CRAZY - Golden Oldies with a touch of Bipolar - English: Southern Africa
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Material educativo de proveito social, como informações sobre saúde, cultivo, negócios, literatura etc.
Número do Programa: 66405
Duração do Programa: 1:18:04
Nome do Idioma: English: Southern Africa
Downloads e Pedidos
Prologue by Hein Poole
There are Smiles / The Birth of the Blues
Puttin'on a Show
Falling in Love Again
The Blue of the Night
Roll out the Barrel
Takin'a Pill
Come to Therapy
When You're Smiling
In the Meantime
Get the Knife / You Will Never Walk Alone
Hello Dolly / Leaning on a Lamp Post
Forever Seeing Double
Side by Side
April Showers
That's Life
We'll Meet Again & Hein's impressions
Interview with Marié - testimonial
Epilogue by Hein Poole
Observações sobre a gravação
Hein attends a stage performance by performing artist Marié du Toit and pianist Bram Potgieter. The show forms part of program to raise awareness about Mental Health on campus at the Cape Town University of Technology. Hein finds it a highly cool and enlightening show - jazz songs presented with a bipolar "twist". After the show Marié shares her testimony with Hein. She has been battling with Bipolar for many years herself. The program is touching and inspiring. Hein also has an interview with Bram. The tunes are well-known. The lyrics were adapted brilliantly by Marié in order raise awareness, share information and most of all give hope to people living with Bipolar Mood Disorder and their significant others. Filmed and recorded for GRNSA by Hugenote Media. Director of the production: Dan de Koker. Guest presenter: Hein Poole. Copyright of adapted lyrics: Marié du Toit.
Downloads e Pedidos
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