Jisuni Jibon Ase [Summary of ženklas] - Hazong
Ar šis įrašas naudingas?
Biblijos istorijų garso ar vaizdo pristatymai apibendrinta arba interpretuota forma.
Programos numeris: 38013
Programos ilgis: 27:55
Kalbos pavadinimas: Hazong
Atsisiuntimai ir užsakymas

1. The Geros naujienos of Jesus

2. Jesus has power to cast out demons

3. Jesu has the power to heal the sick people

4. Jesus has the power to forgive sins

5. Jesus has power over the storm

6. Jesus has power over death

7. Jesus teaches about clean and unclean

8. Transfiguration of Jesus

9. Jesus enters Jerusalem

10. Jesus inside the temple

11. Jesus teaches about the greatest commandment

12. Betrayal of Jesus

13. Trial of Jesus

14. Jesus before Pilate

15. Pilate orders crucifiction of Jesus

16. Crucifiction of Jesus

17. Burial of Jesus

18. Resurrection of Jesus

19. Telling the Geros naujienos to everyone

20. Gospel Daina in Hajong
Atsisiuntimai ir užsakymas
- Program Set MP3 Audio Zip (30.9MB)
- Program Set Low-MP3 Audio Zip (6.1MB)
- Atsisiųskite M3U grojaraštį
- MP4 Slideshow (15.5MB)
- AVI for VCD Slideshow (8MB)
- 3GP Slideshow (3.1MB)
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