Tanzania: It's a Miracle!

Tanzania: It's a Miracle!

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A medical worker recently returned to the USA from a mission trip to Tanzania where a medical team treated over 1000 people. In addition to providing medical care, they shared the gospel using our TapeTalk cassette players and other evangelism methods, including GRN tapes in Swahili and Maasai. This worker writes: "The people were amazed to hear their own language from the tape player. You should have seen their faces light up when the tapes began to play. We witnessed 151 professions of faith. The machines were left with the local pastor's wife who thanked us again and again for such a wonderful way to tell them of Jesus. A visiting pastor from Kenya saw them and exclaimed, 'It's a miracle!' He would like to have them for his ministry in Kenya. God Bless You."

Powiązana informacja

Tanzania - Informacje o Tanzania

Recordings - Read stories and testimonies of God's transforming power working through GRN audio recordings.