Gravações deste roteiro: Welcome to the USA

Mostrando itens 1 a 21 de 21

Amárico [Ethiopia] - Welcome to the United States of America

Árabe Padrão [Saudi Arabia] - Welcome to the United States of America

Árabe Saidi [Egypt] - Welcome to the United States of America

Burmese [Myanmar] - Welcome to the United States of America

Chin, Tedim [Myanmar] - Welcome to the United States of America

Dari [Afghanistan] - Welcome to the United States of America

Ewe: Togo [Togo] - Welcome to the United States of America

Farsi [Iran] - Welcome to the United States of America

French: Africa [Congo, Democratic Republic of] - Welcome to the United States of America

Kachin [Myanmar] - Welcome to the United States of America

Kinyaruanda [Rwanda] - Welcome to the United States of America

Oromo: Wellega [Ethiopia, Bale Metroplex_1] - Welcome to the United States of America

Punjabi, Western [Pakistan] - Welcome to the United States of America

Rundi [Burundi] - Welcome to the United States of America

Shilluk [South Sudan, Upper Nile] - Welcome to the United States of America

Spanish: Mexico [Mexico] - Welcome to the United States of America

Swahili, Congo [Congo, Democratic Republic of] - Welcome to the United States of America

Telugu [India, Andhra Pradesh] - Welcome to the United States of America

Ucraniano [Ukraine] - Welcome to the United States of America

Urdu [India, Jammu and Kashmir] - Welcome to the United States of America

Zo Chin [Myanmar] - Welcome to the United States of America

Informações pertinentes

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