
Informação sobre Noruega

Region: Europa
Capital: Oslo
Population: 5,474,000
Area (sq km): 323,878
FIPS Country Code: NO
ISO Country Code: NO
GRN Office: GRN Offices in Europe

Map of Noruega

Map of Noruega

Línguas e dialetos falados em Noruega

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Encontrados 6 nomes de idiomas

Dinamarques [Denmark] - ISO Language [dan]

Norueguês Bokmål [Svalbard] - Macrolanguage [nob]

Norwegian [Norway] - ISO Language [nor]

Novo Norueguês [Norway] - Macrolanguage [nno]

Sami Do Norte [Norway] - ISO Language [sme]

Sueco [Åland Islands] - ISO Language [swe]

Povos em Noruega

Akan ▪ Americans, U.S. ▪ Amhara, Ethiopian ▪ Arab, Iraqi ▪ Arab, Lebanese ▪ Arab, Moroccan ▪ Arab, Syrian ▪ Black African, general ▪ Bosniak ▪ Brazilian, general ▪ British ▪ Chilean ▪ Croat ▪ Danish ▪ Deaf ▪ Dutch ▪ Filipino, Tagalog ▪ Finnish ▪ Finnish, Kven ▪ French ▪ German ▪ Greek ▪ Han Chinese, Mandarin ▪ Icelander ▪ Isan, Northeastern Thai ▪ Jew, Norwegian Speaking ▪ Kurd, Kurmanji ▪ Latin American, general ▪ Lithuanian ▪ Macedonian ▪ Norwegian ▪ Pashtun, Southern ▪ Persian ▪ Polish ▪ Romani, Tottare ▪ Romani, Vlax ▪ Russian ▪ Saami, Lule ▪ Saami, Northern ▪ Saami, Southern ▪ Serb ▪ Sinhalese ▪ Somali ▪ South Asian, general ▪ Spaniard ▪ Swedish ▪ Tigre ▪ Turk ▪ Urdu ▪ Vietnamese