Victory and Steadfastness

Victory and Steadfastness

Преглед: On recognizing our enemy, Satan; temptation; cleansing for sin, materialism, trouble, sickness.

Број на скрипта: 318

Јазик: English

Тема: Living as a Christian (Prayer, petition, Spiritual Growth, Victory, Faith, trust, believe in Jesus); Problems (Materialism, Money, Problems, troubles, worries); Sin and Satan (Cleanse, purify, Satan (the devil))

Публиката: New Christian

Стил: Monolog

Жанр: Bible Stories & Teac

Цел: Teaching

Библиски цитат: Extensive

Статус: Approved

Скриптите се основни упатства за превод и снимање на други јазици. Тие треба да се приспособат по потреба за да бидат разбирливи и релевантни за секоја различна култура и јазик. На некои употребени термини и концепти може да им треба повеќе објаснување или дури да бидат заменети или целосно испуштени.

Текст на скрипта

After we came to believe in our Saviour, Jesus Christ, we soon discovered that not all the problems of life were taken away. We came to understand that we have a strong enemy who is Satan.

Satan is always making us think about doing sinful acts. He wants us to lie, to get drunk, to kill, and to do other evil things. We should not pay attention to these thoughts from Satan. We should pay attention to what God's Word says.

The Word of God says that we should think carefully and be alert, because Satan is going around looking for someone to ruin. But we should resist him by being firm in our faith. All the others who believe in Christ are having the same problems, but God is helping all of us. God will strengthen and establish us so that Jesus Christ will be honored in our lives.

Sin is a big problem. The Bible says that if we say that we love God, and yet are always sinning, then we are saying a lie. But if we do love God and obey His Word, then Jesus Christ, His Son, will cleanse us from all sin. If we confess our sins, He is faithful to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

There is another problem. Many people who say that they are believers are always thinking about obtaining more land, more cattle, and more money. They think so much about these things that they do not think about what the Word of God says. It says that if we love these things too much then we do not love God, nor do we understand that God loves us. It says that these things, and even this world, will some day be gone, but whoever does the will of God will live with God forever.

Yes, brothers, there are many troubles in this life, but we should be happy in them, realizing that God is causing us to grow strong in our walk with the Lord Jesus. Therefore, even if a member of your family is sick, or your crops fail, or an animal dies, do not be discouraged. Believe God's Word. Jesus is with you. He will help you. When you pray, tell Him your troubles. Tell Him when you are sad. He wants you to talk to Him. He will always help you. Talk to Him also when you are joyful. Remember to thank Him for His great love for you.

Ref: 1 Pet 5:8; 1 Cor 10:17; 1 Pet 5:10; 1 John 1:6-9, 2:15-17

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