San Partnership Oral Scriptures Set - Gobabis Ju/'hoansi
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Programos numeris: 66132
Programos ilgis: 3:21:25
Kalbos pavadinimas: Gobabis Ju/'hoansi
Atsisiuntimai ir užsakymas
1. 03. !xu o mi !huikxao, Psalem 23:1-6 [03. The Lord is my Shepherd, Psalm 23]
2. 04. Baibela //ama ‘xu khoe’a, 2Timoteas 31:1-8 [04. The Main Story of the Bible, 2Timothy 3: 16]
3. 005. !Xu kuru /a'ah kesin kxa/h [005. God Creates the Heaven and the Eartyh, Genesis 1:1-2:4]
4. 06. Tuia kho o Eden ga, Genesi 2:4-10 [06. The Garden of Eden, Genesis 2:4-10]
5. 07. !xu tsi ku du tsauh, Genesi 2:15-25 [07. The Creation of the Woman, Genesis 2:15-25]
6. 16. Genesi 3:1-19 [16. The Fall of Man, Genesis 3:1-19]
7. 19. Kain sa Abel, Genesi 4:1-16 [19. Cain and Abel, Genesis 4:1-16]
8. 20. !xu kho kxaetsi !uha n!aqa ko kxa/o'o, Genesi 6:9-22 [20. God decided to destroy the world by a flood, Gen 20:9-22]
9. 021. Zang a khoe //ing //aea o /xoa Noag kesi ha !hao n!ang, Genese 8:1-19 [021.01. God remembered Noah, Genesis 8:1-19]
10. 22. !xu ku du /xoa Noah kesi ha dabisi, Genesi 9:1-17 [22. God's Covenant with Noah & his Descendents, Gen. 9:1-17]
11. 23. !xaua o Babel ga, Genesi 11:1-9 [23. The Tower of Babel, Genesis 11:1-9]
12. 24. !xu !auh Abraham, Genesi 12:1-9 [24. God's Covenant with Abraham, Genesis 12:1-9]
13. 027. !xu ku duse Abraham, Genese 22: 1-19 [027. God provides a ram, Genesis 22:1-19]
14. 034.01. Jose //a ha cungurisi, Genese 37:1-11 [034.01. Joseph’s dreams, Genesis 37:1-11]
15. 034.02. Jose //ah !o'osi, Genese 37:12-36 [034.02. Joseph sold by his brothers, Gen 37:12-36]
16. 035. Jose ku n//hae //xabe Farao soeguri, Genese 41:1-40 [035. Joseph interprets Pharaoh's dreams, Genesis 41:1-40]
17. 40. Mose ku n//hai ha n/e, Eksode 2:1-10 [40. The Birth of Moses, Išėjimas 2:1-10]
18. 41.Juh n#'abe'a o Israelhesi du Juh n#'abe'a o Israelhesi duah he /esi ko n!ahsi [41. The Israelites Become Slaves, Išėjimas 1:9-14]
19. 42. !xu kho n#ai hoa ha /e ko Mose, Ekesodo 3:1-12 [42. The Call of Moses, Išėjimas 3:1-12]
20. 048. The Passover & the Exodus, Exodus 12:7-44 - Track 20
21. 02. Guhma o m //hae ≠au ma, Exode 12:7-30 [02. The Passover (the sacrificial lamb)]
22. 03. Farao ku n≠i !aia Israel juasi ko Egipte, Exode 12:31-44
23. 049. !xu //aixa //ae n/ui wanqsi ku hu /xoa Israel juasi , Exod e 13:21 22 [049.Crossing the sea, Išėjimas 13:21-22]
24. 50. M'sa //ama n/a'a, Eksode 16:1-12 [50. Meat and Bread in the desert, Išėjimas 16:1-12]
25. 51. !uah /aia !uin!inx, Eksode 17:1-7 [51. Water From the Rock, Išėjimas 17:1-7]
26. 53. #hanua o !xu mha, Ekesodo 20:1-17 [53. The Law of God, Išėjimas 20:1-17]
27. 55. Kxaitsi /aatciasi /a n≠ai gaquasi kuru, Eksode 25:1-8 [55. Offerings for the Tabernacle, Išėjimas 25:1-8]
28. 59. N#hoakxaoa n#aukuru Mose, Detronomi 18:15-19 [59. The Promise of a Mediator, Deuternomy 18:15-19]
29. 60. Josua kh o Mose //xam kxao, Detronomi 31:1 8 [60. God keeps His promise, Deutoronomy 31:1-8]
30. 063.01. !uh //hama !u’ui n!ang, Numeri 20:1-13 [063.01. Water from the Rock, Skaičiai 20:1-13]
31. 65. N#hoakxoa o !xumha, Numeri 22:22-41 [65. Balaam's Donkey & the Angel, Skaičiai 22:22-41]
32. 71. Kxaice //aea !xu kho n#ain!a ha /e ko Samuel, 1 Samuel 3:1-14 [71. The Lord Calls Samuel, 1 Samuelis 3:1-14]
33. 074.01. Samuel ko ≠xuh Dabe /a ha //aixa, 1 Samuela 16:1-13 [074.01. David anointed as king, 1 Samuelis 16:1-13]
34. 075.01. Dabe !hao !ang //aixasa n≠ih ku //ama, 2 Samuela 7:8-17 [075.01. David's descendent to reign forever, 2 Samuelis 7]
35. 078, //aixa !xu kxae ≠aoa !xu sa uhe ko n/hao, Kxace //aixasi 18:17-39 [078. God More Powerful Than The Gods, 1Kings 18:17-39]
36. 82. //ha’aia o Jesu ga ku n≠i ga n/e, Luka 1:26-38 [82. The Birth of Jesus Foretold, Lukas 1:26-38]
37. 84. Gu !uikxao sa o Bethlehemhe'asi, Luka 2:8-21 [84. The Shepherds'Visit, Lukas 2:8-21]
38. 85. The Wise Men, Motiejus 2:1-12
39. 86.01. Johanea o /umkxao, Mattao, 3:1-12 [86.01. Jonas the Baptist Prepares the Way, Motiejus 3:1-12]
40. 86.02. Johane ku /um Jesu, Mattao 3:13-17 [86.02. Jonas Baptises Jesus, Motiejus 3:13-17]
41. 88. Jesu ku dusea ha /e ko /a'atsi, Mattao 4:1-11 [88. The Temptations of Jesus, Motiejus 4:1-11]
42. 89. Jesu ku n!haro ha n!haro gu kxaosi ko !huri !o'o, Mattao 5:1-12 [89. Jesus teaches on the mountain, Motiejus 5:1-12]
43. 90. Ka Juhn/ui /oa ce //kai ha /e, Johane 3:1-21 [90. God Loves You, Believe in the Son of God, Jonas 3:1-21]
44. 93. Jesu !auh ha n!haro gukxaosa o kxaice hiasi, Mattao 4:18-22 [93. Jesus calls some Disciples, Motiejus 4:18-22]
45. 094.01. Jesu /a kxace n!haro gukxaosi, Johanne 1:35-51 [094.01. Jesus calls Philip and Nathanael, Jonas 1:35-51]
46. 095.01. Fariseers kesing Sadduseertsi ku gare //koa sa o n≠isi are a khoe se [095.01. The demand for a sign, Motiejus 16:1-12]
47. 095.02. Peter Declared that Jesus is the Messiah, Motiejus 16
48. 095.03. Jesus Predicts His Death, Motiejus 16:21-28
49. 97. Jesu ku du /a Juhsa ≠ai ko //koa Ja'a, Mattao 4:23-25 [97. Jesus Did Good Deeds for Many People, Motiejus 4:23-25]
50. 100. Jesu si kho #uru#uru n//aqesa o tien he kho nxae/kae o ..., Lukah 17:11-19 [100. Ten Healed from Leprosy: Lukas 17:11-19]
51. 103. Jesu si kho n‡ai ‡urua !ah kho kxae maqa /kau, Marku 9:14-29 [103. Jesus Heals a Boy with an unclean spirit, ženklas 9:14-29]
52. 107.01. #oa#oasia o ghua n!a'a kesi Mhari 'm sa #aqbe n!aa, Lukah 15:1-24 [107.01. The Parable of the Lost Sheep and Coin, Lukas 15:1-10]
53. 107.02. ‡oa‡oasia o ba ku kxoa ha !ah tsa, Lukah 15:11-24 [107.02. The Parable of Dingęs sūnus, Lukas 15:11-24]
54. 109. Jesu n≠i !ham a khoe ko tsauh ha !aon te guh tsauah tammadima ko !haì, Luka [109. 109. Jesus raises a dead girl&heals a sick woman, L]
55. 110. Jesu ku n#ai #urua !hoa n#ham, Marku 2:1-12 [110. Jesus Heals a Paralytic, ženklas 2:1-12]
56. 112. esu ku n//hae tca ha te o !han o !xu ma, Johane 5:17-26 [112. The Authority of the Son, Jonas 5:17-26]
57. 114. Jesu n≠ii cuh n≠auh //a//abu ma`qah, Mattao 8:23-27 [114. Jesus Calms a Storm, Motiejus 8:23-27]
58. 115. Jesu /a juhsa n≠i ≠aoa tsama sa o ≠hao ko `msi, Matau 14:13-21 [115. Jesus Feeds the 5000, Matt. 14:13-21]
59. 117. ≠oa≠oasia o !um sa Toto kxao ga, Lukah 18:1-8 [117. The Parable of the Persistent Widow, Lukas 18:1-8]
60. 118. #oa#oasia o Farisaia o #hanu#inx !ahkxao khota #hanu mhari... Lukah 18:9-14 [118. The Pharisee and Tax Collector, Lukas 18:9-14]
61. 119. //koa-kwoasi ko N/eh tuih !ang, Matau 20:1-16 [119. Labourers in the Vineyard, Motiejus 20:1-16]
62. 120. Judesi //kaikxaosi si kho /a khoe ko ≠inx /a Shi !kuh Jesu, Johane 11:45-53 [120. Religious Leaders Decided to kill Jesus, Jonas 11:45-53]
63. 121. #oa#oasia o Laseru khesi !hoa kxae //ai ga, Lukah 16:19-31 [121. The Rich Man And Lazarus, Lukas 16:19-31]
64. 124.01. N//ha ‡asara Joa'u he, Mattao 7:1-12 [124.01. Judging Others, Motiejus 7:1-12]
65. 124.02. !amasia tsema kesi ka ga caoa, Mattao 7: 13-20 [124.02. The Narrow & Wide Gate, Motiejus 7:13-20]
66. 124.03. Tsa'a n/inx du, Mattao 7: 21-19 [124.03. True and False Disciples, Motiejus 7:21-29]
67. 127.01. Jesu ku /a dibi ko jah, Marko 10:13-16 [127.01. Jesus blesses the children, ženklas 10:13-16]
68. 128.01. 128. Ha joe re o !an!anci ko //aikhaoa o n/a’a ga, Mateu 18:1-9 [128.01. The greatest in the kingdom of heaven, Motiejus 18]
69. 06. Jesu ku n!haro ha n!haro gukxaosi ko /xom, Matteu 6:7-15 [130. The Lords Malda, Motiejus 6:7-15]
70. 133. N//ah #inx#inx i!a /esi ko /xhoa, Mattao 6:25-34 [133. Do Not Be Anxious, Motiejus 6:25-34]
71. 134. H'uia kho o !huri !o'o, Lukah 9:28-36 [134. The Transfiguration, Lukas 9:28-36]
72. 136. Jesu !kabi dungi te ku !amg ma Jerusalem n!anx, Mattao 21:1-11 [136. Jesus comes to Jerusalem as King, Motiejus 21:1-11]
73. 138. Jesu ku //hae //aea o kxa/oh toasi ga, Marko 13:1-13 [138. The Destruction of the Temple, ženklas 13:1-13]
74. 140.01. Jesu !kai ku /abe ka le Betanie, Matau 26:1-13 [140.01. Plot to Kill Jesus&Anointed at Bethany,Matt 26:1-13]
75. 140.02. Juda kxoa ≠inxa o Jesu kha !koa//aia, Matau 26:14-25 [140.02. Judas Agrees to Betray Jesus Matt 26:14-25]
76. 140.03. /u'u 'm, Matau 26:26-30 [140.03. The Last Supper, Matt 26:26-30]
77. 140.04. Jesu ku !xaua Petru, Matau 26:31-35 [140.04. Jesus Predicts Peter’s denial, Motiejus 26:31-35]
78. 141. Gaqesia o /u'u 'm #aua ga, Lukah 22:7-23 [141. The Institution of the Last Supper, Lukas 22:7-23]
79. 145.01. Jesu n!unxa Pilatu /a'a n!anx, Mattao 27:11-14 [145.01. Jesus Before Pilate, Motiejus 27:11-14]
80. 145.02. Tshi //ua o Jesu Xristu ga, Mattao 27:32-44 [145.02. The Crucifixion of Jesus, Motiejus 27:32-44]
81. 145.03. Jesu ku !kai, Mattao 27:45-50 [145.03. The Death of Jesus, Motiejus 27:45-50]
82. 145.04. Jesu ama ku !kum ka /e, Mattao 27:57-66 [145.04. The Burial of Jesus, Motiejus 27:57-66]
83. 147. Jesu tsi tsaua !'kai, Mattao 28:1-15 [147. The Resurrection of Jesus, Motiejus 28:1-15]
84. 149. Jesu kho n//ae n/inx tca Maqa Kaqusi te ku tsi..., Handeling 1:3-11 [149. Promise of the Holy Spirit, the Ascension, Aktai 1:3-11]
85. 150. Jesu che !a'a n/aqa, Lukah 24:50-53 [150. The Ascension, Lukas 24:50-53]
86. 151. Jesu n#ai hoa ha /e ko ha n!haro ku kxaosi, Mattao 28:16-20 [151. The Great Commission, Motiejus 28:16-20]
87. 153. Filipu kesi !hoan o Etopia ma, !gusi //koa 8:26-40 [153. Philip and the Ethiopian, Aktai 8:26-40]
88. 155. ≠omkxaosi tsi ni du ≠oah tca Xristus ko o dua, Romeine 15:1-6 [155. The Weak and the Strong, romėnai 15:1-6]
89. 158. !xu o //ah, 1 John 1:5-10 [158. Walking in the Light, 1 Jonas 1:5-10]
90. 160. N/aqa ze khota kxa/o'o ze n//a'a !hoa, //a!oah /a 21:1-8 [160. Future of believers & unbelievers, Apreiškimas 21:1-8]
91. 161.//aikhao /haxua o /xu ga kesi //aikhao /haxua o ghum ga...., N//axua 22 [161.The Throne of God & of the Lamb (Eternity), Rev22:1-21]
92. 164. ≠omkxaosi sao n!haikxaosi sao !xu hesi, Epheser 6:10-20 [164. The armour of God, Efeziečiams 6:10-20]
93. 168. //koa o Maqa gaqa Si ga, Johane 16:5-15 [168. The Work of the Holy Spirit, Jonas 16:5-15]
Pastabos apie įrašą
Jesu koh n!haroh ha n!haroh kuu kxaosi koh n!huri!o, Mattau 5:1-12 ▪ 118. #oah #oahsia o fariseerah o n#anu#i !angkxoa kotaTollenaarah o mari //aih-//aihkxoa kah, Luka 18:9-14 ▪ Jesu n!hua Pilatua o ju n≠`habe n/ho n!ang, Jesu ku tsih ha /ee`e, Jesu ku !aih, Jesu ama`h ku n!hom ka /ee`e ▪ Jesu n#i ho ha /e ko ha n!harokxaosi
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