Miracles of Jesus

Miracles of Jesus

Контур: Account of the healing of the paralytic (Mk.2:1-12) and the boy with the demon (Mk. 9:14-27). Emphasis on Christ's power over sickness and sin. Abrupt application.

Скрипт номери: 309

Тил: English

Тема: Christ (Saviour of Sinful Men); Character of God (Power of God / Jesus); Living as a Christian (Forgiveness, Faith, trust, believe in Jesus)

Аудитория: General

Стиль: Monolog

Жанр: Bible Stories & Teac

Максат: Pre-evangelism

Библиядан цитата: Paraphrase

Статус: Approved

Скрипттер башка тилдерге которуу жана жазуу үчүн негизги көрсөтмөлөр болуп саналат. Ар бир маданият жана тил үчүн түшүнүктүү жана актуалдуу болушу үчүн алар зарыл болгон ылайыкташтырылышы керек. Колдонулган кээ бир терминдер жана түшүнүктөр көбүрөөк түшүндүрмөлөрдү талап кылышы мүмкүн, ал тургай алмаштырылышы же толук алынып салынышы мүмкүн.

Скрипт Текст

When Jesus walked here on the earth, He visited many towns, healing the people and teaching the Word of God. One day he arrived at a town named Capernaum. He entered the house of a friend, and soon many people gathered to hear Him. The people crowded around so much that no more would fit, even in the door.

Then four men arrived carrying a paralyzed man on his bed. But there were so many people they could not get in. So they climbed up to the roof and made an opening. With a rope they lowered the lame man to the floor in front of Jesus. When Jesus saw their faith He said to the paralyzed man, "Your sins are forgiven."

Then some men who were there listening thought in themselves, "Why did Jesus say that? Only God can forgive sins. He is making Himself like God."

But Jesus knew what they were thinking and said, "You think I can't forgive this man's sins. You also think it would be hard to heal him. Now I am going to heal him, and you will know that his sins are forgiven too."

Then Jesus spoke to the paralyzed man and said, "Get up, take your bed and walk." And immediately the sick man got up, took his bed and left the house walking perfectly well. This amazed all the people, and many believed on Jesus.

Another day a man came to Jesus with his son who was about 12 years old. The man said to Jesus, "Master, my son has a demon that won't let him hear or speak. And everywhere he throws my son on the ground with convulsions, grinding his teeth, and foaming at his mouth. Sometimes the demon throws him in the water or the fire to kill him."

Jesus asked him, "How long has he been doing this?"

The man answered, "Since he was a child. If you can do something, help us."

"If you can believe, all things are possible," said Jesus.

Then Jesus said to the demon, "You who make this child deaf and dumb, leave this child and don't bother him any more."

Then the demon left the child crying and throwing the child to the ground again. But Jesus took the child by the hand and lifted him up and he was completely healed.

Friends, if Jesus can do this, He can also forgive your sins. By faith believe what Jesus has done, and you will find your life is changed!

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