Pic 17 → Lengesiama Ndha Baroam [Imagine 17. The Beggar and the Rich Man]](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll7-17.jpg)
19. Pic 17 → Lengesiama Ndha Baroam [Imagine 17. The Beggar and the Rich Man]
![Pic 18 → Ebama Iyee Asakeke [Imagine 18. The Friend at the Door]](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll7-18.jpg)
20. Pic 18 → Ebama Iyee Asakeke [Imagine 18. The Friend at the Door]
![Pic 19 → Nyota Lebetse Hoo Nyakujii [Imagine 19. Two Men in God's House]](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll7-19.jpg)
21. Pic 19 → Nyota Lebetse Hoo Nyakujii [Imagine 19. Two Men in God's House]
![Pic 20 → Yakwa Teweye Kinyomua Ntsii [Imagine 20. A Man Sows His Seed]](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll7-20.jpg)
22. Pic 20 → Yakwa Teweye Kinyomua Ntsii [Imagine 20. A Man Sows His Seed]
![Pic 21 → Zeigotio Kinyom [Imagine 21. The Seed Grows]](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll7-21.jpg)
23. Pic 21 → Zeigotio Kinyom [Imagine 21. The Seed Grows]
![Pic 22 → Ingaresa Nee Yakwe Naa Tawanoos [Imagine 22. Help for an Injured Man]](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll7-22.jpg)
24. Pic 22 → Ingaresa Nee Yakwe Naa Tawanoos [Imagine 22. Help for an Injured Man]
![Pic 23 → Atsio Amedha Hoe Awaak [Imagine 23. The House Owner Comes Home]](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll7-23.jpg)
25. Pic 23 → Atsio Amedha Hoe Awaak [Imagine 23. The House Owner Comes Home]
![Pic 24 → Yakwa Dhakugwariaw [Imagine 24. The Man up a Tree]](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll7-24.jpg)
26. Pic 24 → Yakwa Dhakugwariaw [Imagine 24. The Man up a Tree]
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Aceste înregistrări sunt concepute pentru evanghelizare și predarea de bază a Bibliei pentru a aduce mesajul Evangheliei oamenilor care nu sunt alfabetizați sau care provin din culturi orale, în special grupuri de oameni neajunși.
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