Look, Listen & Live 6: Jesus - the Teacher (Revised)

Look, Listen & Live 6: Jesus - the Teacher (Revised)

Disposisjon: From Matthew and Mark. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording.

Skriptnummer: 489

Språk: English

Tema: Sin and Satan (Deliverance, Light/Darkness, Sin, disobedience); Christ (Son of God, Life of Christ, Authority, Jesus, Our Shepherd); Eternal life (Salvation, Broad & Narrow Ways); Character of God (Grace and Mercy, Nature, character of God, Word of God (the Bible), Power of God / Jesus); Living as a Christian (Prayer, petition, Obedience, Forgiveness, Faith, trust, believe in Jesus, Children of God, Assurance, Spiritual Life, Christian values); Bible timeline (End Time, Second Coming, Gospel, Good News); Problems (Evil Spirits, demons, Sickness, Problems, troubles, worries)

Publikum: General

Hensikt: Evangelism; Teaching

Features: Monolog; Bible Stories

Status: Approved

Skript er grunnleggende retningslinjer for oversettelse og opptak til andre språk. De bør tilpasses etter behov for å gjøre dem forståelige og relevante for hver kultur og språk. Noen termer og begreper som brukes kan trenge mer forklaring eller til og med erstattes eller utelates helt.




Good day. Come and meet the greatest of all teachers. His name is Jesus. Look at the pictures in the blue book and turn to the next picture when you hear this music. (MUSIC)

Picture 1. Jesus Teaches the People

Picture 1. Jesus Teaches the People

Matthew 5

In this picture, Jesus is teaching the people about God. Jesus came from God and because He is God’s only Son, He knows all about God. God made us all and He is the only true God. He is holy but people fail to give Him the glory and honour He deserves. They think evil thoughts and do evil deeds. They are separated from God. But God sent Jesus to teach people how they can know Him. He came to restore the relationship between God and people and to restore people to the community of God’s people. I will tell you now what Jesus taught the people when He was on earth, so that you can also learn more about the true and living God. (MUSIC)

Picture 2. The Two Houses

Picture 2. The Two Houses

Matthew 7:24-27

Jesus told a story about the two men in this picture. He said, “Anyone who hears my words and acts on them is like a wise person who built a house on solid rock. Rain poured down, rivers flooded, and winds beat against that house. But it did not fall, because it was built on solid rock. Anyone who hears my words and does not act on them is like a foolish person who built a house on sand. The rain poured down, the rivers flooded, and the winds blew and beat against that house. Finally, it fell with a crash.
We should also build our lives on a strong foundation. Jesus is our strong foundation. We must follow his teaching. If we act on His words, He will help us to overcome Satan and all his spirits, as well as the evil thoughts and habits in our lives. Jesus will be our strength and always guide us, even in troubled times. (MUSIC)

Picture 3. A Light Should Be Seen

Picture 3. A Light Should Be Seen

Matthew 5:14-16

Look, the men in this picture have lights. What do you do with a light in the dark? One of the men is holding his light up high so that it gives light to everyone in the house. The other man is foolish. He is hiding his light under a basket. Jesus is the light of the world and He shows us the way to God. He came to take us from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of light. When we trust in Him, accept His teaching and live by it, others can see the light of Jesus in us. Jesus said, “Let your light shine before people, that they may see your good deeds and give honour to your Father in heaven.” (MUSIC)

Picture 4. A Roman Beats a Jew

Picture 4. A Roman Beats a Jew

Matthew 5:38-42; Romans 12:19

When Jesus lived in the land of the Jews, the Roman foreigners ruled over them. Sometimes the Roman soldiers would treat the Jews harshly, as you can see. The soldier has also taken the man’s coat. What should the man do? Jesus told the people, “Do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. And if someone wants to sue you and take your shirt, let him have your coat as well.” We should not take revenge on those who have harmed us, for the Lord said, “It is mine to avenge; I will repay.” God will punish all who keep on doing what is evil. This punishment will come either in this life or after death. But God teaches us to repay evil by doing good. He wants us to do good to our enemies, forgive and bless those who curse us. (MUSIC)

Picture 5. Praying to God

Picture 5. Praying to God

Matthew 6:5-15

In this picture two men are praying. One of the men is standing out in the street, repeating long prayers. He wants everyone to see him and to give him praise. Jesus said, “When you pray don’t be like these hypocrites who like to show off when they pray. I tell you the truth, they have already received their full reward.” Jesus said, “When you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father in private. He sees everything and will reward you. And when you pray, do not use meaningless repetition like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him. This is how you should pray: ‘Our Father in heaven, help us honour your name. May your kingdom come soon, may your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us the food we need each day. Forgive us our sins, as we also have forgiven those who sinned against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.’ ” (MUSIC)

Picture 6. The Evil One Plants Weeds

Picture 6. The Evil One Plants Weeds

Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43

Some evil men went and planted weeds in a newly sown field. The men were enemies of the landowner. The weeds looked a lot like the good plants. The landowner could not remove the weeds for he would destroy the good plants as well. He waited until harvest time. Then he told the harvesters to separate out the good crops and burn up the weeds. God is like that landowner and Satan is the evil one. Satan has planted evil people amongst God’s people in the world. When the time is right, Jesus will come again. He will separate the evil ones from those who belong to God and honour Him. Jesus will take all who believe and trust in Him to be with Him forever. But those who do not want to accept Jesus will be cast into the Lake of Fire, where God will destroy them. (MUSIC)

Picture 7. Jesus and The Children

Picture 7. Jesus and The Children

Matthew 18:1-6; 19:13-15

Look! One day some people brought children to Jesus. They wanted Jesus to bless the children and pray for them. Jesus’ disciples tried to send the children away. But Jesus was not pleased and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to ones like these.” Jesus also said to his disciples, “I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of God. The people who are great in the kingdom of God are those who are humble like little children.” Those who are proud and think that they are more important than others are not true followers of Jesus. (MUSIC)

Picture 8. The Shepherd and The Sheep

Picture 8. The Shepherd and The Sheep

Matthew 18:12-14; John 10:14

One day Jesus taught his disciples and said, “Be careful not to despise these little ones.” Jesus was talking about the children in their midst. He said further, “If a man owns a hundred sheep, and one of them wanders away and becomes lost, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the hills and go to look for the one that wandered off? And if he finds it, he is happier about that one sheep than about the ninety-nine that did not wander off. In the same way your Father in heaven does not want any of these little ones to be lost.” Jesus does not want any people to be lost. God made all the people on earth. They belong to Him. If anyone follows Satan, he or she is like the sheep that wandered away. Jesus also once said, “I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me.” Jesus is called the good shepherd because He came “to seek and to save” those who are lost from God. Jesus is still seeking and saving the lost. (MUSIC)

Picture 9. The Unforgiving Servant

Picture 9. The Unforgiving Servant

Matthew 18:21-35

A servant once owed his king a lot of money, but he could not repay him. So the king ordered the servant and his family to be sold as slaves. But the servant begged the king to give him time to pay back his money. The king took pity on the servant. He cancelled the whole debt and let him go. When he left there, that servant found a fellow servant who owed him very little money that he could not pay. He began to choke the man and demanded his money back. Because the fellow servant could not pay him back immediately, he put the man in prison until he had paid the debt. Other servants told the king what had happened. The king was very angry. “You wicked servant,” he said, “I cancelled all that debt of yours because you begged me to. Shouldn’t you have had mercy on your fellow servant just as I had on you?” The king put the wicked servant in prison until he had paid his debt. God has forgiven us all our sins. So we must also forgive people who have sinned against us. (MUSIC)

Picture 10. Workers Receive Their Pay

Picture 10. Workers Receive Their Pay

Matthew 20:1-16

A landowner went out to hire workers to work in his vineyard. He agreed to pay them a coin for a full day’s work. At the end of a day these workmen came to receive their pay. The first man to be paid was hired late in day. He had only done a little work. But the landowner was kind. He gave the man a coin. That was a full day’s pay. The second man had worked for half a day. Another man had worked all day. But all the workers received the same amount of money. The man who worked all day, complained. He wanted more money. But the landowner said, “Friend, I am not being unfair to you. Didn’t you agree to work for one coin? Take your pay and go. I want to give the man who was hired last the same as I gave you. Don’t I have the right to do what I want with my own money? Or are you jealous because I am generous?” God is like the landowner. He is kind and generous. He acts in grace towards us all. He gives the same gift of salvation to all who believe in Jesus. It is a free gift and not payment for the good works we do on earth. (MUSIC)

Picture 11. Five Women Outside The Door

Picture 11. Five Women Outside The Door

Matthew 25:1-13

Jesus told this story about ten young women. They were waiting for a wedding feast to begin. The bridegroom came suddenly at midnight. Five of the women were ready to meet him. They lit their oil lamps and went into the feast with him. But five of the women were foolish. They had no oil in their lamps, so they had to go and buy some. When they returned they found the door shut. They cried out, “Sir! Sir! Open the door for us!” But the bridegroom answered, “I tell you the truth, I don’t know you.” Jesus is now in heaven. He is the heavenly bridegroom. One day He will suddenly come back to earth. We do not know when that will be. We must be ready to meet Him any day. For Jesus will take His own to be with Him in heaven. But those who are not ready will not enter Heaven. (MUSIC)

Picture 12. The Master and His Servants

Picture 12. The Master and His Servants

Matthew 25:14-30

How can we be ready when Jesus comes? Listen. The important man you see in this picture has just returned home from a long journey. Before he went away, he entrusted some of his possessions to his servants. To one servant he gave five coins. The servant traded it and gained five more coins for his master. Another servant was given two coins. He gained two more for his master. When their master returned, and saw how well they managed his money, he said to both of them, “Well done, my good and faithful servants. You proved that you could be trusted with a small amount. I will put you in charge of a large amount. Come and celebrate with me.” But a third servant, who received one coin, hid the money placed in his care. He did nothing to gain more. The master was angry and said, “You are a wicked and lazy servant! You knew I wanted the best from you! You could have at least put my money in the bank so I could have earned interest on it. He took the money from him and gave it to the one who earned five more coins to the five he was given. Then he said, “Throw this useless servant outside into the darkness, where people will cry and grind their teeth with pain.” Jesus is the Master of the believer. He has gone to heaven, but will return to earth. He has given all His followers gifts and abilities to use in His service. It is good to use everything we have to honour Jesus. He has promised to reward those who serve Him faithfully.

Introduction 2

Introduction 2

Jesus taught the people about God, but He also showed them that He had great power from God. He also wanted to assure them of God’s compassion for them. The Jews thought that the many diseases among them were the result of God’s curse on them because of their sins. Jesus, by his healings and miracles wanted to assure Israel of God’s favour. He also wanted to signal the beginning of God’s long-awaited kingdom. Look at the pictures and turn to the next one when you hear the music. (MUSIC)

Picture 13. Jesus is Baptised

Picture 13. Jesus is Baptised

Mark 1:4-13

In this picture we see Jesus even before He began to teach the people. The man next to Him is John the Baptist. John knew that God would send Jesus to the earth. John had been warning the Jewish people to turn from their evil ways and worship the One True God. Those who believed John’s message from God were baptised with water. The baptism was a sign that they wanted God to forgive their sins, and that they would change their ways and live to please God. John said, “After me will come one more powerful than I. I baptise you with water, but he will baptise you with the Holy Spirit.” Jesus came to John, because He wanted to be baptised as well, even though He had never sinned. As Jesus came out of the water, an amazing thing happened. The heavens opened and the Holy Spirit of God came upon Him in the form of a dove. God's voice spoke from heaven, saying, “You are my Son, whom I love; and I am very pleased with you.” After His baptism, God allowed Satan to tempt Jesus. Satan even misused God’s Word to tempt Him. But Jesus overcame Satan by answering him with words from God’s written Word in the power of the Holy Spirit. (MUSIC)

Picture 14. Jesus Calls Disciples

Picture 14. Jesus Calls Disciples

Mark 1:12-20; Matthew 28:19, 20

After he had overcome Satan, Jesus went on to do the work for which God had sent Him. God sent Jesus Christ to this earth to preach the good news of God, to teach the people, to heal the sick and to destroy the works of Satan. The word Christ means “God’s chosen One.” And people saw that He had God’s power. One day, as Jesus was walking beside the Sea of Galilee, He saw four fishermen. He said to them, “Come, follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” At once they left their nets and went with Jesus. Jesus chose another eight men. These twelve men became his disciples to be with Him and to learn from Him. They saw the miracles Jesus did, so they knew that He was from God. The disciples later became apostles of Jesus, which means, his sent ones. They preached the good news of Jesus Christ and they healed the sick in the Name of Jesus. Later on Jesus gave them power through the Holy Spirit. They had power over evil spirits so that they could cast them out and to do all kinds of miracles. Later, when He completed His mission on earth, just before Jesus returned to heaven, He gave his apostles this commandment, “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” (MUSIC)

Picture 15. A Man With a Skin Disease

Picture 15. A Man With a Skin Disease

Mark 1:40-45

One day a man with a terrible skin disease came to Jesus. He knelt before Jesus and begged Him, “If you are willing, you can make me clean.” People with this disease were forced to live outside their community. Other people were afraid to go near them. But Jesus was filled with compassion for this man. Jesus touched him and said, “I am willing, be clean!” At once the man was healed from his leprosy. Jesus said to him, “Don't tell anyone about this. Instead, go to the priest and let him examine you. Take along the offering required in the Law of Moses for those who have been healed of this disease. This will be a public testimony that you have been cleansed.” But the man was so happy that as he went he told everyone. Jesus did not conform to people’s expectations. He did what God wanted Him to do. He lifted up those who were rejected. He took away this man’s shame and restored his honour. He enabled him to return to the community he had been expelled from. Jesus will take away your shame, too, if you ask Him. (MUSIC)

Picture 16. A Man Comes Through The Roof

Picture 16. A Man Comes Through The Roof

Mark 2:1-12

One day Jesus was inside a house, teaching the people about God. At that time four men wanted to bring a paralysed man to Jesus, but because of the crowd they could not get inside. So they made a hole in the roof and let the man down through the hole. Jesus saw their trust in Him. He said to the sick man, “Son, your sins are forgiven.” Some religious leaders were angry when they heard this. They said, “Who can forgive sins but God alone?” They did not believe that Jesus came from God. Then Jesus said to the paralysed man, “I tell you, get up, take your mat and go home.” Immediately the man was healed! In this way, Jesus showed the people that He was from God. He has the power of God to heal illnesses, just as He has the power of God to forgive sins. (MUSIC)

Picture 17. Jesus Heals a Man’s Hand

Picture 17. Jesus Heals a Man’s Hand

Mark 3:1-5

Here we see Jesus in the prayer house of the Jews. The religious leaders were there. And there was a man with a withered hand. It was the seventh day of the week when the Jews worshipped God. Their law said that no one should work on that day. The Jews watched Jesus to see whether He would heal the man. Jesus cared about people and still does. Those religious leaders did not. They just wanted Jesus to break the law so that they could kill Him. Jesus asked the leaders, “Which is lawful on the Sabbath: to do good or to do evil, to save life or to kill?” The Jews said nothing for their hearts were hardened. So Jesus said to the man, “Stretch out your hand.” He stretched it out and all could see his hand was well and strong again. We must worship God, but we must also care for others. Otherwise our worship will be empty and meaningless. (MUSIC)

Picture 18. Jesus Calms The Storm

Picture 18. Jesus Calms The Storm

Mark 4:35-41

In this picture we see Jesus with his disciples in a boat. They were taking Him across a great lake. Suddenly a fierce storm blew up. The water came into the boat and it began to sink. Jesus was asleep in the back of the boat. His disciples woke Him and said, “Teacher, don’t you care if we drown?” Jesus got up and said to the wind and the waves, “Quiet! Be still!” Immediately the storm ceased. Jesus said to his disciples, “Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?” The disciples were amazed and said, “Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him!” We know that Jesus is God and that He has power over all people, spirits and everything else that He has made. So, we can trust Jesus to protect us and give us peace in troubled times. (MUSIC)

Picture 19. A Woman In The Crowd

Picture 19. A Woman In The Crowd

Mark 5:25-34

Do you see the woman in this crowd? She had been bleeding for twelve years. She had gone to many doctors, and they had not done anything except cause her a lot of pain. She had paid them all the money she had. But instead of getting better, she only got worse. She had heard that Jesus could heal sick people. She said to herself: “If I just touch his clothes, I will be healed.” So the woman came up in the crowd behind Jesus and touched his clothes. At once her bleeding stopped and she felt in her body that she was healed. Jesus knew that power had gone out from Him. He stopped and said, “Who touched my clothes?” There were many people around Jesus, but this woman knew what had happened to her. She came in fear, knelt at his feet and told Him the whole truth. Jesus said, “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering.” God’s Word teaches us that Jesus is still able to heal sick people who put their trust and hope in Him. There are many people in this world, and Jesus knows each one of them and cares about all of them. He also cares about you. He wants you to come to Him too and to trust in Him. (MUSIC)

Picture 20. Jesus and The Dead Child

Picture 20. Jesus and The Dead Child

Mark 5:22-24, 35-43

Jairus was an important man in the Jewish church. His daughter became very ill. He called Jesus to come and heal her, but before Jesus arrived, the child died. Jesus said to Jairus, “Don’t be afraid; just believe.” At the house of Jairus the people were wailing in grief but Jesus sent them away. Jesus took three of his disciples with Jairus and his wife into the room where the dead child lay. Jesus took the child by the hand and said, “Little girl, I say to you, get up!” She got up immediately and walked around. Jesus told them to give her something to eat. Yes, Jesus has power even over death! Those who believe and follow Him need not fear death. Jesus is stronger than Satan, sin and death. (MUSIC)

Picture 21. Jesus and The Foreign Woman

Picture 21. Jesus and The Foreign Woman

Mark 7:24-30; Matthew 15:21-28

One day a foreign woman came to Jesus. An evil spirit possessed her little daughter. She kept on begging Jesus to cast out the evil spirit. Jesus told her that He had come to help the Jewish people first. If He helped the foreigners before helping the Jews, it would be like feeding the dogs before feeding the children. Jesus said, “First, let the children eat all they want, for it is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to their dogs.” She replied, “Yes, Lord, but even the dogs under the table eat the children’s crumbs.” Then Jesus said to her, “You have great faith! I will do what you asked.” The woman went home and found that the evil spirit had gone out of her child. Jesus loves and helps people from all tribes and all countries. Jesus wants us to put our trust in Him, just like that foreign woman. Jesus can deliver us from the grip of Satan’s power. (MUSIC)

Picture 22. Jesus and The Deaf and Mute Man

Picture 22. Jesus and The Deaf and Mute Man

Mark 7:31-37

Some people brought a man to Jesus. He had been deaf from birth and he could not speak properly. They begged Jesus to place his hand on the man. He took the man away from the crowd. Jesus put his fingers into the man’s ears. Then He spat and touched the man’s tongue. Jesus looked up to God in heaven and said to the man, “Be opened!” Immediately the man could hear and speak clearly. The people were amazed and said, “He has done everything well. He even makes the deaf hear and the dumb speak.” Jesus created all our body parts. He has power over our sicknesses. There is nothing impossible for Him to do. We can ask Him to heal us and then, like the deaf man, we shall also tell others about God. (MUSIC)

Picture 23. Jesus Makes The Blind Man See

Picture 23. Jesus Makes The Blind Man See

Isaiah 53:4; Mark 8:22-26; James 5:13-16

One day people also brought a blind man to Jesus. They asked Jesus to heal the man. Jesus took the blind man by the hand and led him out of the village. He spat on the man’s eyes, put his hands on him and asked, “Do you see anything?” The man answered, “I see people; they look like trees walking around.” Again Jesus put his hands on the man’s eyes. Then his eyes were opened, his sight was restored and he saw everything clearly. Jesus is the same today. What He has done in the past He can do today. The Bible says that, “He took our illnesses and carried our diseases.” Is anyone among you suffering? He should pray. Is anyone among you ill? He should call the elders of the church, and they should pray for him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer that is said with faith will save the one who is sick and the Lord will make him well – and if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven. So admit your sins to one another and pray for one another so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great effectiveness. (MUSIC)

Picture 24. Jesus Heals a Boy With a Demon

Picture 24. Jesus Heals a Boy With a Demon

Mark 9:14-29; 2Timothy 1:10

One day a man brought his son to Jesus’ disciples. He asked them to cast out an evil spirit in his son, but they could not. Later he brought the boy to Jesus. When the evil spirit saw Jesus, it made the boy have a terrible fit. The boy fell to the ground and rolled on the ground, foaming at the mouth. The boy’s father had little hope that Jesus could help them, and he said to Jesus, “But if you can do anything, take pity on us and help us.” “If you can?” said Jesus. “Everything is possible for him who believes.” The boy’s father answered: “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!” As the crowd came running to watch Jesus spoke to the unclean spirit, “You, spirit, that makes this boy unable to speak and hear, I command you, come out of him and never enter him again.” The evil spirit screamed and came out of the boy. The boy lay very still and many people said, “He’s dead.” But Jesus took him by the hand and lifted him to his feet and he stood up. Later, the disciples asked Jesus in private, “Why couldn’t we drive it out?” Jesus answered, “This kind can come out only by prayer.”
A short time after this happened, the Jewish leaders killed Jesus. But it was then that Jesus worked the greatest miracle of all. He rose from the dead. He defeated Satan and death forever. Jesus is greater than all the spirits and gods in this world. He has power over sickness and death and he can rescue us from spiritual blindness and the power of Satan.
Jesus has power over all things. Because Jesus is the one true God.

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