Why did Jesus die?

Why did Jesus die?

Disposisjon: Five Book AV. [Lizard - 8 Pictures] Spiritual light and darkness; how Jesus gives strength to Christians to overcome problems, temptations; Jesus death on the cross paid for all sin and provided forgiveness to all who will repent of their sins; Christian faith and love

Skriptnummer: 539

Språk: English

Tema: Sin and Satan (Light/Darkness, Sin, disobedience); Christ (Death of Christ); Eternal life (Eternal / everlasting life); Living as a Christian (Forgiveness, Faith, trust, believe in Jesus, Christian values); Problems (Problems, troubles, worries)

Publikum: General

Stil: Monolog

Sjanger: Messages and Fiction

Hensikt: Evangelism

Bibelsitat: None

Status: Approved

Skript er grunnleggende retningslinjer for oversettelse og opptak til andre språk. De bør tilpasses etter behov for å gjøre dem forståelige og relevante for hver kultur og språk. Noen termer og begreper som brukes kan trenge mer forklaring eller til og med erstattes eller utelates helt.


Take the book with the picture of the bird on it. Turn the page and look at the first picture. When you hear this noise (BEEP) turn to the next picture.

You see the picture. Men are drinking beer, stealing and fighting. Another man is a witchdoctor. Why do people do sinful things like this? Because of the sin in their hearts. God looks down on all men and women and sees all men are sinners. Because God is all light and there is no way of darkness in Him, not one man is fit to go into Heaven and stand up in front of God. God is the great good Spirit and love all men. When men beat and killed Jesus, He said to His Father God, “Forgive them, they do not know the evil thing that they are doing to me.” Why did He say that? Because He loves all men. God wants men to go to His good place when they die.

When Jesus was on this earth He never did anything wrong. He said and did only good. But wicked men lied about Him and took Him to court. You see in the picture some soldiers are taking Jesus to court. Jesus has the power to call the angels from Heaven to come and release Him from the soldiers. But Jesus can to this ground to die to take away our sin. So He allowed these men to take Him. God let Jesus die to take away our sin. Because Jesus had never sinned He was the only one who could pay the penalty for our sins.

You see in the picture a soldier is nailing Jesus’ hand. He also nailed Jesus’ feet. Why didn’t God stop the bad men from killing Jesus? God loved men so much that He gave His only Son, Jesus to die for man’s sin. Jesus was willing to die so that man’s sin could be forgiven. God said, “Unless someone’s blood is let run then man’s sin cannot be forgiven.” The blood of Jesus ran to forgive man’s sin. So for us today, our sins can be forgiven because Jesus died. He is able to forgive our sins too.

God says, “One day all men must die and after, everyone who has not had their sins forgiven will go to my court.” See here a rich man and a poor man have died. Some people are collecting the rich man’s things. When a man dies he is not able to take his possessions with him. Rich men and poor men are all the same in God’s eye. White men are not better than black men in God’s eye, everyone is the same. At the time of judgment the question will not be whether you were rich or poor, white or black, but whether you are trusting Jesus.

In this picture, this man has plenty of good things. Others see him and think he is a good man. God does not look at possessions but at people’s hearts. He sees people’s lives are filled with sin. There is not one good man in God’s eyes. Jesus says, “I will make men’s hearts clean and wash away their sin with my blood. When a man follows Jesus, God does not promise him riches of earth. He gives them peace and strength to live the good life for God.

God wants to give a free gift of eternal life to every man. Eternal life is a new kind of life that neve finishes. You see in the picture one man wants to buy this new life from Jesus. He is offering money and things to Jesus. Another man wants to work for this life and he has brought his tools. The tools are like the things we do, putting money in offering, being baptised, going to church. We are not able to buy or work for this new life, no, it is a gift from God to us. If you ask God He will give it to you. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the life, no man comes to the Father but by Me.”

In this picture one man wishes to give a knife to another man. He has put the knife in a tree. He says to the other man, “I want to give that knife to you as a present.” If the other man would like the knife, he must come and take it. The knife doesn’t become his until he takes it. The knife is like the new life God offers us. If you want this new life you ask God, He will give it to you free. It is no good just thinking about this new life God offers, you must ask God and receive it. God wants you to have it free.

God wants to give us eternal life free. But we have all sinned. How can God give us this new life? Jesus was punished for our sin. You see in the picture two soldiers are whipping Jesus. He died that we might have our sins forgiven. But we must ask Jesus to forgive our sin, to make our lives clean. You talk to Him like this from your heart. “Lord Jesus, I have done many wrong and sinful things. My life is sinful in your eyes. I want to give up my sinful ways. Thank you for paying the penalty for my sin (dying/ shedding your blood). I ask you to forgive my sin, give me your new life. Make me strong to follow your talk every day. You have heard my prayer and given me new life. Thank you.” If you pray like this and really mean it, God will hear you. He will forgive your sin and help you live good clean lives (to walk in His ways).