Elijah in the Whirlwind

Esboço: 2 Kings 2:1-15
Número do roteiro: 1322
Idioma: English
Público alvo: General
Propósito: Evangelism; Teaching
Features: Bible Stories; Paraphrase Scripture
Estado: Approved
Os roteiros são guias básicos para a tradução e gravação em outros idiomas. Devem ser adaptados de acordo com a cultura e a língua de cada região, para fazê-lo relevante. Certos termos e conceitos podem precisar de uma explicação adicional ou mesmo serem omitidos no contexto de certos grupos culturais.
Texto do roteiro

Title Ideas: Elijah passes his work to Elisha.Elijah and Elisha.God takes Elijah away [while Elisha watches].

One day, the prophets Elijah and Elisha were walking [traveling] together. Suddenly, Elijah said, “The Lord has just now told me to go to Bethel Town. But you, remain here!” But Elisha replied, “No! I will go with you!” So they went [together] to Bethel.

At Bethel, some young prophets said to Elisha, “Today, the Lord is going to take [away] your teacher Elijah!” Elisha replied, “I know this, but do not talk about it!”

Soon, Elijah said, “The Lord has just now told me to go to Jericho Town. Please stay here!” But Elisha replied, “No! I will go with you!” So they went [together] to Jericho.

At Jericho, some young prophets said to Elisha, “Today, the Lord is going to take [away] your teacher Elijah!” Elisha replied, “I know this, but do not talk about it!”

Soon after, Elijah said, “The Lord has just now told me to go to Jordan [River]. But you, remain here!” But Elisha replied, “No! I will go with you!” So they went [together] to Jordan River. About 50 young prophets from Jericho followed them.

As the other prophets watched him, Elijah took off his cloak [outer garment], and struck the river water with it. Soon, the water parted [divided], and they both walked across the river on dry ground.

On the east side of the Jordan River, Elijah asked Elisha, “What do you want me to do for you, before the Lord shall take me away?” Elisha replied, “Please put a double share of your spirit [power] in [on] me!”

Elijah said, “If you will see me when I shall go away, then you will receive a double portion! But if you will not see me as I shall go away, then you will not receive it!”

As they walked together, suddenly, fiery horses pulling a fiery chariot came between them. Elijah stepped into the chariot, and it went up into the sky as in [does] a whirlwind, leaving behind Elijah’s cloak.

Elisha saw this happening and shouted, “My teacher [father / mentor / uncle / instructor], my father [teacher / instructor]! I see you going up in a [fiery] chariot!” Elisha felt so sad that he tore his own clothes, but he never saw Elijah again.

Elisha picked up the cloak that Elijah had left behind, went to the Jordan [River] where he struck the water. When nothing happened, Elisha shouted, “Where is the Lord, Elijah’s God?! [OR Lord! As You helped Elijah, help me too!]” Then the water parted, and Elisha crossed the river, walking on dry ground.

The 50 young prophets from Jericho saw all these actions happen [from across the Jordan river], so they said to one another, “Elijah’s spirit [power] now rests upon Elisha!” They then came to him and bowed to the ground to show their respect [submission] for him.