Fear of Evil Spirits

Fear of Evil Spirits

Zarys: Five Book AV. [Fish - 8 Pictures] The powers of witchdoctors and people filled with Satan's evil spirits; Power of Jesus to remove evil spirits and how Jesus will change people's lives if they accept Him and become part of His family

Numer skryptu: 537

Język: English

Temat: Belief System (Witchcraft, paganism); Living as a Christian (No other gods, idols, Forgiveness); Problems (Evil Spirits, demons, Problems, troubles, worries); Sin and Satan (Spiritual Warfare, Light/Darkness, Sin, disobedience, Satan (the devil))

Publiczność: General

Styl: Monolog

Gatunek muzyczny: Messages and Fiction

Zamiar: Evangelism

Cytat biblijny: None

Status: Approved

Skrypty to podstawowe wytyczne dotyczące tłumaczenia i nagrywania na inne języki. Powinny być dostosowane w razie potrzeby, aby były zrozumiałe i odpowiednie dla każdej kultury i języka. Niektóre użyte terminy i pojęcia mogą wymagać dodatkowego wyjaśnienia, a nawet zostać zastąpione lub całkowicie pominięte.

Tekst skryptu

Take the book with the picture of the fish on it. Turn the page and look at the first picture. When you hear this sound (BEEP) turn to the next page.

You look at the picture. Someone has died. All his family are crying. They don’t know why the man died. They think an evil spirit has killed him and they are afraid that the spirit is angry and may kill them too. They don’t know what happens to someone after he dies.

You see in the picture a man is sick. Two of his relatives have brought him to the witchdoctor. The relatives think the witchdoctor has the power to heal sickness, and they believe the witchdoctor’s words. They always try to keep friends with the spirits so that the spirits will not be angry with them. But listen, I want to tell you about One who is stronger than the witchdoctor. He is stronger than the power of the spirits and he is stronger than the headman of evil spirits whose name is Satan. The name of this one is Jesus. When Jesus died on the cross He broke the power of Satan.

The man you see in the picture his life is filled with Satan’s evil spirits. He lives naked and alone in a cave in the mountains. Many times men have tried to bind this man with ropes and chains, but he always broke them. The evil spirits gave the strength to this man. All the people in the village were afraid of him. But there was not one person who could help this man and quieten him.

You look at the picture. This man who was controlled by evil spirits is now walking around with his two children. They are not afraid of him now. The man is now wearing good clothes and his thinking is clear. All the people were amazed to see this change in the man. Who was able to change this man? Jesus is the man who changed the man. Jesus came and saw the man under the power of the evil spirits. He ordered the spirits out of the man and they obeyed and left him. Today too the power of Jesus is stronger than the power of Satan.

Satan can change himself to look like different things. One time Satan came like a snake. Another time he can come and look like a beautiful thing. Jesus has power stronger than Satan. All spirits have to obey Jesus. One day God will punish Satan the evil spirits and all who obey Satan. You see in the picture all the evil spirits are being thrown into the place of fire.

Look at this man. He is burning all his charms. This man has become a Christian and has turned his back on Satan and sin. A Christian should not go to the witchdoctor. A Christian knows that Jesus has greater power than the witchdoctor. Jesus has power over Satan and all evil spirits. A Christian doesn’t make offerings to evil spirits any more. He believes in the power of Jesus and is not afraid of Satan. A Christian is not afraid of dying because he knows when he dies he will go to Heaven. God says Heaven is a much better place than this ground.

You look at the picture. When Jesus had risen from the grave all His disciples met in a house and locked the door. Jesus came and stood in the midst of them and they were afraid. Jesus showed the nail marks in His hands and legs. Jesus said to them, “Why are you afraid? It is I. I am not a spirit I have flesh and bones as you can see.”

True, Jesus has a new kind of body and a new life. He said, “I will give a new life and new body to all who trust in Me.” So you do not need to be afraid when you are trusting in Jesus.

Are you afraid of evil spirits? Do you belong to God’s family? You can become one of God’s children today by turning away from sin and trusting in Jesus. You see in the picture Jesus is sitting on a log. There are many kinds of people with him. They speak many different languages. Some are big people and some are children. Thousands and thousands of people are in God’s family. Every person in God’s family has let Jesus come into their life. Jesus says, “If you ask me to come into your life, you will become one of God’s family. You will not be afraid of evil spirits as you trust in Me.” All of God’s family will go to Heaven.