Swahili: Jomvu språk
Språknavn: Swahili: Jomvu
ISO-språknavn: Swahili (individual language) [swh]
Språktilstand: Verified
GRN språknummer: 26028
IETF Language Tag: sw-x-HIS26028
ROLV (ROD) Språkvariantkode: 26028
Audio recordings available in Swahili: Jomvu
Vi har for øyeblikket ingen tilgjengelige opptak på dette språket.
Lyd/video fra andre kilder
Hymns - Swahili - (NetHymnal)
Jesus Film Project films - Swahili, Kenya - (Jesus Film Project)
Jesus Film Project films - Swahili, Tanzania - (Jesus Film Project)
John 3:1-21 - Biblia Habari Njema - (The Lumo Project)
Kiswahili Contemporary Version (Neno: Bibilia Takatifu) - (Faith Comes By Hearing)
Mfalme Wa Utukufu (King of Glory) - Swahili - (Rock International)
Renewal of All Things - Swahili - (WGS Ministries)
The Jesus Story (audiodrama) - Swahili Tanzania - (Jesus Film Project)
The New Testament - Kiswahili - Habari Njema - (Faith Comes By Hearing)
The New Testament - Kiswahili - Habari Njema (Interconfessional) - (Faith Comes By Hearing)
The New Testament - Kiswahili (Tanzanian) - by Biblica - (Bible Gateway)
The Promise - Bible Stories - Swahili - (Story Runners)
Thru the Bible Swahili Podcast - (Thru The Bible)
Who is God? - Kiswahili (Kenya) - (Who Is God?)
Who is God? - Swahili (Kiswahili) - (Who Is God?)
Andre navn for Swahili: Jomvu
Språk relatert til Swahili: Jomvu
- Swahili (macrolanguage) (Macrolanguage)
- Swahili (individual language) (ISO Language)
- Swahili: Jomvu
- Swahili: Amu
- Swahili: Bajuni
- Swahili, Baravenes
- Swahili: Changamwe
- Swahili: Chitundi
- Swahili: Faza
- Swahili: Katwa
- Swahili [Kenya]
- Swahili: Kilifi
- Swahili: Kilindini
- Swahili: Mambrui
- Swahili: Mtwapa
- Swahili: Mvita
- Swahili: Mwini
- Swahili: Ngare
- Swahili: Pate
- Swahili: Shaka
- Swahili: Shamba
- Swahili: Siu
- Swahili: Tangana
- Swahili: Tanzania
- Swahili: Unguja
- Swahili: Vumba
Informasjon om Swahili: Jomvu
Befolkning: 5,000,000
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