David and Goliath

Esboço: 1 Samuel 17
Número do roteiro: 1303
Idioma: English
Público alvo: General
Propósito: Evangelism; Teaching
Features: Bible Stories; Paraphrase Scripture
Estado: Approved
Os roteiros são guias básicos para a tradução e gravação em outros idiomas. Devem ser adaptados de acordo com a cultura e a língua de cada região, para fazê-lo relevante. Certos termos e conceitos podem precisar de uma explicação adicional ou mesmo serem omitidos no contexto de certos grupos culturais.
Texto do roteiro

Title ideas:David killed a giant [a very strong, tall man].David and the giant.David did his first work to deliver his people as the future King.

The Philistines [tribe] sent soldiers [warriors] to fight [make war] against Israelite soldiers. The Philistine soldiers stood on one side of a valley, while the Israelite soldiers stood on the other side of the valley.

One of the Philistine soldiers whose name was Goliath. He was a very tall, strong man, who wore heavy bronze [metal] armor [protective clothing]. His spear had an iron [metal] head [point] and the handle weighed about six kilograms [15 pounds].

Goliath shouted to the Israelite soldiers, “I am a Philistine! Choose an Israelite soldier to come fight with me! If he kills me, then we Philistines will become your slaves! But if I kill your man, then you Israelites will become our slaves!”

Goliath shouted the same challenge, every morning and every evening for [during] forty days.

Three of the Israelite soldiers were brothers. One day, their father [Jesse] spoke to his youngest son named David. He said, “David! Go see your brothers [at the battlefield], and take this [some] food to them, then come back [home] and tell me how they are doing [news about them].”

When David came to the Israelite soldiers’ camp [tents], he heard that the Israelites were afraid to fight with Goliath.

David said to the Israelite soldiers, “This Philistine does not obey [believe in / belong to] the Lord! So, he could never win against you soldiers who obey our living God! I myself will go fight with that Philistine!”

When Israelite King Saul heard David’s words, he replied, “No! You are only a boy [child], and Goliath has been a soldier for [many] years!”

David said, “While guarding my father’s sheep, I have killed a lion and a bear [two very large, strong, dangerous animals like a giant cat and a giant dog]! The Lord rescued me from their claws and teeth! Now I will kill this Philistine!”

When Saul agreed to let David go fight with Goliath, he offered David his own soldier’s armor.David replied, “This armor is too heavy, and I do not need it!”

David had brought with him his sling [weapon cord for throwing/casting stones very fast]. In the valley, David chose some stones from a stream of water, and then walked towards Goliath.

When Goliath saw David, he shouted, “Little boy! My gods curse you! I will give your body to birds and to beasts [wild animals] for food [to eat]!”

David shouted back, “You have a sword [knife] and a spear, but the Lord is with me! He is Israel’s God who commands an army of angels [spirit warriors] in Heaven [the sky]!

“The Lord does not fight with sword and spear! He will save his Israelite people. The Lord fights against you and he will win!”

The Giant and the young man [older boy] David ran towards each other, ready to fight. As he ran, David fitted a stone into his sling and began twirling [spinning] it…

When David released his sling, the stone flew from it, struck Goliath’s forehead, and sank into his head! Immediately, the giant fell to the ground [floor].

Then David ran to Goliath’s body, took up the giant’s own sword, and chopped off the man’s head!

When the Philistine soldiers saw that their giant was dead, they became frightened, turned and ran away! The Israelite soldiers ran after them, chasing them to their own country [region].

Thus [That is how], the Lord made Israel to win a victory [over their enemies] through [by / via] David!