Classic Nepali Hymns - Nepali: Darjeeling
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Krikščioniškos muzikos, dainų ar giesmių rinkiniai.
Programos numeris: 63958
Programos ilgis: 56:06
Kalbos pavadinimas: Nepali: Darjeeling
Atsisiuntimai ir užsakymas

1. Įvadas and Greeting

2. Daina: When there was the first wedding ▪ Sample version: Nepali (Hindi)

3. Blessed is the one who is married in the Lord ▪ Alternate version: Hindi (Hindi)

4. Lord who shows the perfect love

5. Allow the children to come to me (Hindi)

6. Messiah the caretaker of the church (Hindi)

7. Messiah the caretaker of the church

8. May the Lord bless you and protect you

9. The night when Jesus was arrested, he took bread (Hindi)

10. We sit down to eat by your command (Hindi)

11. Break the bread of life

12. Having a meek and broken soul acccording to Jesus

13. There is no fear in the bosom of Jesus (Hindi)

14. I am going nearer to God

15. As the days are being spent

16. I have go to go to heavenly city

17. Human is dust and flowers which perish quickly (Hindi)

18. Where are you going pilgrims (Hindi)
Pastabos apie įrašą
Also contains songs in Hindi.
Atsisiuntimai ir užsakymas
- Program Set MP3 Audio Zip (77.1MB)
- Program Set Low-MP3 Audio Zip (11.7MB)
- Atsisiųskite M3U grojaraštį
- MP4 Slideshow (28.9MB)
- AVI for VCD Slideshow (16MB)
- 3GP Slideshow (6.3MB)
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