Canções - Duna Group

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Coleção musical cristã de canções e hinos.

Número do Programa: 80948
Duração do Programa: 43:48
Nome do Idioma: Duna Group

Downloads e Pedidos

There is None Like God


1. There is None Like God

Jesus is so Sweet in my Heart


2. Jesus is so Sweet in my Heart

The Road that Leads to Heaven is a Long Way


3. The Road that Leads to Heaven is a Long Way

Jesus is so Good


4. Jesus is so Good

Things of This World Cannot Bring us into Heaven


5. Things of This World Cannot Bring us into Heaven

The Story is Telling us Something


6. The Story is Telling us Something

Father, Mother are you Sleeping


7. Father, Mother are you Sleeping

When the Thunder Claps my Heart Awakes


8. When the Thunder Claps my Heart Awakes

The Holy Spirit is Reminding us There is Heaven


9. The Holy Spirit is Reminding us There is Heaven

When There was Nothing God was There


10. When There was Nothing God was There

There is none like Jesus


11. There is none like Jesus

Jesus' Return is Near


12. Jesus' Return is Near

I am glad I'm a Christian


13. I am glad I'm a Christian

Jesus Prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane


14. Jesus Prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane

On the Mountai of Calvary Jesus Died


15. On the Mountai of Calvary Jesus Died

Water of Life Runs Under the City of God


16. Water of Life Runs Under the City of God

Isn't the Love of Jesus Something Wonderful


17. Isn't the Love of Jesus Something Wonderful

What Does theLove of Jesus Reveal to Us?


18. What Does theLove of Jesus Reveal to Us?

God Has Prepared Many Angels to Come with one on the Last Da


19. God Has Prepared Many Angels to Come with one on the Last Da

Downloads e Pedidos

Nosso objetivo é que estas gravações sejam usadas na evangelização e em estudos bíblicos que levem a mensagem do Evangelho a pessoas iletradas ou que façam parte de uma cultura mais oral do que escrita, e em especial a grupos não alcançados.

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