ຕອນນີ້ໜ້ານີ້ບໍ່ມີຢູ່ໃນ ພາສາລາວ.

Fishers, Trainers and Senders (FTS) Ministries, with support received from Global Recording Network Southern Africa, conducted a media follow up to Karonga district with local church leaders of Chilumba and Lupembe Pastors Fraternal. FTS Ministries sent 2 staff members (Dallion Chitekwere and Chikumbutso Lunda).
The main goal on this trip was to follow up on GRN evangelism tools distributed in 2017 by tracking progress and exchange the players loaded with the Kyangonde language which were given to Chilumba Pastors Fraternal and relocate them to the Lu-pembe Pastors
Fraternal where more are well acquainted with Kyangonde.
Six faith leaders have been appointed as a Special Committee for Audio Ministry & General Reporting at Lu-pembe Pastors Fraternal. They will take lead in making sure that reports are reaching FTS offices every 2 months.
Highlights / Strengths / Opportunities
- People are very grateful for the coming of FTS to the area. Among 9 Pastors Fraternal in Karonga, they are the only 2 Pastors Fraternal engaged with FTS,
- Pastors Fraternity groups in Karonga are requesting FTS to start implementing its activities in the area. Specific request on outreaches and further training,
- Training on how to use the evangelism tools have been fully given to both pastors and Sunday school teachers,
- Reporting structure and mechanism have been addressed and steps are in order for channeling reports to FTS office,
- There are more new members in both fraternity groups.
Challenges / Weaknesses / Concerns
- No reports have been given since 2017. Some people compiled reports but could not reach FTS as there were no clear reporting mechanisms in place,
- Follow up and data tracking at Chilumba was not a success as most of these tools have not been used due to language barriers.
- Some pastors are no longer members of Pastors Fraternal which is hard for others to follow up on them,
- Some church leaders have relocated to other areas/districts with the materials,
- 5 players were reported to have been stolen and could not be traced,
- 3 of the returned players are in a condition which can not be given to other users due to misuse by the previous users,
- The inclusion of Kyangonde and Nyakyusa is still a challenge for many around Lupembe Pastors Fraternal. The majority prefers Tumbuka.
Recommendations / Solutions / Way forward
- A template for consolidated reports have been designed and assigned to a special committee that will be channeling reports to FTS through electronic media (Emails & WhatsApp),
- Emphasis has been made that when a church leader who received the materials on behalf of his church is relocating, he/she must leave the materials with congregation and properly communicate his plans to the fraternity,
- The Nyakyusa language must be taken to Kapolo, Songwe and other areas where both languages are not a challenge.
Please pray for the work. The vision of FTS is to saturate Malawi with the Living Word, by placing these audiovisual Bible-based programs in the the most needy hands and in strategic places.