Энэ скриптийн бичлэгүүд: Jonah (for children)

88-н 1-с 88 хүртэлх зүйлсийг харуулж байна

Achi: Rabinal [Guatemala, Alta Verapaz] - Words of Life

Adi: Padam [India, Arunachal Pradesh] - Words of Life

Ateso [Kenya, Busia] - Words of Life 1

Baelelea [Solomon Islands, Malaita] - Words of Life

Baloi [Congo, Democratic Republic of, Equateur] - Words of Life

Bangi [Congo, Democratic Republic of, Equateur] - Words of Life

Bomboma [Congo, Democratic Republic of, Equateur] - Words of Life

Cakchiquel: Solola [Guatemala] - Words of Life

Cakchiquel: Sur de Sacatepequez [Guatemala] - Words of Life

Chabakano [Philippines, Mindanao, Zamboanga Peninsula, Zamboanga del Norte] - Words of Life

Chacobo [Bolivia] - Words of Life 1

Chakhesang: Khuzhale [India, Nagaland] - Words of Life

Chinese, Yue [China, Guangdong] - Words of Life for Children

Chiquitano: Lomerio [Bolivia] - Words of Life 2

Chiquitano: San Miguel [Bolivia] - Words of Life

Cora, El Nayar: La Mesa del Nayar [Mexico, Nayarit] - Words of Life

Curipaco [Colombia, Guainía] - Words of Life

Digo [Tanzania, Tanga] - Words of Life 1

Epena [Colombia, Cauca] - Words of Life

Epera Pedea-Catio [Colombia, Córdoba] - Words of Life

Ese Ejja [Bolivia] - Words of Life 2

Guambiano [Colombia, Cauca] - Words of Life

Guapore [Bolivia] - Words of Life

Gwere [Uganda] - Words of Life

Huave de San Francisco del Mar [Mexico, Oaxaca, Juchitan, San Francisco del Mar] - The Best Way is Christ

Inga, Jungle: Yunguillo-Condagua [Colombia, Cauca] - Words of Life 2

Iwongo [Congo, Democratic Republic of, Kasai-Occidental] - Words of Life

Jakalteko: Eastern [Guatemala, Huehuetenango] - Words of Life 4

Jarwony [Australia, Northern Territory] - Words of Life 2

Kanuri, Manga [Niger] - Stories of Ruth and Jonah

Kipende [Congo, Democratic Republic of, Bandundu] - Words of Life

Kisengele [Congo, Democratic Republic of, Bandundu] - Words of Life

Kiwenye Mituku [Congo, Democratic Republic of, Haut-Zaire] - Words of Life

Kiyandji [Congo, Democratic Republic of, Bandundu] - Words of Life

Kuna, Border [Panama] - Words of Life

Lalia [Congo, Democratic Republic of, Equateur] - Words of Life

Lokutu [Congo, Democratic Republic of, Equateur] - Words of Life

Lolia [Congo, Democratic Republic of, Bandundu] - Words of Life

Loyembe [Congo, Democratic Republic of, Kasai-Oriental] - Words of Life

Luhya, Lunyore [Kenya, Nyanza] - Words of Life 1

Manobo: Tigwanon [Philippines, Mindanao, Northern Mindanao, Bukidnon] - Words of Life

Maquiritare [Venezuela, Amazonas] - Words of Life

Miskito [Honduras] - Words of Life 1

Mixteco de San Augustin Tlacotepec [Mexico, Oaxaca, Tlaxiaco] - Words of Life

Munduruku [Brazil, Amazonas] - Words of Life 2

Murut, Tahol [Malaysia, Sabah] - Words of Life 1

Mwani [Mozambique] - Songs

Nandeva: Paraguay [Bolivia] - Words of Life 2

Nandi [Kenya, Nandi] - Words of Life 4

Ngbaka Ma'bo. [Congo, Democratic Republic of, Equateur] - Words of Life

Pacaas Novos [Brazil, Rondônia] - Words of Life

Parego [Solomon Islands, Makira] - Words of Life

Piapoco [Colombia, Guainía] - Words of Life

Poqomam: Central [Guatemala, Chiquimula] - Words of Life

Poqomam: Sureno [Guatemala, Chiquimula] - Words of Life

Sakata: Babai [Congo, Democratic Republic of, Bandundu] - Words of Life

Selaru [Indonesia, Maluku] - Jonah

Shako [Ethiopia] - Words of Life

Shuar [Ecuador, Morona-Santiago, Macuma] - Things That Help Us in the New Life

Siriono [Bolivia, El Beni] - Words of Life

Sumu Twaka [Nicaragua] - Words of Life

Tadyawan [Philippines, Luzon, Mimaropa Region] - Words of Life

Turkana [Kenya, Turkana] - Words of Life 1

Una [Indonesia, Papua] - Jonah

Wangurri [Australia, Northern Territory, North-East Arnhem land] - Jonah, Christmas

Wayuunaiki [Colombia, La Guajira] - Words of Life 2

Агуакатеко [Guatemala, Huehuetenango] - Words of Life

Айорео [Bolivia] - Words of Life 2

Аланган [Philippines, Luzon, Mimaropa Region, Occidental Mindoro] - Words of Life 1

Апинайе [Brazil, Tocantins] - Words of Life 2

Архуако [Colombia, Magdalena] - Words of Life 2

Африкаанс [South Africa] - Words of Life for Children

Бемба [Zambia] - Words of Life

Бенгальский [India, Assam] - Words of Life for Children

Бима [Indonesia, Nusa Tenggara Barat (West)] - Words of Life

Гуджарати [India, Gujarat] - Words of Life

Дзонг-Кэ [Bhutan] - Stories from the Old Testament

Зулу [South Africa] - Words of Life for Children

Коса [South Africa, Eastern Cape] - Words of Life for Children

Ленгола [Congo, Democratic Republic of, Haut-Zaire] - Words of Life

Луо [Tanzania] - Words of Life 2

Манипури [India, Manipur] - Words of Life 2

Масаи [Kenya, Narok] - Words of Life 1

Папьяменто [Netherlands Antilles] - Words of Life 2

Понапе [Micronesia, Federated States of] - Words of Life

Рунди [Burundi] - Words of Life 1

Тагальский [Philippines] - Words of Life for Children

Энья [Congo, Democratic Republic of, Haut-Zaire] - Words of Life

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