English: Southern Africa språk

Språknavn: English: Southern Africa
ISO-språknavn: English [eng]
Språktilstand: Verified
GRN språknummer: 6001
IETF Language Tag: en-ZA
ROLV (ROD) Språkvariantkode: 06001

Eksempel på English: Southern Africa

English Group Africa Southern - The Two Roads.mp3

Audio recordings available in English: Southern Africa

Disse opptakene er laget for evangelisering og grunnleggende bibelundervisning for å bringe evangeliets budskap til mennesker som ikke er litterære eller kommer fra muntlige kulturer, spesielt unådde folkegrupper.

Gode nyheter

Audiovisuelle bibeltimer i 40 deler med bilder. Inneholder bibeloversikt fra skapelsen til Kristus, og undervisning om kristenlivet. For evangelisering og menighetsplanting.

Tumi - the Talking Tiger

En samling korte "chatter" som leverer meldinger om trøst, styrking og Guds kjærlighet til barn som er traumatisert av fattigdom, sykdom, misbruk og katastrofer. Designet for bruk med Tumi the Talking Tiger myk leketøy. A series of interactive stories for children in need, to be played on a Megavoice audio player placed in the pouch of the soft toy tiger buddy – with appropriate support and followup.

Den levende Kristus

En kronologisk bibelundervisningsserie fra skapelsen til Kristi annet komme i 120 bilder. Gir forståelse for Jesu karakter og lære.

The Bride

Dramatiserte presentasjoner av en historie eller lignelse. With performing artist Marié du Toit and music by Johan Kelber. This recording was digitised and is distributed by GRN with the permission of MEMA Media.

Colin's Favourate Hymns

Samlinger av kristen musikk, sanger eller salmer. The music pieces are interpreted by Joshua Prinsloo, tuned to 432 Hz.

Colin the Companion Talks

Utdanningsmateriell til offentlig nytte, for eksempel informasjon om helsespørsmål, jordbruk, næringsliv, leseferdighet eller annen utdanning. Counselling on two dimensions: • Empowering the person living with Alzheimer's Syndrome (ASP). • Guidance to the family in coping with the situation of AS.

CRAZY - Golden Oldies with a touch of Bipolar

Utdanningsmateriell til offentlig nytte, for eksempel informasjon om helsespørsmål, jordbruk, næringsliv, leseferdighet eller annen utdanning. Hein attends a stage performance by performing artist Marié du Toit and pianist Bram Potgieter. The show forms part of program to raise awareness about Mental Health on campus at the Cape Town University of Technology. Hein finds it a highly cool and enlightening show - jazz songs presented with a bipolar "twist". After the show Marié shares her testimony with Hein. She has been battling with Bipolar for many years herself. The program is touching and inspiring. Hein also has an interview with Bram. The tunes are well-known. The lyrics were adapted brilliantly by Marié in order raise awareness, share information and most of all give hope to people living with Bipolar Mood Disorder and their significant others. Filmed and recorded for GRNSA by Hugenote Media. Director of the production: Dan de Koker. Guest presenter: Hein Poole. Copyright of adapted lyrics: Marié du Toit.

Grace - A Vitnesbyrd of FORGIVENESS

Dramatiserte presentasjoner av en historie eller lignelse. The most powerful act is Love. The most liberating act is Forgiveness. Although the story of Grace Dube played out in the nineties, the story of Forgiveness is timeless. That’s why we should keep on telling it. Our sincere thanks to thePLAN, MEMA Media, and film director & producer Regardt van den Bergh for their permission to distribute this content free of charge via this platform.

HIV & Aids Discussions

Utdanningsmateriell til offentlig nytte, for eksempel informasjon om helsespørsmål, jordbruk, næringsliv, leseferdighet eller annen utdanning. 3 audio only discussions about HIV & Aids.

HIV & Aids - straightforward about the basics

Utdanningsmateriell til offentlig nytte, for eksempel informasjon om helsespørsmål, jordbruk, næringsliv, leseferdighet eller annen utdanning. A short video featuring Hein Poole (https://www.imdb.com/name/nm3712748/bio) as a doctor, explaining straightforward basics about HIV & AIDs.

My Divine Discovery

Vitnesbyrd fra troende for evangelisering av vantro og motivasjon for kristne.

No More

Samlinger av kristen musikk, sanger eller salmer. Genre: Afro-Pop. A prayer in song about Bipolar Mood Disorder. Copyright: Hein Poole (lyrics) and Joshua Prinsloo (composer). Recording done by Joshua Prinsloo. Music and compilation: Joshua Prinsloo. Hein wrote the lyrics after attending the stage performance, "CRAZY - Golden Oldies with a touch of Bipolar" and doing an interview with performing artist Marié du Toit after the show.

No More Tears

Dramatiserte presentasjoner av en historie eller lignelse. This is a story of hope for those living with HIV and Aids and those living with them. The film script is based on a book by Cecile Perold published in 2002. ©Copyright: Christian Audio-Visual Action (CAVA). Producer: MEMA-Media. Distributed by GRN with permission.

Somebody Bigger Than You and I

Samlinger av kristen musikk, sanger eller salmer. Bonus track in honor of the Bipolar theme. To inspire and motivate when times are tough. By performing artist Marié du Toit. This song underwrites Marié's personal testimony that she shares in her interview with Hein Poole after a stage performance of "CRAZY Golden Oldies - with a touch of Bipolar".

Recordings in related languages

Livets ord (in English: Africa)

Korte bibelhistorier og evangeliske budskap som forklarer frelse og gir grunnleggende kristen undervisning. Hvert program er et tilpasset og kulturelt relevant utvalg av manus, og kan inneholde sanger og musikk.

Covid-19 (in English: Africa)

Utdanningsmateriell til offentlig nytte, for eksempel informasjon om helsespørsmål, jordbruk, næringsliv, leseferdighet eller annen utdanning.

Thomian Choir Christmas Carols (in English)

Samlinger av kristen musikk, sanger eller salmer.

Innspillinger på andre språk som inneholder noen deler på English: Southern Africa

Christian Sanger (in ichibemba [Icibemba])

Last ned alle English: Southern Africa

Lyd/video fra andre kilder

Audio Books of Christian Classics - English - (Free Christian Audio Books)
Christian Walk - English: Philippines - (Videoparables.org)
Jesus Film Project films - English - (Jesus Film Project)
Jesus Film Project films - English, African - (Jesus Film Project)
Jesus Film Project films - English, British - (Jesus Film Project)
Jesus Film Project films - English, North American Indigenous - (Jesus Film Project)
KING of GLORY - English - (Rock International)
The gospels - New International Version - (The Lumo Project)
The Jesus Story (audiodrama) - English - (Jesus Film Project)
The Promise - Bible Stories - English - (Story Runners)
The Way of Righteousness - English - (Rock International)

Andre navn for English: Southern Africa

English: South Africa

Hvor English: Southern Africa snakkes

South Africa

Språk relatert til English: Southern Africa

Informasjon om English: Southern Africa

Befolkning: 1,198,000

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