Adopt a Language

You can send God's message to a language group that has never heard His Word before

Оваа страница моментално не е достапна во македонски.

There are still thousands of languages and dialects spoken in which the gospel has never been communicated!

Imagine - the speakers of these languages have No Bible (not even John 3:16), No JESUS Film, No literature or radio programs, No church, No cassettes. Nothing. The gospel remains silent and unshared.

The Good News

There is a practical, efficient and cost effective way to share God's plan of salvation with all of these neglected languages -

Our Plan: Adopt a Language

For over 70 years, and with over 30 overseas offices, Global Recordings Network has been tracking down the unreached groups of the world to record simple presentations of the gospel. Over 6000 languages and dialects now have prepared gospel messages through this means. Christian workers then use our recordings to share the good news of Jesus.

And YOU can be involved!!


Ask for the name of a group to pray for, until they receive the gospel.


An individual, a small group, a church - anyone can sponsor a recording, giving His Story to a people group for the first time in its history.

Sponsorship includes:

  • Travel and accommodations for a team to visit the area
  • Production and distribution of audio recordings
  • Appropriate playback machines
  • Upkeep of professional recording equipment


Accompany GRN teams on a short term trip.

The Result

The finished recordings include Bible stories that are presented in a storytelling style. These truths move the listener from creation and the entrance of sin into the world to the ultimate sacrifice of Christ for redemption, and give basic steps for Christian living.

Lives Will Be Changed

"Esa es mi idioma!" ("That is my language!") This was the first time she had received a recording in her very own heart language. She played it over and over listening intently to the Bible stories and teachings. Moved by the message, she accepted Jesus as her Savior. When her husband and son came back from the fields she played the messages to them and they both asked Jesus to be their Savior.
- Culiacan, Mexico

"My family served as missionaries in Nigeria for 17 years. It was an incredible time of seeing God move in amazing ways. Our ministry was transformed by the recordings. I distributed thousands of copies."- Becky Faulk

"Making recordings in 6,000 languages is one of the true miracles of church history and clear evidence of God's special grace on this ministry,"- Dick Eastman, President, Every Home for Christ International

Commit to Partnering in the Following Ways:

  • Praying for an unreached people group
  • Sponsoring all or part of a language recording
  • Joining GRN on a distribution trip
  • Helping to promote GRN at your church, with your small group, and with friends

For more information please contact Roland Heck

Contributions made by check payable to 'Global Recordings Network'. Attach note with 'Language Sponsorship' designation.

Or you can give here designating your gift to 'Language Sponsorship'.

All contributions made in the US are tax deductible.

Поврзани информации

How is GRN funded? - God is the source of all we need, and he uses various channels to supply our needs, especially the generous gifts of his people.

Global Recordings Network USA - General information, articles, news and contact details about GRN USA.

Соединетите Американски Држави - Информации за Соединетите Американски Држави

Ongoing Projects - GRN has ongoing projects that support the activities of staff all around the globe.