
Informação sobre Vietnã

Region: Ásia
Capital: Hanoi
Population: 98,859,000
Area (sq km): 331,653
FIPS Country Code: VM
ISO Country Code: VN
GRN Office: GRN Offices in Asia

Map of Vietnã

Map of Vietnã

Línguas e dialetos falados em Vietnã

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Encontrados 66 nomes de idiomas

Bahnar [Central Highlands, Gia Lai] - ISO Language [bdq]

Bru [North Central Coast, Quang Tri] [bru]

Bru, Eastern: Tri [Vietnam] [bru]

Cao Lan [North East, Lang Son] - ISO Language [mlc]

Chaman [North West, Lai Chau] - ISO Language [zng]

Cham, Vietnam [South Central Coast, Binh Thuan] - ISO Language [cjm]

Chrau: Jro [Vietnam] [crw]

Chrau TT [South East, Dong Nai] [crw]

Chru [Central Highlands, Lam Dong] - ISO Language [cje]

Coong [North West, Lai Chau] - ISO Language [cnc]

Cua [South Central Coast, Quang Ngai] - ISO Language [cua]

Cua: Kol [South Central Coast, Quang Ngai] [cua]

Eastern Katu [South Central Coast, Quang Nam] - ISO Language [ktv]

Eastern Mnong [Central Highlands, Dak Lak] - ISO Language [mng]

Ê-đê [Central Highlands, Gia Lai] - ISO Language [rad]

Francês [France] - ISO Language [fra]

Halang [Central Highlands, Kon Tum] - ISO Language [hal]

Halang Doan [Central Highlands, Kon Tum] - ISO Language [hld]

Haroi [Central Highlands, Gia Lai] - ISO Language [hro]

Hmong Njua [China, Guangxi Zhuang] - ISO Language [hnj]

Hre [South Central Coast, Binh Dinh] - ISO Language [hre]

Hre: Son-Ha [Vietnam] [hre]

Iu Mien [North East, Cao Bang] - ISO Language [ium]

Jarai [Central Highlands, Gia Lai] - ISO Language [jra]

Jeh [Central Highlands, Kon Tum] - ISO Language [jeh]

Kaew Nguan [North Central Coast, Quang Binh, Minh Hoa] - ISO Language [nuo]

Katu: Ban Aling [Vietnam] [ktv]

Katu: Ban Atak [Vietnam] [ktv]

Katu: Pilu [Vietnam] [ktv]

Katu: Quang Nam [Vietnam] [ktv]

Kha: Jiang [North West, Lai Chau] - ISO Language [puo]

Khao [North West, Son La] - ISO Language [xao]

Khmer, Central: Central Khmer [Vietnam] [khm]

Koho [South Central Coast, Binh Thuan] - ISO Language [kpm]

Koho: Cil [Vietnam] [kpm]

Koho: Lac [Vietnam] [kpm]

Koho: Ma [Central Highlands, Lam Dong] - ISO Language [cma]

Koho: Tring [Vietnam] [kpm]

Mnong, Central [Central Highlands, Dak Nong] - ISO Language [cmo]

Mnong: Gar [Vietnam] [mng]

Mnong: Lam [Vietnam] [mng]

Muong [North West, Hoa Binh] - ISO Language [mtq]

Nung [Vietnam] [North East, Cao Bang] - ISO Language [nut]

Pakoh [North Central Coast, Quang Tri] - ISO Language [pac]

Roglai, Northern [South Central Coast, Ninh Thuan] - ISO Language [rog]

Roglai, Southern [South Central Coast, Ninh Thuan] - ISO Language [rgs]

Rongao [Central Highlands, Kon Tum] - ISO Language [ren]

Sedang [Central Highlands, Kon Tum] - ISO Language [sed]

Stieng [Cambodia] [stt]

Stieng, Budeh [South East, Binh Phuoc] - ISO Language [stt]

Stieng, Bulo [South East, Binh Phuoc] - ISO Language [sti]

Tai: Black [North West, Lao Cai] - ISO Language [blt]

Tai Daeng [North Central Coast, Ha Tinh] - ISO Language [tyr]

Tai Dón [North West, Lai Chau] - ISO Language [twh]

Tai Man Thanh [North Central Coast, Nghe An] - ISO Language [tmm]

Tay [North East, Bac Kan] - ISO Language [tyz]

Tay Sa Pa [North West, Lao Cai] - ISO Language [tys]

Thai Nung [Vietnam] [nut]

Tho [North Central Coast, Nghe An] - ISO Language [tou]

Vietnamese: Hue [vie]

Vietnamese: Northern Vietnamese [Red River Delta, Ha Noi, Hanoi] [vie]

Vietnamese: South [vie]

Vietnamita - ISO Language [vie]

Yue Chinese [China, Guangdong] - ISO Language [yue]

Zuojiang Zhuang [North East, Lang Son] - ISO Language [zzj]

白苗话 [North West, Son La] - ISO Language [mww]

Povos em Vietnã

Akha ▪ Alu ▪ Arem ▪ Baheng, Pa-Hng ▪ Bahnar ▪ Bouyei ▪ Brao ▪ British ▪ Bru, Eastern ▪ Cao Lan ▪ Cham, Eastern ▪ Cham, Western ▪ Chrau ▪ Chru ▪ Chut ▪ Co ▪ Coong ▪ Deaf ▪ En ▪ Eurasian ▪ French ▪ Gelao, Green ▪ Gelao, Red ▪ Gelao, White ▪ Giay ▪ Halang ▪ Halang Doan ▪ Han Chinese, Cantonese ▪ Han Chinese, Mandarin ▪ Hani ▪ Haroi, Bahnar Cham ▪ Hmong Bua ▪ Hmong Daw ▪ Hmong Leng, Red Meo ▪ Hmong Njua ▪ Hmong Shuad ▪ Hre ▪ Hung ▪ Indonesian ▪ Iu Mien ▪ Japanese ▪ Jarai ▪ Jeh ▪ Katua ▪ Katu, Eastern ▪ Kayong ▪ Khang ▪ Khao ▪ Khmer, Central ▪ Khmu ▪ Khua ▪ Kim Mun ▪ Koho ▪ Kucong ▪ Lachi ▪ Lachi, White ▪ Laghuu ▪ Laha ▪ Lahu ▪ Lahu Shi, Yellow Lahu ▪ Lamam ▪ Lao ▪ Maa ▪ Maleng ▪ Mang ▪ Mantsi ▪ Miao, Hua ▪ Mnong, Central ▪ Mnong, Eastern ▪ Mnong, Southern ▪ Monom ▪ Muong ▪ Na-Meo ▪ Ngai ▪ Nguon ▪ Nung, Highland Nung ▪ O-Du ▪ Pacoh ▪ Pa Di ▪ Phula, Phukha ▪ Phuong ▪ Phu Thai ▪ Qabiao, Pubiao ▪ Rade ▪ Rengao ▪ Roglai, Cacgia ▪ Roglai, Northern ▪ Roglai, Southern ▪ Romam ▪ Russian ▪ San Diu ▪ Sedang ▪ Shui ▪ Sila ▪ Stieng, Budeh ▪ Stieng, Bulo ▪ Tai Daeng, Red Tai ▪ Tai Dam, Black Tai ▪ Tai Do ▪ Tai Don, White Tai ▪ Tai Hang Tong ▪ Tai Lue ▪ Tai Mao ▪ Tai Thanh ▪ Takua ▪ Tamil Hindu ▪ Ta'oih ▪ Tay ▪ Tay Sa Pa ▪ Tay Tac ▪ Tho ▪ Thu Lao ▪ Todrah ▪ Trieng ▪ Tsun-Lao ▪ Vietnamese ▪ Xinh Mun, Puoc ▪ Zhuang, Dai ▪ Zhuang, Yongnan ▪ Zhuang, Zuojiang

Notícias sobre Vietnã

Hearing the gospel in Vietnam and Laos - How a local worker has used the Saber to play gospel messages in Vietnam and Laos.