Prayer Guide for GRN Thailand June 2024

Энэ хуудас одоогоор Монгол улсын-д байхгүй байна.

Dear Prayer Partners,

"Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven" (NIV Matthew 5:15-16)

We expect your prayers this month to cause the light of the Gospel to shine to many language groups in Thailand through GRNT's recordings. May they see GRNT's good deeds too and glorify our Father in heaven.

May you be encouraged in your lives as you lift our prayer requests to the Lord each day this month. We thank God for you!

Jon Rulison

Prayer Guide for GRN Thailand June 2024

1) (Sat) Thai Song Dam Group in Kanchanaburi Province: Please pray for the following: 1) Good health for Song and others who help her as she serves the Lord, 2) God's blessing on a Children's camp today, and on the team holding the camp (Pastor Chalao, Ploy, Phet and Nam Nueng), 3) Finances to renovate the kitchen and dining area, and 4) Good health for the children during the rainy season.

2) (Sun) Please pray for Oat, a Christian paraplegic Shan young man, who is doing his university studies at home in Maehongson province and takes his exams at the end of every term at the university in Chiangmai. Pray that he will know the depth of Christ's love for him and grow in grace as he works at the local school library in his village serving the children. Pray for good health and wisdom as he studies from his home location.

3) (Mon) Please pray for Jaew as she prepares documents for the renewal of a visa and for work permits for volunteers of SOLF. Also pray that the documents for the continuation of board members of SOLF will be approved.

4) (Tue) Please pray for safety in travel for Daniel, son of Dan and Na Tisdale, as he drives five hours to and from his university to defend his thesis and for him to have good rapport with his professors as he meets with them to defend it today.

5) (Wed) Phu Thai and other groups in Sakhon Nakhon and Mukdahan Provinces: Please pray for the following: 1) Pastor Wichai's family to have strength and wisdom from God in serving Him, 2) Wisdom to follow up fruit from the "One lead two" training, 3) Pastor Wichai's church to experience revival, 4) God to give strength and wisdom to Pastor Meesak's family as they serve the churches, and 5) Wisdom and God's guidance for Pastor Meesak's team as they teach and care for 4 new cell groups.

6) (Thur) Lawa in Pae Village: Please pray for the following: 1) God's blessing and help in the preparations and dedication of the new house of See's family on 6 June, 2) Healing for See's back as she has back pain, 3) Strength and good health for Dough and his mother, 4) Unity for the church members to truly show the life and love of Christ to unbelievers, 5) The youth to be strong in their faith, and 6) Strength and good health for Rod as he cares for his family and for him to be a good example to his children.

7) (Fri) Nyah Kur and Isaan Groups: Please pray for the following: 1) Good health and strength for B and G, and for B's family and friends to receive Jesus as their Savior, 2) Thep's family to truly believe and trust in Jesus, 3) Strength, good health and wisdom for all of the pastors and leaders as they serve the Lord, and 4) Good health for Lam, and for her husband and relatives to hunger more for the Lord and go to church regularly.

8) (Sat) Thai Song Dam (from Suphanburi Province) and other groups: Please pray for the following: 1) God's help and wisdom to prepare the paperwork for Nam Nueng's visa to attend university in the USA, 2) Wisdom for Nam Nueng as she studies English with Clair at GRN, 3) God's blessing on the Good News Club on Saturdays for children which begins 8 June, 4) Wisdom for Ploy as she teaches the new believers: Nam Phet, Nut, Kwan, and also as she visits villagers who show interest in the Lord: Mrs. Mot and Beam, and 5) Good health for elderly people in the church: Grandpa Sien, Grandma Samang and Ajaan Toyoko.

9) (Sun) From Dan and Na Tisdale on furlough in the USA: Dan and Na have prepared the paperwork to obtain Na's US citizenship. Please pray that the US government will accept the paperwork and grant Na US citizenship in a timely manner.

10) (Mon) The Board of GRNT meets today for a regularly scheduled meeting. Pray for wisdom and knowledge in all decisions.

11) (Tue) From Boy's family: Praise God that Boy's youngest daughter, Rada has adjusted very well to her teachers and the other students at school. Please pray for the following: 1) Wisdom for Boy's 3 daughters as they study, and protection for them at both school and home, 2) Strength and wisdom for Boy and Aom as they serve the Lord, 3) The provision of sufficient finances to continue building the house for Boy's family, and 4) Good health for Boy's family.

12) (Wed) In the past MGT has visited many rural churches and joined some of them in ministry. Some churches have experienced problems and internal division. Please pray for MGT to be able to visit them to encourage and help them through the difficulties they are facing.

13) (Thur) Isaan and other Groups: Please pray for the following: 1) Strength and good health for Pastor Supote and his wife as they serve God, and God's blessing on their selling of confections, 2) Good health and God's blessing for Pastor Supote's daughter, June, as she sells sweets and takes care of their son, and her husband in his work for government, 3) Good health for his younger daughter, Ruth, who has diabetes, God's blessing on her as she sells sweets, and safety for her husband as he works in Taiwan, 4) Strength, good health, wisdom, encouragement and sufficient finances for Pastor Prasit and his family as they serve God, and 5) God's blessing and good health for Pastor Prasit's daughter, Bee as she teaches the children at church and especially the two children who are new believers: Frank and Cutter.

14) (Fri) So Thavung Group: Praise God that Pastor Lek and Pastor Apisit visited and encouraged the So Thavung. Please pray for the following: 1) The Holy Spirit to work in the hearts of everyone who has heard the Gospel via recordings or Pastor Lek's team, 2) Sufficient rain and good crops for the farmers, 3) Good health for all of the villagers, especially Net who has infectious gastritis, and 4) Strength, wisdom and fruitfulness for Pastor Lek and his family, Pastor Apisit and his family and Pastor Wirak and his family as they follow up the believers.

15) (Sat) Ugong Group: Please pray for the following: 1) Good health for Mrs. Maat's daughter who has diabetes, for God's blessing her as she works at her salon and takes her mother to the doctor every 3 months, and for her to trust in Jesus alone, 2) God to bless the farmers with sufficient water for the crops and good prices for the produce, and 3) God to help Pastor Chalao and her team as they follow up the believers, both the adults and children.

16) (Sun) From Joshua and Gloria: Please pray for the following: 1) Both of them to be strengthened physically and spiritually, 2) The Holy Spirit to use the W3 youth ministry and the Love Touch Ministry to help expand God's kingdom through cooperation with local churches, 3) The construction of Esther Center to be completed and for the center to be used for the glory of God, 4) God to send youth who can be trained at the center, and 5) Wisdom, guidance and grace for Paul to make the right decisions regarding his future.

17) (Mon) Phu Thai Renu and other groups: Please pray for the following: 1) The believers to have generous hearts towards the following ministries: prison, children and youth, and world missions, 2) The leaders, who have been trained and have begun serving in evangelism and making disciples, to truly give themselves and continue to serve the Lord as they have been trained, and 3) Good health and a close walk with the Lord for all of the church members.

18) (Tue) From Lot's family: Please pray for the following: 1) Wisdom for Lot and Muang as they serve the Lord, 2) Good health for their three children and for them to know the love of Christ and learn to abide in Him, and 3) Healing for Rappon who has sores on her feet from a skin infection, and 4) Provision of school tuition fees for Rappon this year, her senior year of high school.

19) (Wed) Phu Thai Nakae and other groups in Nakhon Phanom: Please pray for the following: 1) The prison ministry, 2) The filming of testimonies of youth for a CBN program called Reset, 3) The team of leaders to know the deep love of Jesus and abide in Him consistently, 4) The restaurant ministry, 5) The opening of a new cell group in the Nakhon Phanom area, 6) The leaders as they meet together in Nakhon Phanom Province, 7) Wisdom and accuracy to create a data base with statistics concerning the number of Christians and to deliver the info to the responsible government agency, and 8) Wisdom for the Protestant Church Coordinating Committee of Nakhon Phanom Province as they work and serve God.

20) (Thur) Nyaw Group: The 4 Nyaw male believers are in need of much encouragement. Please pray for wisdom for GRNT to know how to help and encourage them and to know what content to record in the Nyaw language in the future.

21) (Fri) Yoy and other groups: Please pray for the following: 1) Strength, good health and wisdom for Da and her husband as they serve God, 2) All of the church members to be strong in faith, 3) God to lead in all of the details of making a "Garden of Eden" for the church, and 4) Good health and strength for Song Phan and her family, and Fon and her family, and for them all to have a very close walk with the Lord.

22) (Sat) Nyeu Group: Please pray for wisdom and strength for Paw, the Nyeu language helper, as she continues to work on translating the Good News script in the Nyeu language, and also as her family faces various trials and problems.

23) (Sun) The recording team of ministry partners (not GRN staff) in a nearby country: Praise God that another group already made a recording of the story of Job in a language, which is helpful to the translation team in choosing the best words to use in preparing the Good News script pictures 1-22. Please pray for the following: 1) Safety in travel for the team and wisdom as they check the scripts and work on improving them, 2) The leaders to have unity with their fellow workers and within their own families, 3) The provision of all of Sarah's needs, and 4) God's blessing and protection from evil for everyone on the team.

24) (Mon) Jaew's church and GRNT staff will be assisting a team from the USA in having an English day camp 24-27 June for students at a public school near Jaew's church. Please pray for liberty and the work of the Holy Spirit as they teach English, that the 185 students and their teachers will experience God's love. Pray for the students to learn and be drawn to Christ and desire to know Him.

25) (Tue) Vietnamese in North and Northeast Thailand: Please pray for the following: 1) Safety and good health for Pastor Tam and his wife as they are in other countries, including their home country, visiting and sharing with relatives and friends, 2) Safety in travel and wisdom for Pastor Tam's son as he studies at a university and helps friends who come to visit, and 3) Unity and wisdom for those serving God among the Thai and the Vietnamese, as they help the believers.

26) (Wed) Kerry & Von leave for home assignment in the USA today and return to Chiangmai in December this year. Pray for safety in travel and wisdom in sharing with the many groups they will be visiting.

27) (Thur) Thank God that MP3 players with recordings were distributed in the Karen Sgaw village where a mission team from Dan Tisdale's USA sending church went last month. Please pray that people will continue listening to the recordings and come to know and love Christ. Pray also for the USA team who have returned to the US, that they will have a heart for missions, continue to serve the Lord and follow His will for their lives.

28) (Fri) Pray for sufficient finances in partnering with the Urak Lawoi believers to have a Christian camp for Urak Lawoi children in October this year.

29) (Sat) Thank God that believers from many countries learned about GRN's 5fish app at a big media mission meeting held in Chiangmai last month for 4 days where GRN had a display table and led a workshop. Many heard their language on the app and had contact with GRN staff. Pray that as a result many more people will hear the Gospel and many will be fed spiritually. Pray for God's will concerning ministry partnerships from contacts that were made.

30) (Sun) From the GRNT IT Team: Please pray for wisdom for GRNT staff to find the reason why Jaew's computer operates too slowly and for this problem to be fixed, and for wisdom in checking the other office equipment so that everything runs well with no problems.

Холбогдох мэдээлэл

Тайланд - Тайланд-н талаарх мэдээлэл

Thailand Daily Prayer - Information for prayer from Thailand and around the world