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Dear Prayer Partners,
A great resource we have as Christians is the God given enabling to do what He calls us to do. Thanks for tackling our prayer requests for December. May God give you courage and wisdom as you pray.
Have a blessed Christmas!
Prayer Guide for GRN Thailand December 2024
1) (Sun) Phu Thai and other groups in Sakhon Nakhon and Mukdahan Provinces: Please pray for the following: 1) Strength and revival for everyone attending a prayer and fasting camp 1-7 Dec., 2) The provision of 27,000 baht needed to add on to the church building, 3) God's blessing on Christmas outreaches in various communities, and 4) Wisdom and strength for Pastor Meesak and his family and for Pastor Wichai.
2) (Mon) Kerry and Von plan to return to Thailand on December 4th. Pray for safe travels and good health and for God's provision of a suitable place to live.
3) (Tue) So Thavung Group: Praise God that Khanh's health has improved. Please pray for the following: 1) Total healing for Khanh and for God to be merciful to her mother in law who has cancer, 2) A good price for the yucca crop, 3) Wisdom for Teacher Jane as she studies English online, 4) Net and Sala to trust in Jesus alone, 5) Canthip to walk in close fellowship with Christ and be a good example to her family, 6) Wisdom and strength for Pastor Lek in his sports ministry as he teaches football 5-11 Dec. in Udon, 7) Finances for Christmas celebrations in Song Dao and Charoen Sin, 8) Healing for Pastor Bik's mother in law who is sick, and 9) Safety in travel for all.
4) (Wed) From Dan and Na Tisdale in the USA: Please pray for God's wisdom, safety, Christian friends and community for Daniel as he moves into an apartment and begins his new job in Redlands, CA on 9 December.
5) (Thur) It is necessary for all participants coming from outside Thailand for the February 2025 recording team training to get visas. Pray that visas will be granted.
6) (Fri) Please pray for the following for two disabled Christians who are wheelchair users: 1) Wisdom and grace for 24 year old Oat, who is Shan, as he does 2nd year university studies from home and as he works full time in the local school library and teaches the 1-3 graders conversational English, and 2) Quick healing and strength for 50 year old Hmong Nari as she has been in the hospital ICU with diabetes and urinary tract infection complications.
7) (Sat) Thai Song Dam (from Suphanburi Province) and other groups: Please pray for the following: 1) Strength for God's servants and much fruit during the Christmas outreaches: Don Klang Church on the 7th, Bo Samran Village on the 14th, the Ugong village on the 22nd, and in 3 schools 23rd- 25th, 2) Pastor Chalao and Ploy as they help CEF with Christmas outreaches at schools in Uthai Thani Province the 11th-21st (where students and teachers died in a burning bus in October), 3) God to lead every step concerning Ploy's braces for her teeth, and 4) Good health and strength for all of the church members.
8) (Sun) Lawa in Pae Village: Please pray for the following: 1) The preparations for the Christmas celebration including the play performance, 2) Good health and growth in Christ for all of the church members, 3) Strength and good health for Do and his mother, and for good income from harvesting the crops, and 4) See and her family to have close fellowship with the Lord and for baby Esther to be in good health.
9) (Mon) From Lot's family: Please pray for the following: 1) Strength for Maethee as he works at the pharmacy, and for him to know God's voice and clear leading concerning God's choice of a wife, 2) Strength and creativity for Anna in her freelance work, 3) Wisdom and strength for Rappon as she studies her last term of high school, and 4) Healing from God and wisdom for Rappon to care for herself as she has stopped the doctor's treatments for the chronic skin infection on her hands and feet because the many appointments cause her to miss school often.
10) (Tue) Pray for alertness and readiness to share with people about the meaning of Christ's birth during this Christmas season.
11) (Wed) From Joshua and Gloria: Praise God for the safe delivery of Paul and Kwang's baby boy, Chan Min on 12 Nov. and that both mother and baby are well. Praise God also for the successful ministry of the visiting Korean mission team (New Man Church) in Chiangmai and Chiang Dao. Please pray for the following: 1) Joshua and Gloria to be strengthened physically and spiritually, 2) The Holy Spirit to shape and guide the W3 youth ministry and the Love Touch Ministry, 3) The completion of the construction of Esther Center so that Joshua and Gloria can move in, and 4) Wisdom for Paul to take care of his family and to be a good soccer coach.
12) (Thur) From Boi's family: Please pray for the following: 1) Safety in travel to various places, 2) Good health for the whole family, 3) Wisdom and joy for the girls as they study, 4) God's blessing on the current laying of brick for the walls of Boi and Aom's house and for the provision of finances to continue when this phase is completed, and 5) Strength and healing for Aom's father who has had a serious lung infection.
13) (Fri) Mpi group: Thank God that a GRNT team joined by a partner organization was able to visit the Mpi last month to do further research with this group. Please pray for God's direction concerning further outreach to the Mpi that will result in many Mpi coming to know and love Jesus.
14) (Sat) Yoy and other groups: Please pray for the following: 1) Strength and the provision of every need for Teacher Da and her family as they serve the Lord, 2) The church members to grow in Christ, 3) The children in the Compassion Project to be good examples and to lead their parents and relatives to know Christ, and 4) God's blessing on preparations for the Christmas outreach and for much fruit.
15) (Sun) Please pray for the Urak Lawoi children who attended the children's camp in October that God's Spirit will remind them of His Word and that many of them will truly follow and love Jesus and be lights in this world. Pray for the Urak Lawoi villagers who were baptized on Phi Phi Island that they will grow in Christ and hunger for His Word.
16) (Mon) Ugong: Please pray for the following: 1) Good health for everyone in the village, 2) Good income from the corn harvest, 3) God to show mercy to Mr. Sawat who has to have kidney dialysis 5 times per day, and for him to know Christ, 4) Villagers who have believed in Christ to not forget Him, 5) Pastor Chalao and her team as they have a Christmas outreach in the village on the 22nd and for much spiritual fruit, 6) Freedom from fear of the spirit of suicide in and around the village, and 7) Khampi's husband to be able to quit drinking and for him to truly trust in the Lord Jesus.
17) (Tue) Phu Thai Renu and other groups: Please pray for the following: 1) God to provide a full time pastor for the church, 2) People who have strayed from the Lord to return to Him, and 3) The church members to be strengthened in their faith and serve the Lord together.
18) (Wed) Phu Thai Nakae and other groups in Nakhon Phanom: Please pray for God's help and blessing with the following: 1) Finances and personnel needed for the ministry to inmates, 2) Christmas celebration for the youth in Nakhon Phanom, 3) Finances and personnel needed for opening a restaurant at the church for the community, 4) Improving the landscape and buildings at the church, 5) Good spiritual health for all of the church leaders, and 6) All of the churches as they are facing economic problems.
19) (Thur) Pray the GRNT office staff will be refreshed as we have our annual Christmas Party this evening.
20) (Fri) Pre-training assignments are being prepared for participants to take online to help them be thinking on the topics we'll be covering in the February training. Pray for clear understanding of the assignments which are prepared in English. Most of the participants are not mother tongue English speakers.
21) (Sat) Nyaw Group: GRNT has a strong relationship with 4 Nyaw men and their wives. Please pray for 2 of the wives who aren't yet believers that they will see their need for a Savior and come to Jesus. Pray for these married couples to have good relationships with one another and know how to care for and love each other deeply.
22) (Sun) Thai Song Dam Group in Kanchanaburi Province: Please pray for the following: 1) The Christmas celebration and outreach at the church today, 2) God's blessing on the Christmas outreach at Ban Don School on the 25th, and 3) Good health and strength for Pastor Song during this busy month.
23) (Mon) The recording team of ministry partners (not GRN staff) in a nearby country: Please pray for the following: 1) Wisdom for the team leaders and others who are involved with the SD recording as they check the recording and paperwork, that it will all be accurate, 2) Wisdom and God's leading to plan for 2025, 3) Training about sharing the Gospel to be given in many more locations, 4) Much fruit from Christmas outreaches, 5) Wisdom, strength and safety in travel for the leaders and pastors, and 6) Wisdom and accuracy for C&MA people as they translate in many languages.
24) (Tue) Vietnamese Thai prayers requests: Praise God that Ajarn Tin was able to attend ladies meetings in her country. Please pray for the following: 1) The Christmas celebration on the 24th in Sakon Nakhon, 2) Wisdom and strength for all of God's servants, as well as safety in travel to many places during the Christmas season, and 3) The Holy Spirit to open the eyes of everyone who has heard the Gospel, that they will receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
25) (Wed) Nyah Kur and Isaan Groups: Please pray for the following: 1) B's church to find ways to share friendship and Christ with people in the community during the Christmas season, 2) Thep to be a good example to his wife in his daily life, and 3) Strength, good health and safety in travel for all of the pastors, church leaders and church members.
26) (Thur) Isaan and other Groups: Praise God that members are continuing to be added to the church where Pastor Supote is pastor. Please pray for the following: 1) Strength and wisdom for Pastor Supote and his wife as they serve God, and good care for his eye as he had cataract surgery last month, and 2) Strength and God's blessing for June's family as they sell sweets and help with a new church plant (Santisuk Nawang Church), and for her husband in his work.
27) (Fri) Isaan and other Groups: Please pray for the following: 1) Wisdom for Pastor Prasit and his family as they serve God, and for sufficient finances for their needs, 2) The church members to grow and be strengthened in Christ, 3) New believers Mr. Sai and Ms. Daeng to grow in Christ, and 4) Healing for Ms. Daeng's younger sister.
28) (Sat) Please pray for Jaew to have strength and good health. Also continue to pray that the documents for the continuation of board members of SOLF will be approved soon by the government office.
29) (Sun) Please pray that many Moken in Thailand and Myanmar will benefit from listening to the 120 MP3 players with recordings of New Testament books and other GRN recordings in Moken that GRNT took to the Moken in October.
30) (Mon) Praise God that Lot completed the editing of the Good News recording (Pictures 1-22) in the Nyeu language and the recording has been uploaded onto the GRN website. Please pray for plans to distribute the recording in the future that many Nyeu will listen and come to know Christ.
31) (Tue) Praise the Lord with us. He crowns the year with His goodness, and His paths drip with abundance. Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, for His mercy endures forever!