TLC Lesson 7 - Living Christ's Victory over Satan

TLC Lesson 7 - Living Christ's Victory over Satan

Zarys: Lessons from 'The Living Christ' #7 - Pictures 2, 3, 11, 17, 24, 47, 59, 108, 114, 120.

Numer skryptu: 447

Język: English

Temat: Living as a Christian (Victory)

Publiczność: General

Styl: Monolog

Gatunek muzyczny: Bible Stories & Teac

Zamiar: Teaching

Cytat biblijny: Extensive

Status: Approved

Skrypty to podstawowe wytyczne dotyczące tłumaczenia i nagrywania na inne języki. Powinny być dostosowane w razie potrzeby, aby były zrozumiałe i odpowiednie dla każdej kultury i języka. Niektóre użyte terminy i pojęcia mogą wymagać dodatkowego wyjaśnienia, a nawet zostać zastąpione lub całkowicie pominięte.

Tekst skryptu



Are you afraid of Satan and his spirits? The Bible tells us about Someone who is greater than Satan. Look at the pictures and I will tell you about Him. Now let us begin.

Picture 2. God Created all Things

Picture 2. God Created all Things

Genesis 2:4-22

God created this world. He created the heavens, the sun, the moon and the stars. He created the plants and all living creatures. God created the first man and the first woman. They were called Adam and Eve. He breathed His spirit into them and He gave them dominion over everything around them. God created the angels and all the spirits too. In the beginning there was no evil, sickness or death in all the world. Everything which God created was very good.

Picture 3. Satan Tempts Adam and Eve

Picture 3. Satan Tempts Adam and Eve

Genesis 3:1-7

One of the angels rebelled against God. His name was Satan. Satan became the enemy of God. He wanted to destroy the good things which God had made. Adam and Eve lived in a beautiful garden. They could speak to God as friends. God gave Adam and Eve a command. He told them, "You must not eat from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, or you will die." One day Satan appeared to Adam and Eve. He was very cunning. He appeared in the form of a snake. Satan persuaded Adam and Eve to disobey God. They ate the fruit from the tree. As a result, disobedience, sorrow and death came into this world. However, God loved all people very much. He had a plan to rescue them from Satan's power. Listen and I will tell you what he did.

Picture 11. The Shepherds Visit Baby Jesus

Picture 11. The Shepherds Visit Baby Jesus

Luke 2:8-20

Adam and Eve died in their old age. Many, many years later, in the land of Israel, an angel appeared to a woman named Mary. She was engaged to marry a man named Joseph but she was a virgin who had never slept with a man. The angel told her that she would conceived by the power of God. So Mary become pregnant and give birth to a son. Her baby was the Son of God. His name was Jesus Christ. 'Jesus' means 'Saviour'. Jesus was the One to save men and women from Satan's power. He was born in a town called Bethlehem. Angels in heaven announced His birth. They appeared to some shepherds, and they said to them, "A Saviour has been born. He is Christ the Lord. You will know who He is because you will find him dressed in baby clothes and lying on a bed of hay." The shepherds went to Bethlehem. Jesus was born in an animal stable. The shepherds found Him lying in a bed of hay, just as you see in this picture.

Picture 17. Jesus Tested by Satan

Picture 17. Jesus Tested by Satan

Matthew 4:1-11

Jesus grew up to be a man. He knew that God wanted Him to save people from Satan. The Spirit of God led Him into a desert place. For 40 days and nights he ate nothing. Satan tried to test Jesus. He showed Jesus all the kingdoms of the world. Satan said, "I will give you all this if you will bow down and worship me." But Jesus answered, "Go away Satan! The Scriptures say: 'Worship the Lord your God and serve only Him.'" In the beginning Adam and Eve obeyed Satan. As a result, trouble and death came to all people. Jesus obeyed only God so Satan had no power over Him.

Picture 24. Jesus Drives Out an Evil Spirit

Picture 24. Jesus Drives Out an Evil Spirit

Mark 1:21-28

Jesus went to the house of prayer in a town called Capernaum. He taught the people about God. There was a man in the house of prayer who was possessed by an evil spirit. When the man saw Jesus he cried out, "I know who you are! You are the Holy One of God!". Jesus commanded the evil spirit to leave the man and it came out of him. The people saw that Jesus had power over Satan and evil spirits.

Picture 47. Jesus Heals a Man with Many Demons

Picture 47. Jesus Heals a Man with Many Demons

Mark 5:1-20

Many evil spirits possessed the man in this picture. He lived in a place where dead people were buried. It was beside a lake . Night and day he was screaming out and cutting himself with stones. The spirits made the man very strong. People tried to bind him but he just broke the chains. One day Jesus and His friends went to that place. Jesus commanded the spirits to come out of that man. He had power over the spirits so they had to obey Him. The spirits entered a herd of pigs. The pigs rushed into the lake and were drowned. At last the man was free from all those evil spirits. He was very happy. He wanted to stay with Jesus, but Jesus said to him, "Go home to your people and tell them how much the Lord has done for you." Everyone who heard what had happened were amazed.

Picture 59. Jesus Heals a Boy with a Demon

Picture 59. Jesus Heals a Boy with a Demon

Mark 9:14-29

A man brought his son to see Jesus. The boy was possessed by a demon. It caused the boy to have terrible fits and sometimes he fell in the fire. Jesus had gone away. The disciples tried to cast out the demon but it would not leave the boy. Then Jesus returned. He had power over that demon. He was able to cast it out. Later the disciples asked Jesus, "Why couldn't we cast out that demon?" Jesus answered, "Only prayer can cast out that kind of demon." Jesus is the only One who has power over Satan and all his demons.

Picture 108. The Crucifixion

Picture 108. The Crucifixion

Mark 15:25-39

Satan wanted to destroy Jesus. He made the Jewish leaders jealous of Jesus. One night they seized Him. They falsely accused Him and they sentenced Jesus to death. Then they nailed His hands and feet to a cross of wood. They hung him up and left Him to die. They also crucified two criminals with Jesus. You can see the three crosses in the picture. Those criminals had done evil. They deserved to die. But Jesus had done nothing wrong. Jesus was the Son of God. He could have escaped from Satan and death. But the Bible says, "All people have sinned" and "The payment for sin is death." Jesus allowed Himself to die on that cross so that He could take the payment for our sins. Yes, Jesus died instead of you and me.

Picture 114. Jesus Appears to His Disciples

Picture 114. Jesus Appears to His Disciples

John 20:19-23

On the third day after Jesus died an amazing thing happened. He came alive again. Jesus rose from the dead. He appeared to His disciples. They were very afraid. They thought that He was a spirit. Jesus showed the disciples the nail marks in His hands and feet. Then they knew who He was. They were no longer afraid. Many other people also saw Him. There was no doubt about it. Jesus had come back from the dead. Satan and evil men could not destroy Him. Jesus is the Son of God. When He died and rose again He defeated Satan and death forever.

Picture 120. Jesus Will Return

Picture 120. Jesus Will Return

Revelation 1:5-7; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

Many people saw Jesus go back to heaven. He is with God in heaven now. One day Jesus will return to earth. Then everyone who has died will rise from the dead. All those who believe in Him will have everlasting life. They will be with God in heaven. Satan and his spirits, and all who do not believe in Jesus, will face everlasting death. Therefore you must renounce Satan and all his spirits. Obey only God. Don't be afraid. Remember that Jesus has defeated Satan. He died to save us. He rose again to give us everlasting life. He defeated Satan forever. So let us worship and trust the living Lord Jesus Christ.

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