House on the Rock (modified)

House on the Rock (modified)

Тойм: The story of the foolish man and the wise man (who built a house on sand and rock). Sinful people will be punished.

Скриптийн дугаар: 056A

Хэл: English

Сэдэв: Living as a Christian (Obedience, Leaving old way, begin new way, Faith, trust, believe in Jesus); Sin and Satan (Deliverance, Judgement)

Үзэгчид: Animist; General; Rural, developing

Загвар: Dialog

Төрөл: Messages and Fiction

Зорилго: Evangelism

Библийн ишлэл: Paraphrase

Статус: Approved

Скрипт нь бусад хэл рүү орчуулах, бичих үндсэн заавар юм. Тэдгээрийг өөр өөр соёл, хэл бүрт ойлгомжтой, хамааралтай болгохын тулд шаардлагатай бол тохируулсан байх ёстой. Ашигласан зарим нэр томьёо, ухагдахууныг илүү тайлбарлах шаардлагатай эсвэл бүр орлуулах эсвэл бүрмөсөн орхиж болно.

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1) What are you going to do with that wood (grass) that you are carrying?

2) I'm building me a house (making a roof for my house).

1) Where are you building it?

2) Right over there.

NOTE (If you see that you have given the slow person the long part, you can reverse it by having 1) say, "I also am building a house." Then 2) says the following sentence.)

1) God's Book tells about two men who built houses. Do you want me to tell you about them?

2) Yes, tell me.

1) Jesus told this news (story). There was a wise man and a foolish man. The wise man wanted to build a house. He said, "I want my house to stand strong and keep (last) long. I will build it on a high rock beside the river. (On high hard ground beside the river). (If there are no rivers in the area, omit "beside the river". (Pause 3 sec.) When he finished it he said, "This is a good house." After that the rainy season came. One day there was a great storm. There was lightning, and rain came very hard (the rain shouted). (She-she-sha!) (pause 3 sec.) The water became high. But the house did not fall down, because it was built on the high rock.

2) M-hm. I have heard about the wise man. Now tell me about the foolish man.

1) (laughing) Ha, he built himself a house, but he built it on the _sand_ by the river! (on the sand in a low place.)

2) (laugh)

1) When he finished it he said, "My! (Kai!) This is a very good house! One day great clouds gathered in the sky. The wind blew hard and the rain was heavy. (Sh, sh, sh) The river overflowed its banks. (The water filled the low places and began to eat away the sand from under the house. It kept eating away (digging) - - and _eating_ away --and _eating away_ until the house _fell down_, -- boom! The man shouted saying (use another voice if possible) "Oh, oh, oh! My house is gone! The water has taken it away! What shall I do?" But this man's house fell down because it was built on the low sand.

2) My! He was indeed a foolish man!

1) Yes, he was very foolish. And Jesus says that many people are foolish just like this man. They are foolish because they are not obeying the words of Jesus. When they die they will go to the place of fire. But Jesus said, "Those who _receive_ my words and _do_ them, are like the man who built his house on the high solid ground. When they die they will not go to the place of fire. They will go directly to heaven. The rock (strong place) shows us (tells us) (is a picture of) how Jesus is, for us. Jesus is (sits) (stands) like the rock. The sand is a picture of our sins. Jesus wants to deliver us (remove) from our sinful ways and cleanse us. If you will let Him do this for you, (agree) you will be like the house that was standing on the rock. You will be depending (resting) on Jesus. He will be your strong place. You will not go to the place of punishment. You will be trusting Jesus to hold you.

(Leave your ways of sin. They are not good. If you continue in them you will be spoiled.) Jesus says that people are like these two houses. Both houses were tested by the water. (The water proved the strength of both houses.) One house stood and the other could not. The time is coming also (at the last day) (one day) when Jesus will examine our hearts. These on the strong place (rock) did not fall down. Also, the one who believes on Jesus (leans on) and obeys His words will not go to the place of fire. (receive punishment).

My friend, Jesus loves you. He died to receive the punishment for your sins. He did this for all people, so He could save (prevent) them from going to the fire (being ruined). But everyone must decide for himself, whether he will follow Him or not. You yourself, what will you decide about Jesus? (what are your thoughts) If you believe on Him and obey His words, when you die He will take you immediately to live with Him forever.

2) Your words are good. (sweet) I do not want to be a foolish man. I want to be a wise man. I am going to believe on Jesus today. From now on, I will obey His words. (Do what His words say).

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