Энэ скриптийн бичлэгүүд: Can You Find God?

21-н 1-с 21 хүртэлх зүйлсийг харуулж байна

Bhili: Tadavi [India, Gujarat] - Words of Life

Chinese, Yue [China, Guangdong] - Words of Life 3

Dari [Afghanistan] - Words of Life 1

Dinka: Bor [South Sudan, Upper Nile] - Words of Life 1

Gbaya: Gbaya-Ndogo [South Sudan] - Words of Life

Kibila: Kimbuti [Congo, Democratic Republic of, Haut-Zaire] - Words of Life 2

Kilesi Group [Congo, Democratic Republic of, Haut-Zaire] - Words of Life 2

Kuranko: Sengbeh [Sierra Leone, Northern] - Words of Life

Kutchi [India, Gujarat] - Words of Life

Malto [India, Jharkhand] - Words of Life

Meitei: Pan-gal [India, Manipur] - Words of Life

Nepali: Kalikot [Nepal] - Words of Life

Paharia: Kumar Bagh [India, Jharkhand] - Words of Life

Paharia: Mal [India, Jharkhand] - Words of Life

Paharia: Sardar [India, Jharkhand] - Words of Life

Turkestani [India, West Bengal] - Words of Life

Yupik, Central [United States of America, Alaska] - Words of Life

Арабский (Алжирский) [Algeria] - Words of Life 1

Арабский (Хиджази) [Saudi Arabia] - Forgiveness From Heaven

Кашмири [India, Jammu and Kashmir] - Words of Life (M)

Сунданский [Indonesia] - Words of Life

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