Prayer Guide for GRN Thailand September 2024

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Dear Prayer Partners,

"...Safety is of the Lord." Proverbs 21:31 "Safety is of the Lord, we read in your Word," my Uncle Walt used to pray before we would leave on a long driving trip. Indeed, it's worth praying for Lot and Boi as they left late August driving the GRNT truck from Chiang Mai to NE Thailand! There has been so much devastation from flooding in Thailand these days. We thank God for the safety He has given us over many 1000s of kilometers. Just to get to the point of contact with our partners and language helpers is a huge accomplishment. Thanks for praying.

May you also experience safety in your travels around family and work as you lift up our requests this month. We thank God for you.

Jon Rulison

Prayer Guide for GRN Thailand September 2024

1) (Sun) Pray for Karen Sgaw Pastor Ithipon, to increase in strength where he is paralyzed. He exercises daily. His attitude of thanksgiving in the midst of difficulty was a blessing to us that we won't forget.

2) (Mon) Getting good expression from language helpers in the recording process is not easy! Jon & Clair want to help our recordists with this, since they already have so much to do setting up a local studio and operating the recording equipment. So they are going along with our recordists, Lot & Boi, 2-7 September to help them get the best expression from our Nyeu language helper, Paw. She will be explaining the meaning of the 40 picture series we call the Good News Audio Visual. Pray for Paw as she thinks through the content for each picture.

3) (Tue) Clair has been coaching Jaew how to work with our Nyeu language helper, Paw to attain best expression in the recording of the Good News Audio Visual this week. Pray for good results. Pray also for wisdom and accuracy for Lot and Boi as they record Paw speaking in her language for the recording.

4) (Wed) Thai Song Dam (from Suphanburi Province) and other groups: Please pray for the following: 1) Pastor Chalao and Ploy as they teach the children at the Good News clubs on Saturdays and for the children to listen well and learn, and for their parents to be supportive, 2) Wisdom for Ploy as she cares for the new believers, and for them to grow more in the Lord, 3) The church committee to have a good retreat on 14 September, spending time together and discussing church ministry, 4) Good health for the church members, especially the elderly, and 5) Healing for Khun Phan, Mr. Thuan's son who is very sick in the hospital.

5) (Thur) Kerry & Von are in the USA for home assignment. Pray for good health, wisdom and safety as they continue to visit prayer partners and supporters.

6) (Fri) Lawa in Pae Village: Please pray for the following: 1) Strength and encouragement for Dough and his mother as they work in their fields and gardens, and healing for his mother's ankle that broke a couple of years ago but still hurts, 2) God's help and direction for Chat, See and baby Esther, as Chat has decided to move back to the village with See, 3) Unity for the church members as they make handicrafts on Wednesdays at the church to bring income into the church, 4) Good health for Bua Rueng, a handicapped lady who has leg pain, and 5) Wisdom as the church committee meets to discuss the matter of no gambling at funerals of Christians.

7) (Sat) Please pray for Jaew to have strength and good health. Also continue to pray that the documents for the continuation of board members of SOLF will be approved soon by the government office.

8) (Sun) Vietnamese Thai prayers requests: Praise the Lord that Joshua has a driver's license now. Please pray for the following: 1) The provision of a vehicle for Joshua so he can drive his parents to visit and encourage people in the north and northeast this month, and 2) Wisdom for the Thai Vietnamese church leaders and elders to know how to use GRN recordings in both languages to help people to know God more.

9) (Mon) From Dan and Na Tisdale in the USA: Please pray for Na as she continues writing and developing her Wonderful Word Curriculum for teaching children. It is a 3 year Bible curriculum with stories from Genesis to Revelation, written and illustrated in a Thai style and will give churches in Thailand resources to reach thousands of children with little or no appropriate Bible resources. The curriculum is in 36 book sets. Na has written 20 of the books so has 16 more to write. Please pray for wisdom and strength for Na, and for the provision of gifted honest Thai artists, preferable Christian, to draw for the rest of the project. You can have a look at

10) (Tue) Nyah Kur and Isaan Groups: Please pray for the following: 1) Strength and good health for B and G, and for B's life to be a real light to her relatives, 2) Thep to see Jesus in a fresh and real way that stabilizes his faith, and for him to be a good example to his wife, and 3) Wisdom and strength for all of the pastors and church leaders as they follow up new believers, and good health for all.

11) (Wed) From Boi's family: Please pray for the following: 1) Strength and wisdom for Boi and Aom as they serve the Lord and good health for their family, 2) Boi and Aom to walk closely with the Lord and to be good examples to their children and neighbors, 3) The provision of finances to continue building the house for Boi's family, and 4) Good friends, safety and wisdom for Boi's daughters as they go to school and study.

12) (Thur) Please pray for plans for MGT to visit villagers in mountain areas in the coming months that they will be able to go and be a witness and encouragement to many.

13) (Fri) Isaan and other Groups: Praise God that Pastor Supote and his family have more time to serve God, and that more people have believed in Jesus. Please pray for the following: 1) Strength, good health and wisdom for Pastor Supote and his wife as they serve God, 2) Good health and strength for June and her family and good income from selling sweets, 3) A church to be planted in Nawang district in Nong Bua-Lam-Phu Province, 4) Wisdom, good health and sufficient finances for Pastor Prasit and his family as they serve the Lord, 5) Wisdom and good health for Bee as she studies God's Word and serves God, and for the provision of a godly husband in the future, 6) The church members to hunger much for God and His Word, and for them to trust in Him with all their hearts, and 7) New believers, Sai and Paw to grow in Christ.

14) (Sat) So Thavung Group: Thank God that people came to help Grandma Khan and her sister when water flooded inside their houses. Please pray for the following: 1) Safety from further flooding for Grandma Khan, her family and relatives, 2) Safety from flooding for the rice and other crops, 3) Good health for all of the villagers, 4) Overseas teachers to be able to teach English online to some of the young adults, 5) Strength, wisdom and fruitfulness for Pastor Lek as he serves God in various ministries, such as sports and music, and 6) Finances to repair the church building.

15) (Sun) Ugong Group: Please pray for the following: 1) Good health for everyone in the village, especially the elderly, 2) All of the villagers who have heard the Gospel to receive Jesus Christ as their Savior, and 3) The crops to be very fruitful.

16) (Mon) Yoy and other groups: Please pray for the following: 1) Wisdom, strength and encouragement for God's servants, 2) Good health and a strong faith for all of the church members, 3) Good health and God's blessing for Song Phan and her family in their work, and 4) The children in the Compassion Project to grow in faith and be good examples to their families.

17) (Tue) Phu Thai Renu and other groups: Please pray for the following: 1) The church to be able to reach their goals, 2) The believers to evangelize and make disciples first among their relatives, and on to people in every district, 3) Strength and encouragement for Pastor Bum, and 4) Good health for all of the church members and for them to grow in Christ.

18) (Wed) From Lot's family: Please pray for the following: 1) Strength and safety in travel for Maethee and Anna as they work in the Chiangmai area, and 2) Complete healing for Rappon as she receives artificial sunlight treatment twice a week for chronic sores on her hands and feet from a skin infection.

19) (Thur) Phu Thai Nakae and other groups in Nakhon Phanom: Please pray for God's help and blessing on the following: 1) Meetings of the Provincial Protestant Church Coordinating Committee with leaders from 24 churches attending, 2) Youth ministry in the whole province, 3) The restaurant ministry to help the community, 4) Improvements to be made on the church building, 5) The provision of a full time pastor for the church in Wang Yang District, 6) Training for women in Chaiyaphum Province, and 7) The "One leads two" ministry in Nakhon Phanom Province.

20) (Fri) Nyaw Group: Praise God that one Nyaw Christian man who serves the Lord was able to get a job locally so that he doesn't need to go to another country to find work in order to support his family.

21) (Sat) From Joshua and Gloria: Please pray for the following: 1) Both of them to be strengthened physically and spiritually, 2) The Holy Spirit to shape and guide the W3 youth ministry and the Love Touch Ministry, 3) The construction of Esther Center to be completed and for the center to be used for the glory of God, 4) God to send youth who can be trained at the center, and 5) Paul to be a good example and faithful assistant coach to students at Grace International School.

22) (Sun) Mpi group: Please pray for God's guidance for GRNT in planning to visit the Mpi in the future, concerning when to go, and also how to be a witness and help to them.

23) (Mon) The recording team of ministry partners (not GRN staff) in a nearby country: Please pray for the following: 1) Wisdom and accuracy to finish editing the Good News recording which was recorded recently, 2) Wisdom to do the monthly report, 3) Safety in travel for all of the team members and 4) A future recording team upgrade.

24) (Tue) Please pray for God's leading in plans to get MP3 players with the Moken New Testament to people who will take them to Myanmar in October. Pray that the players will get to Myanmar safely and that many Moken will be blessed as they listen to God's Word in their own language.

25) (Wed) Thai Song Dam Group in Kanchanaburi Province: Please pray for the following: 1) The construction of the "House of blessing" to be completed according to the set goal, and safety for the construction workers, 2) The children and youth to walk closely with the Lord, 3) The ministry to widows, orphans and needy children, 4) Sufficient funds for each month, and 5) Good health and strength for Pastor Song.

26) (Thur) We are hearing of people who have suffered depression, and that through listening to our recordings in their homes, they have been encouraged by the Lord. Please pray that the Lord will continue to use the recording to encourage people to trust in the Lord.

27) (Fri) At the end of June and during July, Jon and Clair met online with most of the GRN teams throughout Asia which will be participating in the training we'll hold in Chiang Mai next February. Many good ideas emerged as we talked with them. Pray that God will guide us to the most useful topics to focus on during the 9 days that we all concentrate on Language Research, Culture Research and Content Development, and to dynamic ways to approach these topics together.

28) (Sat) Pray for sufficient finances to have a Christian camp for Urak Lawoi children in October this year in partnership with the Urak Lawoi believers. Pray also for improved health and strength for Urak Lawoi Pastor Ahlin.

29) (Sun) (Thur) Phu Thai and other groups in Sakhon Nakhon and Mukdahan Provinces: Please pray for the following: 1) The health and economic situation of people in the church to improve, 2) The evangelistic effort to start 10 cell groups in 10 districts, 3) Wisdom for the team who follows up new believers, and 4) Wisdom, strength and safety in travel for Pastor Wichai and his family and Pastor Meesak and his family as they serve the Lord.

30) (Mon) From the GRNT IT Team: Please pray for wisdom for GRNT staff in checking the office equipment and making needed repairs so that everything runs well with no problems, and for wisdom to choose and purchase a good UPS.

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