How the Christian lives

How the Christian lives

Disposisjon: Five Book AV. [Lizard - 8 Pictures] Spiritual light and darkness; how Jesus gives strength to Christians to overcome problems, temptations; Jesus death on the cross paid for all sin and provided forgiveness to all who will repent of their sins; Christian faith and love

Skriptnummer: 538

Språk: English

Tema: Sin and Satan (Light/Darkness, Sin, disobedience); Christ (Death of Christ); Living as a Christian (Forgiveness, Faith, trust, believe in Jesus, Christian values); Problems (Problems, troubles, worries)

Publikum: General

Stil: Monolog

Sjanger: Messages and Fiction

Hensikt: Evangelism

Bibelsitat: None

Status: Approved

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Take the book with the picture of the lizard on it. Turn the page and look at the first picture. When you hear this sound (BEEP) turn to the next page.

You see in the picture all the houses are dark but one house has a light in it. The Bible says a man’s heart is like a house in which the true spirit of a man lives. When men ask Jesus to cleanse their hearts from sin, the Holy Spirit comes into their hearts and they are called Christians. Jesus teaches them what is good and what is bad. Jesus said, “I am the light of the world, whoever follows me will have the light of life and will never walk in darkness.” When the light of Jesus shines in a man’s heart, the man can see the sins he has done, and knows to do what is good.

Sickness, trouble and temptation come to Christians as well as to unbelievers. But Jesus strengthens Christians to overcome their problems. You see in the picture the man with the yellow laplap. He is a heathen man drinking beer and doing all kinds of bad things. You see he is trying to get the Christian man to make trouble with the two women. In times like this Jesus gives strength to the Christian man to overcome temptation. All people who become Christians must leave their bad ways. Some bad ways are stealing, lying and fighting. Jesus paid a great price. He suffered so much so that our sins could be forgiven. If a Christian falls down and sins, it makes Jesus very sad. The Christian must be sorry for his sin and ask Jesus to forgive him. The blood of Jesus can take away that sin.

Jesus paid the price for all sin when He died on the cross. That is why we can be forgiven. If a Christian keeps doing wrong things and does not ask God to forgive him then sometimes God lets trouble come upon him. Look at this man he is punishing his wife because she has done wrong. If a Christian does wrong, God does not hit him like this man is hitting his wife. Sometimes God allows troubles to come to him to teach him and to make him turn back to God and do what is right.

You see in the picture there are three pieces of firewood and the fire burns strong. If there was just one piece of firewood the fire would not be so strong. This is like a Christian. If there are two or more Christians together they can help each other’s faith. But if there is only one Christian his faith may not become strong. When you become a Christian you must tell others of your faith. When you tell others this will help you to make your faith strong. When you tell others many will follow Jesus too.

You look at these two dogs fighting. It is the dog that eats good food that wins. The skinny dog cannot fight well because it does not have good food. We are like this. If we have no food for our bodies we become weak. The Christian needs food too. His food is God’s Word. To make his faith strong a Christian must read the Bible, listen to God’s talk and pray every day. Only the strong Christian can win the fight over temptation and sin.

You see the man in the picture was walking along the road and he has fallen down. This is a picture of a Christian walking along the road to Heaven. Jesus said, “The road to heaven is narrow and Satan will try to stumble all those who walk along this road.” Satan tries to trip the Christian up or he gets other people to get them to do wrong so that they fall into sin.

When a Christian falls into sin he hurts himself and brings shame on the name of Jesus. But remember if a Christian sins Jesus said, “If you confess your sin, I will forgive and cleanse you.” As Christians we must be careful not to listen to Satan but to walk in God’s ways and remember that Jesus goes with us. As we keep trusting in Jesus He will keep us from falling. God is always watching over us. He wants to keep us from evil and harm.

Look at the big snake. It wants to eat the chickens and the children. You see the hen protects her chickens because she knows the snake wants to kill her chickens. A mother too, because she loves her children will protect them from harm. God’s love for us is much stronger than a mother’s love. God is always watching to protect us from evil and harm. God wants us to trust in Him to protect us from the power of Satan and from evil.

Because God loves and cares for us we are to love and care for others. The Christian man loves God. He also loves his wife and children. The Christian takes care of his family and teaches his children the way of God. The Christian family works together. They keep their homes and their bodies clean. The Christian does not use dirty talk or drink beer. He doesn’t make trouble with women or worship Satan and evil spirits. God has set him free from the power of sin and Satan. God wants us to live clean lives always. We must ask God each day to help u to walk in His ways and to tell others how they can trust in Jesus.