Malsawm Tura Anchhedawng [Cursed To Bless] - Mizo
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Numer programu: 66534
Długość programu: 4:15:15
Nazwa języka: Mizo
Pobieranie i zamawianie
1. Zirlai pumpui thuhmahruai [Series Wstęp]
2. Pathian chu min siamtu a ni [In the beginning was God]
3. Pathian chuan thil a titheiin a thilsiamte chu an tha em em a ni [God is powerful and made everything very good]
4. Pathian thu kan awih lohna vanga engkim chhiat vekna [We disobeyed God and everything went bad]
5. Malsawm leh tura Pathian thu tiamna [God promises to bring blessing again]
6. Pathian chuan a thutiamte leh a kawng chu ama hunah zel a tihlawhtling thin [God keeps his promises His way and in His time]
7. Pathian chu thawh lehna Pathian a ni [God is a God of resurrection]
8. Pathian thu kan awih famkim theih loh vangin anchhe dawng kan ni [We can't obey God fully and so are cursed]
9. Pathianin thuthlung tha zawk leh thar a tiam [God promises a new and better contract]
10. Pathian thuthlung thar hi a tha zawk em em a ni [God's new covenant is so much better]
11. Graduation zanriah kil tura paltlang ngaite [Getting to the Graduation Dinner]
Pobieranie i zamawianie
- Program Set MP3 Audio Zip (259.1MB)
- Program Set Low-MP3 Audio Zip (54.9MB)
- Pobierz listę odtwarzania M3U
- MP4 Slideshow (186.5MB)
- AVI for VCD Slideshow (72.5MB)
- 3GP Slideshow (29.3MB)
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