Arabic, Levantine: Madani taalnaam
Taalnaam: Arabic, Levantine: Madani
ISO Taalnaam: Arabic, Levantine [apc]
Taalstatus: Verified
GRN Taalnummer: 7148
IETF Language Tag: ar-PS-x-HIS07148
ROLV (ROD) Taalvariantcode: 07148
Audio opnamen beschikbaar in Arabic, Levantine: Madani
We hebben momenteel geen opnamen beschikbaar in deze taal.
Recordings in related languages
المسيحِ الحي [The Living Christ] (in Arabisch)
Een chronologisch Bijbelprogramma van de Schepping tot en met de wederkomst van Jezus met 120 afbeeldingen. Focus op het karakter en het onderwijs van Jezus.
Audio/Video van andere bronnen
Jesus Film Project films - Arabic, Palestinian - (Jesus Film Project)
Lebanese Levant Shiite Film (film) (A man has a dream and tries to discover meaning) - (Create International)
Lebanese Levant Shiite Film (film) (Two women discuss Isa Al Masih) - (Create International)
Lebanese Levant Shiite Film (film) (Young woman seeks help from friend) - (Create International)
Renewal of All Things - Arabic - (WGS Ministries)
Study the Bible - (ThirdMill)
The Hope Video - Arabic ( العربية ) - (Mars Hill Productions)
Who is God? - Arabic - (Who Is God?)
طريق البِرّ - The Way of Righteousness - Arabic - (Rock International)
مَلِكُ المـَجْد - Arabic ( Lebanese ) - (Rock International)
مَلِكُ المـَجْد (King of Glory) - Lebanese Arabic - (Rock International)
Andere namen voor Arabic, Levantine: Madani
Arabic, South Levantine: Madani
Talen gerelateerd aan Arabic, Levantine: Madani
- Arabisch (Macrolanguage)
- Arabic, Levantine (ISO Language)
- Arabic, Levantine: Madani
- Arabic: Damascus
- Arabic, Levantine: Fellahi
- Arabic, Levantine: Horani
- Arabic, Levantine: Jordanian
- Arabic, North Levantine: Aleppo
- Arabic, North Levantine: Beiruti
- Arabic, North Levantine: Beqaa
- Arabic, North Levantine: Çukurova
- Arabic, North Levantine: Iqlim-Al-Kharrub Sunni
- Arabic, North Levantine: Jdaideh
- Arabic, North Levantine: North Lebanese Literary
- Arabic, North Levantine: Saida Sunni
- Arabic, North Levantine: South-Central Lebanese
- Arabic, North Levantine: South Lebanese
- Arabic, North Levantine: Standard Lebanese
- Arabic, North Levantine: Syrian Calamon
- Arabic, Palestinian
Groepen die Arabic, Levantine: Madani spreken
Arab, Palestinian
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