Colin the Companion Talks - English: Southern Africa
Ar šis įrašas naudingas?
Visuomenei naudinga mokomoji medžiaga, pvz., informacija apie sveikatos problemas, ūkininkavimą, verslą, raštingumą ar kitą švietimą.
Programos numeris: 66717
Programos ilgis: 2:12:30
Kalbos pavadinimas: English: Southern Africa
Atsisiuntimai ir užsakymas
1. Chat 1, Seeing the Sunrise
2. Chat 2, Hearing the Morning
3. Chat 3, Smelling the Bakery
4. Chat 4, Tasting the Party
5. Chat 5, Feel the Sand
6. Chat 6, Seeing Mountains
7. Chat 7, Hearing Night-time
8. Chat 8, Smelling Flowers
9. Chat 9, Tasting Fruit Salad
10. Chat 10, Feeling Rain on my Face
11. Chat 11, Seeing Pets at Hom
12. Chat 12, Hearing Farm Animals
13. Chat 13, Smelling Cookies
14. Chat 14, Taste Pudding
15. Chat 15, Touch Clothes
16. Chat 16, See Wild Flowers
17. Chat 17, Hearing Garden Birds
18. Chat 18, Smell the Sky after the Rain
19. Chat 19, The Taste of Fair
20. Chat 20, Feel Wind in the Hair
21. Chat 21, See the Sunset
22. Chat 22, Hearing the Ocean
23. Chat 23, Smelling the Kithen
24. Chat 24, Vegetable Plate
25. Chat 25, Touching Someone's Hand
Pastabos apie įrašą
Counselling on two dimensions: • Empowering the person living with Alzheimer's Syndrome (ASP). • Guidance to the family in coping with the situation of AS.
Atsisiuntimai ir užsakymas
- Program Set MP3 Audio Zip (89MB)
- Program Set Low-MP3 Audio Zip (20.1MB)
- Atsisiųskite M3U grojaraštį
- MP4 Slideshow (87.4MB)
- AVI for VCD Slideshow (37.7MB)
- 3GP Slideshow (14.3MB)
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