God is True

God is True

Esboço: Starts with a riddle which leads to a discussion of God; what He is like; His love for people. Contrasts with Satan and evil spirits. God's love through Christ and the atonement. His help for those who turn to Him.

Número do roteiro: 037

Idioma: English

Tema: Sin and Satan (Judgement, Sin, disobedience, Satan (the devil)); Christ (Resurrection of Jesus, Son of God, Saviour of Sinful Men, Sacrifice / Atonement); Belief System (Witchcraft, paganism); Living as a Christian (Faith, trust, believe in Jesus); Eternal life (Salvation); Character of God (Love of God, Nature, character of God); Bible timeline (Creation); Problems (Evil Spirits, demons, Alcohol)

Público alvo: Animist; General

Propósito: Evangelism

Features: Dialog; Messages and Fiction; No Scripture

Estado: Approved

Os roteiros são guias básicos para a tradução e gravação em outros idiomas. Devem ser adaptados de acordo com a cultura e a língua de cada região, para fazê-lo relevante. Certos termos e conceitos podem precisar de uma explicação adicional ou mesmo serem omitidos no contexto de certos grupos culturais.

Texto do roteiro

1. I want to ask you a riddle. (Or: I will ask you a question. I want to see if you can answer it.)

2. All right, go ahead.

1. Who is the person who sees everything? Who hears everything?

2. Ho! It is the witch doctor.

1. No.

2. Is it the school teacher?

1. No, it is not the school teacher. This person is in all places at all times. He lived before the world began. He is Spirit. He is absolutely good.

2. Oh, I know. He is God!

1. Yes, He is God, the One Who made everything. God is the good Spirit. There are many evil spirits. But God is not like them. He loves people.

2. That is true. God is good. But does He love all tribes? All people? (Here it would be good to name the neighboring tribes, etc.)

1. God loves all tribes. He loves men, women, and children everywhere. And we know that all good things come from God.

2. But the evil spirits hate people, don't they?

1. Yes. They get angry. They hurt people. Evil spirits deceive people. They tell them to do evil things - to drink, dance, do witchcraft, to quarrel, to fight. (Adapt to local situation.)

2. But why do these evil spirits want us to do these things?

1. Because they are helpers of Satan. All those evil things come from Satan. He works in the hearts of people, and leads them away from God. God leads people in the right way. He leads them away from sin.

2. That is true.

1. I have a beautiful thing to tell you. It is what God has done to help all people. Do you know it? He who was in Heaven came down into the world. His name is Jesus Christ.

2. Oh, yes, I know that name. He had no sin. He was merciful to people.

1. Yes, and it was He also Who made the world, the sun, the moon, the stars. He made the first animals and people. He made everything. He is truly God.

2. Having done all this, did He not come into the world and suffer much? (receive persecution) Why did he do this?

1. Jesus Christ came into the world to rescue men from the power of Satan. People had all gone away from God. They were walking the road that leads to judgment in Satan's place. (the place of suffering forever).

2. And did Jesus come to save them from this judgment? (punishment)

1. Yes, and in doing this He suffered for the sins of all people of the world. Jesus became the true sacrifice for all our sins. He died for us. For this reason we must not make sacrifices as we used to. The death of Jesus is enough because He is truly God. God will be merciful to those who truly trust in Jesus. They will not go to Satan's place when they die. But those who continue in their sins, and do not receive Jesus will have to bear their own punishment. Jesus Christ did not remain in death. He arose again from the dead. By this He showed Himself to be the Son of God.

2. Truly Jesus is the One Who can save us!

Informações pertinentes

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