Zapoteco de Lachirioag språk
Språknavn: Zapoteco de Lachirioag
ISO språkkode: zty
Språkomfang: ISO Language
Språktilstand: Verified
GRN språknummer: 4326
IETF Language Tag: zty
Eksempel på Zapoteco de Lachirioag
nedlasting Zapotec Zapoteco de Lachirioag - The Two Roads.mp3
Audio recordings available in Zapoteco de Lachirioag
Disse opptakene er laget for evangelisering og grunnleggende bibelundervisning for å bringe evangeliets budskap til mennesker som ikke er litterære eller kommer fra muntlige kulturer, spesielt unådde folkegrupper.
Gode nyheter
Audiovisuelle bibeltimer i 40 deler med bilder. Inneholder bibeloversikt fra skapelsen til Kristus, og undervisning om kristenlivet. For evangelisering og menighetsplanting.
Recordings in related languages
Zapotec Diagnostic (in Zapotec)
Collections of short messages or samples in many different languages for the purpose of identifying what language someone speaks.
Last ned alle Zapoteco de Lachirioag
- Language MP3 Audio Zip (36.5MB)
- Language Low-MP3 Audio Zip (11MB)
- Language MP4 Slideshow Zip (63MB)
- Language 3GP Slideshow Zip (4.9MB)
Lyd/video fra andre kilder
Scripture resources - Zapotec, Yatee - (Scripture Earth)
The New Testament - Zapoteco de Yatee - (Faith Comes By Hearing)
Andre navn for Zapoteco de Lachirioag
Didza shon
Lachirioag Zapotec
Lachiruaj Zapotec
Northern Sapoteko
San Cristobal Lachiruaj
San Cristobal Lachiruaj Zapotec
San Cristóbal Lachiruaj Zapotec
Yatee Zapotec
Zapotec, Lachirioag
Zapoteco, San Cristobal Lachirioag
Zapoteco serrano del sureste
Zapoteco, Yatee (ISO-språknavn)
Zapotèque (Yatee)
Språk relatert til Zapoteco de Lachirioag
- Zapotec (Macrolanguage)
- Zapoteco de Lachirioag (ISO Language)
- Zapotec, El Alto (ISO Language)
- Zapotec, Guevea de Humboldt (ISO Language)
- Zapoteco de Aloápam (ISO Language)
- Zapoteco de Amatlan (ISO Language)
- Zapoteco de Asuncion Mixtepec (ISO Language)
- Zapoteco de Ayoquesco (ISO Language)
- Zapoteco de Cajonos (ISO Language)
- Zapoteco de Chichicapan (ISO Language)
- Zapoteco de Choapan (ISO Language)
- Zapoteco de Coatecas Altas (ISO Language)
- Zapoteco de Coatlan (ISO Language)
- Zapoteco de Elotepec (ISO Language)
- Zapoteco de Guelavia (ISO Language)
- Zapoteco de Guila (ISO Language)
- Zapoteco de Lachiguiri (ISO Language)
- Zapoteco de Lachixío (ISO Language)
- Zapoteco del Istmo (ISO Language)
- Zapoteco de Loxicha (ISO Language)
- Zapoteco del Rincon (ISO Language)
- Zapoteco de Mazaltepec (ISO Language)
- Zapoteco de Miahuatlan (ISO Language)
- Zapoteco de Mitla (ISO Language)
- Zapoteco de Mixtepec de Miahuatlán (ISO Language)
- Zapoteco de Ocotlan (ISO Language)
- Zapoteco de Ozolotepec (ISO Language)
- Zapoteco de Petapa (ISO Language)
- Zapoteco de Quiatoni (ISO Language)
- Zapoteco de Quiavicuzas (ISO Language)
- Zapoteco de Quiegolani (ISO Language)
- Zapoteco de Quioquitani (ISO Language)
- Zapoteco de Rincón Sur (ISO Language)
- Zapoteco de San Agustin Mixtepec (ISO Language)
- Zapoteco de San Baltazar Loxicha (ISO Language)
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- Zapoteco de Santo Domingo Albarradas (ISO Language)
- Zapoteco de San Vicente Coatlán (ISO Language)
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- Zapoteco de Tabaa (ISO Language)
- Zapoteco de Tejalápam (ISO Language)
- Zapoteco de Teococuilco (ISO Language)
- Zapoteco de Texmelucan (ISO Language)
- Zapoteco de Tilquiapam (ISO Language)
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- Zapoteco de Villa Alta (ISO Language)
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- Zapoteco de Xanaguía (ISO Language)
- Zapoteco de Xanica (ISO Language)
- Zapoteco de Yalálag (ISO Language)
- Zapoteco de Yautepec (ISO Language)
- Zapoteco de Zaachila & Jalpan (ISO Language)
- Zapoteco de Zaniza (ISO Language)
- Zapoteco de Zegache (ISO Language)
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Persongrupper som snakker Zapoteco de Lachirioag
Zapotec, Lachiruaj ▪ Zapoteco, Yatee
Informasjon om Zapoteco de Lachirioag
Annen informasjon: Close to Yatee, Camotlan, Understand Spanish, other Zapo. dialect.
Befolkning: 3,000
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