Slavery in Egypt

Slavery in Egypt

Тойм: Exodus 1:6-22; Genesis 32:28

Скриптийн дугаар: 1278

Хэл: English

Үзэгчид: General

Төрөл: Bible Stories & Teac

Зорилго: Evangelism; Teaching

Библийн ишлэл: Paraphrase

Статус: Approved

Скрипт нь бусад хэл рүү орчуулах, бичих үндсэн заавар юм. Тэдгээрийг өөр өөр соёл, хэл бүрт ойлгомжтой, хамааралтай болгохын тулд шаардлагатай бол тохируулсан байх ёстой. Ашигласан зарим нэр томьёо, ухагдахууныг илүү тайлбарлах шаардлагатай эсвэл бүр орлуулах эсвэл бүрмөсөн орхиж болно.

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Optional titles:-line break-The Israel nation became slaves in Egypt [country].-line break-Obey God or obey the King?

God had changed Jacob’s name to Israel. When Jacob died in Egypt, his family carried his body to Canaan and buried him there.

Thus, Jacob’s sons and their descendants / families are called Israelites [Israel’s sons]. The Israelites remained [were] in Egypt for a total of about 400 years.

After many generations, Israelite families became very big [numerous]. Israelite families moved [spread] to many parts of Egypt. -line break--line break--line break--line break-

After many years, a new [another] man became King over the land of Egypt. [The Egyptians called all their kings Pharaoh [Faro].]

This new King [Pharaoh] did not keep the promises that the [previous] dead king had made to the Israelites.

The new King was afraid, because the Israelites were so many [numerous]. So the King declared [spoke] to the Egyptians.

[The King said,] “There are too many Israelites in Egypt. We must stop them becoming many more. [We must reduce their numbers.]

“If enemies attack [invade] Egypt, then the Israelites might join with them, and then they might escape [run away] from us [they might leave our country].

So the King and his people made the Israelites to be their slaves. The King appointed task-masters [bosses] over the Israelites and commanded them, “You must force the Israelites to work very hard!”

The King ordered the task masters: “Make the Israelites build new cities where we can store food!”

Even though the task masters mistreated [abused] the Israelites, they kept having more children. The Egyptians began to call the Israelites Hebrews. [Hebrew meant foreigner / outsider / nomad.]

The Hebrews [Israelites] had women called midwives. These women helped other Hebrew women give birth to their babies.

Egypt’s King commanded the Hebrew midwives: “You must kill all new-born Hebrew boy babies. Let live only the girl babies!”

Still, the Hebrew midwives chose to obey God rather than Pharaoh’s command, so they let live the baby boys.

So the King arrested two prominent [lead / top] midwives and questioned them, saying, “Why have you let the boy babies live?”

The midwives said [lied] to Pharaoh, “Hebrew women are stronger than Egyptian women. So they often give birth before a midwife can come to help them.”

God rewarded [blessed] the midwives who disobeyed the King’s evil [cruel / bad] command [decree / order]. God gave them their own children and their own families.

So the Israelite families continued to multiple [become more numerous].

Therefore [then] the King commanded all the Egyptians, a new law, “When you find newborn Hebrew boys, throw them into the big river [called Nile] so that they die!”

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