I Have Decided

I Have Decided

Kontūras: Compares life to a journey. Explains the two roads people take. Not a dialogue but spoken by two narrators. Is similar to The Good Road, The Two Ways, etc, but different form. Sin is a heavy burden to carry on the journey. Second part is a testimony.

Scenarijaus numeris: 063

Kalba: English

tema: Sin and Satan (Judgement, Sin, disobedience); Christ (Saviour of Sinful Men); Eternal life (Salvation, Broad & Narrow Ways); Living as a Christian (Spiritual Growth, Leaving old way, begin new way)

Publika: General

Tikslas: Evangelism

Features: Dialog; Messages and Fiction; Paraphrase Scripture

Būsena: Approved

Scenarijai yra pagrindinės vertimo ir įrašymo į kitas kalbas gairės. Prireikus jie turėtų būti pritaikyti, kad būtų suprantami ir tinkami kiekvienai kultūrai ir kalbai. Kai kuriuos vartojamus terminus ir sąvokas gali prireikti daugiau paaiškinti arba jie gali būti pakeisti arba visiškai praleisti.

Scenarijaus tekstas

(To be spoken by two people)


Everyone who is born into this world is walking on a continuous journey from his birth to his death. For some, this journey is long and for others it is short. But each person starts on the same road. If they continue on this road until they die, they come to God's judgment. This is eternal punishment. God is perfect and He hates everything that is not perfect. All that is not perfect is sin before God. In God's book we read, "All have sinned and come short of God's perfection." Their sins are like a great load which they cannot throw off. But listen, Jesus is calling to all people. He is saying, "Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest." Many people refuse to listen, and continue carrying their loads on the bad road. They do not come to God. Does anyone listen to His call?


Yes, I have decided to follow Jesus. His road is good. It is the road that goes to heaven. Those who walk on this road are happy. They no longer fear evil spirits. The heavy weight of their sin has been taken away from them. Jesus Himself made this road to heaven. He made it when He died to take away our sins. He died, but afterwards He rose again. Now I have put my trust in Jesus. I have chosen His good road. Many may laugh. Many may try to turn me back to the old road of sin and fear, but my heart sings. I will not turn back.

You who are listening, will you not also go on this good road? Here there is no place for sin...lying, stealing, anger, hate, and all bad deeds. These sins belong to the other road. Leave the bad road. It goes to the place of fire and pain. It is the Satan road.

This Jesus road is the road where Jesus walks. You cannot see Him, but He walks with you. He is your companion. His Spirit lives right inside you. He has power. He keeps you from serving sin. You walk on this road until you die. Then Jesus Himself takes you to heaven. There you will live in happiness with Jesus forever.

Ask Jesus to take away your sins. Tell Him you will walk with Him. (He always walks with you so that if you fall He can lift you up. Jesus is your strength. Only He can make you good.) By yourself alone, you cannot walk this road. But with Jesus, you can walk the good road to heaven.

Rom. 3:23; Matt. 11:28

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