Life After Death

Life After Death

Disposisjon: Five Book AV. [Dog - 8 Pictures] Death, Heaven, Hell, Trinity, Return of Christ

Skriptnummer: 540

Språk: English

Tema: Sin and Satan (Hell, Heart, soul of man); Christ (Resurrection of Jesus); Living as a Christian (Faith, trust, believe in Jesus); Eternal life (Heaven, Eternal / everlasting life); Character of God (Word of God (the Bible)); Life event (Death); Bible timeline (End Time, Second Coming)

Publikum: General

Stil: Monolog

Sjanger: Messages and Fiction

Hensikt: Evangelism

Bibelsitat: Paraphrase

Status: Approved

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Take the book with the picture of the dog on it. Turn the page and look at the first picture. When you hear this sound (BEEP) turn to the next picture.

You see the dog, the fish, and the snake. You see the bird and the monkey too. Each has a different kind of flesh. Their children are just like them. These animals don’t have spirits like you and I. When they die that is the end of their life. (They are dead finish.) God made them for man for food.

Here you see that men have control over the animals. God made man better than all other things in God’s creation. Because God made man in His own likeness when a man dies his life doesn’t finish like animals. His body which we see dies but his spirit lives on. God made many kinds of people, some black, some white, some red, but they all have a spirit that never dies.

Many people are afraid of dying because they don’t know what will happen to them when they die. If a man came back from the grave and told us what happens when we die we might not be afraid. Jesus came back from the grave and told us what happens when a man dies. God has made two places. One place is the place of fire. God made Hell to goal Satan and all people who disobey God. The people who disobey God go to this place of fire and feel pain always and stop there forever. The other place is a good place. It is called Heaven. Only those who believe in and obey Jesus will go to Heaven when their body dies.

Now, I want to talk to you about a new life Jesus can give you. You see the man in the picture he is picking some corn from the garden. Before, he planted a corn seed in the ground. The corn seed died, but before it died it made a new plant with many new corn seeds. Jesus is like the corn seed. Before, Jesus lived on this ground. Bad men nailed Jesus on the cross. Jesus died to take away sin. Some friends of Jesus buried him in a kind of grave, but after three days He came alive. Jesus had a new kind of body that would never die. People who follow Jesus, Jesus will give them a new life. Then when their body dies Jesus will give them a new body to live in Heaven.

People who do not take this new life Jesus gives are like the crazy man in the picture who is throwing away money and good clothes as though it was nothing. The new life Jesus gives is very precious and He is not going to throw it away to people who do not want this life. Men who want this new life of Jesus must turn their backs on their sins. They must ask Jesus to come inside their life and give them this new life. If you want this new life of Jesus you must come to Jesus today because you don’t know when you are going to die.

You look at the picture. Two men are sitting on two chairs. The chairs have three legs, but they are each one chair. This is like God. God the Father, God the Son, Jesus, and God the Holy Spirit, these three are one God. These three have equal power, God’s Book says. When Jesus went back to Heaven, He sent the Holy Spirit to come and live in the hearts of Christians. The Holy Spirit comes into the life of every person who follows Jesus. You see one man sitting on a chair with a broken leg. The man is falling down. This tells us a story. Suppose someone likes to follow God the Father and the Holy Spirit but forgets or turns his back on Jesus, the belief of this man will fall down. The three are one God and men must believe in the three together.

You look at the picture. Many people are walking on the road which goes to Heaven. Heaven is the place Jesus is preparing for all who trust in Jesus. All people can go to Heaven. Black or white or whatever colour skin, all can go to Heaven if they follow Jesus. Men, women, and children can go to Heaven. Now Heaven is a good place. There is no sickness, no one dies, no one is sad, there is no sin, there is no night. It is always light there. God wants all people to go to Heaven.

Jesus said, “I will come again to get all people who follow me.” Christians who have died will go with Jesus and Christians who are still living will go with Jesus too. If you have become a Christian you will go with Jesus when He returns. People who go with Jesus will receive a new body. This body will be like the body of Jesus when He arose from the grave.

You see the picture. A Christian and an unbeliever will be working in the garden. Jesus will come back. The Christian will go with Jesus but the man who is not trusting Jesus will remain. You see another man is praying. He has seen Jesus and wants to go with Him too. But to ask Jesus into his life when Jesus comes back it too late, Jesus will not hear. You must ask Jesus to come into your heart now. We don’t know when Jesus will return but Jesus has said He will come suddenly. We must be ready and waiting for Jesus to come. The people who don’t go with Jesus will go to the place of fire. Are you ready to face Jesus when He comes back? Confess your sin and trust Jesus today.