
Informação sobre Belize

Region: Américas
Capital: Belmopan
Population: 411,000
Area (sq km): 22,965
FIPS Country Code: BH
ISO Country Code: BZ
GRN Office: Escritórios GRN nas Américas

Map of Belize

Map of Belize

Línguas e dialetos falados em Belize

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Encontrados 6 nomes de idiomas

Belize Kriol English - ISO Language [bzj]

English: USA [United States of America] [eng]

Inglês [United Kingdom] - ISO Language [eng]

Itzá [Belize] - ISO Language [itz]

Kekchí [Guatemala, Alta Verapaz] - ISO Language [kek]

Maya, Mopan [Belize] - ISO Language [mop]

Povos em Belize

Arab, Syrian ▪ Belize Creole ▪ Black Carib ▪ British ▪ Chinese, general ▪ Deaf ▪ Guatemalan, Mestizo ▪ Guatemalan White ▪ Jew, English Speaking ▪ Kekchi ▪ Maya, Mopan ▪ Maya, Yucatan ▪ Mennonites ▪ South Asian, general ▪ Turk